View Full Version : Anxiety rehab

04-22-2013, 06:06 PM
I think maybe rehab is the only chance I have of getting better. I'm just getting worse every day. I'm not myself and I'm so afraid of everything. I'm hurting myself and my relationships with everyone around me. My boyfriend is close to breaking up with me because I'm so afraid of everything. Does anyone know anything about anxiety rehab or anything? I'm on Paxil and I sees therapist but I'm just constantly getting worse. I can't stay this way any more. I hate the person I have become because of anxiety. I use to always be happy and care free. Now I'm not even happy and I'm always worried. Something needs to change.

04-22-2013, 06:30 PM
Well at this point I think you should ask your doc about a benzo like ativan for severe or debilitating anxiety. You need to break the cycle of anxiety at this point and if the paxil isn't cutting it it might be time to try something else. If you have more panic symptoms ask about ativan. If you suffer more from GAD type anxiety as about klonopin. Not to push them but there is a time for these meds, You've suffered plenty already. Alankay

04-22-2013, 07:16 PM
Only problem is I can't take pills. My anxiety is getting really bad and out of control.

04-22-2013, 07:23 PM
Before anxiety I could not swallow pills. So I can't swallow them. Also for the rehab just somewhere where I can go and get help everyday to get better.

04-22-2013, 07:36 PM
In my opinion "Rehab" as you describe it would be the worst possible thing for you to do. As an anxiety sufferer you need to be surrounded with people you love. Even if your condition as worsened i am sure the understand. If it is the case of people around you not understanding your condition and not really contributing to you getting well maybe a sit down with them and describing your condition, how you feel what you need from them will help these things. If your boyfriend is close to breaking up with you because you are going through a difficult episode of anxiety i say he is not worth it anyway in my opinion. Pills can be crushed up and mixed with water for consumption. hope you feel better soon.

04-22-2013, 07:54 PM
In my opinion "Rehab" as you describe it would be the worst possible thing for you to do. As an anxiety sufferer you need to be surrounded with people you love. Even if your condition as worsened i am sure the understand. If it is the case of people around you not understanding your condition and not really contributing to you getting well maybe a sit down with them and describing your condition, how you feel what you need from them will help these things. If your boyfriend is close to breaking up with you because you are going through a difficult episode of anxiety i say he is not worth it anyway in my opinion. Pills can be crushed up and mixed with water for consumption. hope you feel better soon.

My boyfriend is very upset with me but he doesn't understand how I feel. No one in my family understands either. My dad doesn't want to believe and refuses too. Everyone else I have explained it to but they just look at me with a blank stare because they don't understand how I think and how my anxiety is the way it is.

04-22-2013, 08:02 PM
Ask about an oral disintegrating klonopin wafer. Melts away in your mouth. This will not cause anxiety but reduce it quickly. They even make suppositories I'm pretty sure. These'a an answer out ther for you. Alankay

04-22-2013, 08:16 PM
Ask about an oral disintegrating klonopin wafer. Melts away in your mouth. This will not cause anxiety but reduce it quickly. They even make suppositories I'm pretty sure. These'a an answer out ther for you. Alankay

Thanks. When I talked to my doctor she said the only thing they had was Paxil because its the only thing that comes in liquid so I didn't know there was anything else.

04-22-2013, 08:25 PM
I can relate to the father situation. Only it been with my mother instead. In this case i would still try to sit everyone down and explain to them again try using a more subtle approach. Point them to scientific documents so they cannot deny its existence. Explain how terrified it makes you feel. Try to reassure them you are not seeking attention or anything along those lines that close minded people think along. Maybe go further a field to your Nan, Granddad or Aunt an Uncle or Boyfriend's parents (assuming you have these i don't know your family structure). This may seem like a crazy thing to do at first but give them a chance and you may find something there. Failing this try going to group therapy sessions or group meetings there are regular meetings in most areas in most country's so there is no excuse why you could not attend one and make new friends that understand how you are and how you are suffering. You seem to be suffering more because of the attitudes around you and the none existent help your receiving. I do not think rehab in the sense of going away to a building filled be psychologists that over analyze everything to the nth degree and doctors who want to try every new pill out on you will help. you need to be in a helpful environment surrounded by people in a similar situation hope this helps. keep strong.

