View Full Version : Anxiety - The Catch 22

04-22-2013, 06:26 PM
I've had a roller coaster past few months. During this time, I've realized the ironic twist to anxiety suffering.

I've often read - those with anxiety are generally more aware of the benign aches, pains, glitches in their bodies; which in turn triggers negative/worrisome thoughts, further triggering increased anxiety and potentially panic (?)

But in my mind, the anxiety - the neurological deficit, causes the physical manifestations doesn't it; and In turn, those physical manifestations, lead to increased anxiety and/or panic?

So, it seems like a strictly organic disease or chemical imbalance of the brain in it's essence.

My physical manifestations - i.e. symptoms (labored breathing, rubbery legs, feeling out of it, etc) are the direct cause of my panic. Without these physical symptoms, my anxiety shouldn't theoretically exist; since I'd have no strange or worrisome physical symptoms - I'd feel healthy.

I remember what life was like before panic attacks, and the only difference or change I can see is how my brain handles external stressors - now vs. than.

I wouldn't have anxiety, if my brain simply stopped creating those physical symptoms.

Oh well, I don't even know where I'm going with this anymore; trying to appear and live normally everyday, with all that's going on is really starting to wear me out.

I honestly did have a direction I was going with this....but I lost it.

04-22-2013, 08:55 PM
I know, , it's a bunch of Bullsh** Isnt it?? I mean WTF!? If only my physical symptoms would just stop for a few days or a week I am sure I would be just fine and could move on with my life, , ahhh... my life, , it wasn't anything special, , I wasn't all that happy even, maybe somewhat content, , but this is hell. What you and I need to keep telling ourselves is that it will get better, , that this is only temporary, that things will improve themselves over time. To be honest that's the only thing that's keeping me going right now, , is knowing that this will eventually pass and that I will then be able to resume my life once again. So keep your head up!! Try not worrying about the physical symptoms so much (yeah, , like I can follow my own advice), , you're best bet at getting over this and moving on is learning to accept these physical symptoms and not worrying about them and trying to move forward with your life and eventually they will go away and you will get better, , basically everything I have read has said this as well as what I have heard from ones here on the forum...I'll keep you posted

04-22-2013, 11:10 PM
Anxiety is not so complex. It's a bluff that you keep falling for. You are frightened and you feed the fear. Your nervous system is exhausted so set on high which makes the fight or flight response easy to be triggered. Adrenaline rushes through your blood and you feel its symptoms so you freak out and think you are dying or going crazy. Fear makes you have more fear and you keep feeding it. You add 2nd fear to the original fear which feeds a vicious cycle. You breathe more because you think you can't get enough oxygen which causes you to blow out too much CO2 which causes dizzyness, light headedness, and pins and needles in your limbs and makes you feel worse. Then you breathe more and more to get more oxygen which further makes the problem worse. That is the mystery of it all. It's a load of crap and has no importance with anything. It isn't a disease, it isn't an imbalance in your brain. It's fucking stupid and total bullshit and that is how you should treat it. Stop thinking things are being done to you and start realizing you have the power and the control and you can be in the driver's seat. You are not a victim.

04-23-2013, 07:58 AM
Panic cured, to me it seems your talking more about a panic attack. The adrenaline rush, heart racing, fight or flight....

I've been close to panic attacks, but I recognize them for what they are. I've been blessed to not let them become attacks. However, what I haven't been able to stop is the worry or constant thoughts about being terminally ill. Sadly, it's all around me. Friend after friend being diagnosed with cancer. It makes it hard for me to NOT think about. I sometimes see it as a sign. This will be me. I need to prepare myself for it. Anyway, I don't really get the panic, just the worry, fear, what ifs... How do I treat that?

Right now I'm doing exposure therapy. In the past I'd allow myself to get so worked up over something and I'd go in to see my doc. And I'd take Xanax. And I'd talk about it to anyone that would listen. Now I keep my mouth shut, no meds, no doc. I have to sit in my thoughts, allow myself to work it out. It's not easy. The thoughts of terminal illness plague me. They are constant.

What advice can you offer?

04-23-2013, 09:42 AM
Defmunel, I just chanced upon this thread, and your post about terminal illness. I am a 25 year old who dwells on this issue very often too. I am 25! I still have a ways to go, and I worry about death. I think all people worry about death, but thinking about it like that leads to deeper feelings of urgency/hopelessness when you have anxiety/depression. I like to think of death as a doorway into a new life. Rebirth, your second wind. Wherever it is, it is most likely happier than we make ourselves by worrying our current one away. : )

04-23-2013, 08:13 PM
Bump for Panic cured...