04-22-2013, 08:43 PM
I can relate to the father situation. Only it been with my mother instead. In this case i would still try to sit everyone down and explain to them again try using a more subtle approach. Point them to scientific documents so they cannot deny its existence. Explain how terrified it makes you feel. Try to reassure them you are not seeking attention or anything along those lines that close minded people think along. Maybe go further a field to your Nan, Granddad or Aunt an Uncle or Boyfriend's parents (assuming you have these i don't know your family structure). This may seem like a crazy thing to do at first but give them a chance and you may find something there. Failing this try going to group therapy sessions or group meetings there are regular meetings is most areas in most country's so there is no excuse why you could not attend one and make new friends that understand how you are and how you are suffering. You seem to be suffering more because of the attitudes around you and the none existent help your receiving. I do not think rehab in the sense of going away to a building filled be psychologists that over analyze everything to the nth degree and doctors who want to try every new pill out on you will help. you need to be in a helpful environment surrounded by people in a similar situation hope this helps. keep strong.

Thanks it does. I will try and find a group therapy so I can talk to others.

04-22-2013, 10:26 PM
I hope you find something that works for you whether that maybe rehab or meds, i feel like i need to go to a place where there a bunch of anxiety sufferers, that way you would know that everybody understands.. You hang in there.. I hope it all works out for you.

04-22-2013, 11:03 PM
If you just followed what I wrote in my threads in the stickies to the letter, you would be better. But you keep searching for someone or something to fix you instead. You need to fix yourself. You can go on more or different meds if you want. That's what they are there for. But it will not substitute for the work you need to do to get better.

Just do something similar to this: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?8633-Techniques-I-Used-to-Overcome-My-Panic-Anxiety-Disorder

When you feel panic coming on do this:


Take these supplements:


If you actually read the books I told you to read and practiced the things I told you to practice, you would be much better. You need to save yourself! Which you can totally do!

04-22-2013, 11:04 PM
I hope you find something that works for you whether that maybe rehab or meds, i feel like i need to go to a place where there a bunch of anxiety sufferers, that way you would know that everybody understands.. You hang in there.. I hope it all works out for you.

Thanks and yeah that would be nice

04-23-2013, 12:34 AM
Do what is best 4u ... We are all diff on here and are at diff levels & diff places within our lives so one thing may wrk for one person and not for another ... It's nice just to have the support / understanding on here

04-23-2013, 01:19 AM
I agree with Locksey everyone is different and needs to listen to lots of people for advice and decide what is best for them.

In the past for anxiety and depression I have tried the following:
Tablets - anti depressants and benzos
No tablets
Herbal remedies
Reflexology and Crystal Gem Therapy
Recovery and Wellbeing Tool Kit Courses
Peer Support Groups

This time I have tried all of the above and have found benefits from each one at different times.
Hospital and retreats can give you a complete break if you need it from relationships. Hospital is best if you have bad thoughts you are going to act on and retreats are best for relaxation and getting away from everything.
Tablets can help get you through difficult times easier, or sometimes the side effects can be worse, so you have to find the right tablets.
Meditation is brilliant - in groups or on your own. It can help you to relax when you need to and if taught it can change the way you look at things for the rest of your life so that you enjoy life and see it with different eyes.
Reflexology is brilliant for relaxing and can cure your medical problems.
NHS or Mental Health Service courses on mindfulness and recovery etc are excellent - you learn techniques to help you and you also meet people who understand what you are going through so you make friends for help and support.
Peer Support Groups supported by the Mental Health Service are good too - you can talk to people you find with similar problems to you and who can help and advise you, and also can make friends at these for help and support.

So I would say try anything which you are offered to help. Your GP will be able to help you find access to any of these things and it is best to find the thing which works best for you, your illness, and your relationships.

As Locksey said we are all individuals so you need to listen to lots of people and take what advice helps you.

04-23-2013, 02:25 AM
I would agree with PanicCured almost literally what his links in his post say is what I've already been doing and I'm so optimistic for my recovery. I'm on my 5th month of anxiety and I started doing the amino acids and supplementation of vitamins and good eating along with some positive thinking, I've tried a meditation app once, lots of water and all these things for about 2 -3 months now. And I'm beginning to feel good. When I first felt better in January I stopped taking vitamins and the anxiety came back. So I started again and then got lazy again, same thing happened. The third time I started taking vitamins and then I found out about the amino acids and I haven't stopped. Every time I've relapsed into anxiety the symptoms were weaker than the previous relapse. I hope this means I'm recovering.

04-23-2013, 03:10 AM
Thank you everyone. I will defiantly try these things.