04-23-2013, 09:12 PM
I can absolutely relate to what you're saying. It's horrible and self-perpetuating. I don't think I would have anxiety without the physical symptoms, but it's very hard to accept that the symptoms are caused by anxiety. I always find myself thinking about my life before this all started for me and it's so hard to accept that I may never feel that way again.

04-23-2013, 11:11 PM
I keep saying same thing, but our anxiety may not be based on true fears and panic attacks may not be based on true fears, but we can only try other people's ideas and for cure and because they work for one person dies not mean they would work for all, because all individual how we cope with trying ways to get better and all different in reasons for untrue fear or panic. All we can do is try advice we think will help and try to get through it in best way we can.
This forum is here for kindness and support and talk to people who understand, and helpful advice.
It is a really good forum and don't be put off talking on it just because someone thinks he has all the answers and is often not kind in ways he says it.
He even draws me into arguing back when I just try to ignore his comments. Shame, if he would just speak kindly to everyone, especially new people, he does have some points worth listening to which might help some of us.
But if he had all the answers to everyone's problems he would be God and no more need for books, psychiatrists etc!

04-24-2013, 01:01 AM
I keep saying same thing, but our anxiety may not be based on true fears and panic attacks may not be based on true fears, but we can only try other people's ideas and for cure and because they work for one person dies not mean they would work for all, because all individual how we cope with trying ways to get better and all different in reasons for untrue fear or panic. All we can do is try advice we think will help and try to get through it in best way we can.
This forum is here for kindness and support and talk to people who understand, and helpful advice.
It is a really good forum and don't be put off talking on it just because someone thinks he has all the answers and is often not kind in ways he says it.
He even draws me into arguing back when I just try to ignore his comments. Shame, if he would just speak kindly to everyone, especially new people, he does have some points worth listening to which might help some of us.
But if he had all the answers to everyone's problems he would be God and no more need for books, psychiatrists etc!

I agree :-)

04-24-2013, 01:02 AM
I keep saying same thing, but our anxiety may not be based on true fears and panic attacks may not be based on true fears, but we can only try other people's ideas and for cure and because they work for one person dies not mean they would work for all, because all individual how we cope with trying ways to get better and all different in reasons for untrue fear or panic. All we can do is try advice we think will help and try to get through it in best way we can.
This forum is here for kindness and support and talk to people who understand, and helpful advice.
It is a really good forum and don't be put off talking on it just because someone thinks he has all the answers and is often not kind in ways he says it.
He even draws me into arguing back when I just try to ignore his comments. Shame, if he would just speak kindly to everyone, especially new people, he does have some points worth listening to which might help some of us.
But if he had all the answers to everyone's problems he would be God and no more need for books, psychiatrists etc!

I agree .... :-)

04-24-2013, 09:27 AM
Defmunel, My Panic Attacks, depression, phobia about health ( call it what you may ) started within 6months to a year ( very atypical ) after my mother died. She was diagnosed with Liver Cancer on April 30th and died on. May 21 ( 3 weeks)Needless to say that freaked me out and that coupled with the fact that I was very close to her really caused some horrific anxiety etc.) I have a white coat hypertension when I go to a Dr./ hospital many people do. Death/ Illness Anxiety is very common when you are experiencing people sick/ dying in your life.This is most probably rooted in " separation" anxiety from those you love, fear of death, or simply loss of control ( a very real issue with most that suffer anxiety- the fear of losing control. Bottom line- you simply can't control life and will most likely spend a lot of wasted time trying. Bottom line- People can and do get Cancer, you may as well ,but Cancer is both treatable and curable and the odds are you will NOT get sick.Given that I have some of these same issues I will tell you strengthening spiritual connections will help. My mother used to tell me this one quote " the things we worry most about in life don't happen and then we are " blindsided" by something on a Tuesday Afternoon " . Now I don't mean to frighten you but my experience in life is that this is the reality.By focuses on an idea that everything happens for a reason you release a lot of " pointless" negative energy and accept that you can't, nor would you want to, control everything in your life.Close the door ( hear it slam in your head) when you start obsessing about illness. Say to,yourself this is just my fear acting up. I am just afraid of the unknown, that's all.Also the unknown isn't bad, it's just that you are not familiar with it so you can't control it, you make it bigger then it is....you give it power.Release that power, that need to control to your Higher Power, the Universe whatever. You are healthy :)

04-24-2013, 09:56 AM
Lin, You are right. The one thing that people need to understand is that Anxiety, Depression, Phobias are indeed" individualized" and what works for one may not work for another.My feelings are, after years of experiencing highs and lows of anxiety and becoming aware of triggers. I feel quite comfortable in saying that anxiety is deep rooted in our thoughts. Our thoughts, our memories are our own and need to be addressed individually. PanicCured offers sound advice on how to stop Anxiety in its tracks. I agree with them on many of their suggestions " however" the attack is most probably a result of something VERY individual. You may successfully stop Panic Attacks momentarily but don't be surprised if in 6 months you have Peptic Ulcers or Horrific Migraines. Dealing with things that are troubling you is more effective in the long run. Getting in touch with your true feelings and especially low self esteem ( for whatever reason). Work on positive thoughts, surround yourself with positive people. When someone says something negative about you, calmly say to yourself and to them " that is your opinion and really is none of my business , I have my own opinion of who I am. People tear down individuals that are vulnerable. They look for " weak or soft spots". Indifference stops a bully in their tracks, bullies feed off of another's pain. Care more in life what you think of yourself, not what others think of you. This forum is about support, designed to be a place of solace and respite . None of us should lose sight of that. We often get frustrated when we feel we have the answers to what will help another but the reality is that person you're
trying to help needs to be confident and comfortable with your suggestions, that is the first step in recovery

04-24-2013, 09:34 PM
First off, you can't stop yourself from having panic attacks by recognizing them, it sounds like you have generalized anxiety or "free form" anxiety and you are a hypochondriac. The only way to fight hypochondria is head on because unfortunately death is inevitable and illness is common so running from it is useless. As early as 9 I would beg my dad to get me tested for HIV, and I'm 22 now and my whole life has been 6 month intervals of different terminal illnesses, I'm my head I've had every disease known to man. My advice, go to doctor and get a full battery of tests. When everything comes out clear, change your life habits to make your body as resistant to illness as possible. Change your diet, workout regularly, etc. fearing illness is a bitch, but illness is something you can physically get an answer to.


04-24-2013, 10:57 PM
Thanks Judie for understanding. My problems have always been hormone based and you cannot stop something like that from happening. It causes depression and then the anxiety comes from either wrong tablets or your head just struggles with something for a while and panic sets in., I rely on my psychiatrist and Dr to help me and they also encourage meditation, reflexology and essential oils which all help too. I will try anything suggested to help me get through these terrible times and once hormones settle down I come off all tablets and resume life, but often life is a bit different as i don't always go back to everything i had been doing before. Don't think my knees will allow me to go back to as much exercise as before as i have had to have an operation on each knee this time, but hoping once head allows, to get back to long walks and swimming (even if not breaststroke now) and exercise bike, but perhaps not the gym as well. But meditation and helping run an evening peer support group will probably replace the cub pack I ran for 13 years before this bout started in march 2011. But not always bad to start new things, although hoping to cope with old full time pressured job again soon.

04-24-2013, 11:10 PM
Abc, I have to respectfully disagree with you. You absolutely CAN stop panic attacks by recognizing them. I'm proof of it. When I feel panic coming on, I recognize it for what it is, quickly use rational thoughts, and the attack ceases.

Now, I realize that death is inevitable. And it's true that I am afraid of death. I am afraid of getting a terminal illness. I suppose the reason I fear all of this is because I don't feel ready to leave this earth yet. I'm young, and I feel like I have so much more life to live.

My faith brings me some peace, but this is definitely a very difficult hurdle for me to jump.

04-24-2013, 11:34 PM
Abc, I have to respectfully disagree with you. You absolutely CAN stop panic attacks by recognizing them. I'm proof of it. When I feel panic coming on, I recognize it for what it is, quickly use rational thoughts, and the attack ceases.

Now, I realize that death is inevitable. And it's true that I am afraid of death. I am afraid of getting a terminal illness. I suppose the reason I fear all of this is because I don't feel ready to leave this earth yet. I'm young, and I feel like I have so much more life to live.

My faith brings me some peace, but this is definitely a very difficult hurdle for me to jump.

Not to be picky and technical but what I mean when I say you can't stop a panic attack is different then abating anticipatory anxiety. Yes using rational thought and cognitive positivity can stop anticipatory from causing an attack, but for the group of panic suffers who have strict panic disorder in which out of the blue with no prior anxiety they are in full fledge panic, by definition it is impossible to stop this on your own. By definition the attack is because the rational part of your mind has given into the irrational fears and no longer can divide rational and irrational. I've stopped my car in the middle of the highway and got out of my car before. Without medication, I must either endure them and let them pass, or take a Xanax to restore my adrenaline levels and calm my nervous system.