04-23-2013, 03:41 AM
This is what you guys don't get, we are all the same. There is no unique mysterious anxiety thing specific to you. That is why almost every book, therapy, or anything related to heal anxiety all pretty much say the same thing. Unless you have a real medical condition, it's not so different. Someone might say face the anxiety and others may say let it go, but even that isn't so different. There are some medical conditions that may be unique and are a much deeper issue. But if we are talking anxiety disorder and frequent panic attacks and that is what it is, it's all pretty much the same. Same problem, same treatment. Luckily I list about 50 different treatments in my threads and pretty much almost everything you would come across if you researched it anyway. You guys just can't admit the truth to yourselves. There are different reasons why people got anxiety in the first place, but chemically it's the same thing. You just think that you have this unique illness that doctor's haven't discovered yet, and that you have this weird exotic disease that is happening to you, and it comes on for absolutely no reason at all and attacks you and you are victim to this monster. This is all denial.

I showed you how to get better, and it is your fault if you don't do it. It will work if you take what I say and make it your own if your problem is in fact anxiety. But all I really did, was point you in the direction of the experts and the rest is up to you.

Anxiety is not some crazy disease that is happening to you. You created it and you can get rid of it. You are doing it to yourself. You trigger the fight of flight response every time. The initial anxiety feelings are caused from your nervous system, but you stressed yourself out to the point where this happens to you. The GAD then turns to panic from you! Go read any book on anxiety and tell me they don't also tell you this. I bet your doctor is telling you this. You are the only one who can turn it around. Stop thinkign a doctor can cure your anxiety if all you have is anxiety. They can only give you meds to help you function but the anxiety will just get buried.

Think about it. Use your brains guys. Nothing you ever feared would happen actually ever happened. You live in a "What if?" world. And it never ever happens. Am I wrong? Has any of your fears happened? When the initial anxiety feelings come up, the worst thing you can do is follow those demons. They will lead you down to the darkside. Let them go and do not latch on to them. That is how you re-train your brain to not be in this habit of seeking shelter. FIGHT OR FLIGHT. GET IT? You are telling your brain to FLIGHT! Anxiety is simply the biological FLIGHT response!

Make a goal to cure this. To get better. Understand you have the power go get better and you can heal your body so it isn't so nervous and you can control if you panic or not. Put yourself in the control seat and just get better. It is little by little over time so you can't expect instant results. But if you make a commitment to overcome it, and commit 24/7, then all the things you need will come to you to get better.

Stop playing victim. Stop not taking responsibility for your part in it. Stop acting like I am talking Greek here and you have something so incredibly unique and special. Guess what? You're not special. Just someone who has nervous illness. No go listen to Claire Weekes, David johnson, Charles Linden or whoever you want and do what they say.

04-23-2013, 05:44 AM
Ativan/klonopin can be dissolved under the tongue and there is even liquids for others like valium, etc. Believe me if you were just struggling a bit I'd say hold off on the benzos and try a higher dose of paxil or another ssri but if your anxiety is severe and effecting life/work/relationships, it's time to try a benzo as they provide rapid relief and are generally well tolerated and safe when taken as rx'ed. PM me any time. Alankay

04-23-2013, 10:27 AM
At panic cured ... U prob have got sum good threads and info etc but 2b honest I think it's maybe the way u cum across .. If u spoke diff then more pple may actually listen

04-23-2013, 01:19 PM
I personally like his delivery. He's giving you all the info you need. You can tell in his delivery that he's serious about trying to help you out. It just seems like everyone wants the miracle one day cure that their never going to find because they rather not work for their life back. I can see why he'd be frustrated by it

04-23-2013, 02:27 PM
I agree locksey

04-23-2013, 07:54 PM
I personally like his delivery. He's giving you all the info you need. You can tell in his delivery that he's serious about trying to help you out. It just seems like everyone wants the miracle one day cure that their never going to find because they rather not work for their life back. I can see why he'd be frustrated by it

Yes you are right. It gets frustrating when people won't own up and GET IT. Look at Alfred. He understands what I am saying, doesn't argue with me about my tone or methods, doesn't make excuses, doesn't care about my delivery or any of that bullshit. Look what he said:

"And I'm beginning to feel good."

I thought you guys wanted to get better so I told you how. My mistake. Who gives a shit about " the way u cum across" and why do you keep typing cum?
You got to love people who are arguing with the guy who tells them how to get better. I am convinced some of you do not want to get better. Your anxiety has become part of your identity, and losing it makes you feel like you are losing yourself, so although you don't like being this way, you will fight anyone who gives you the idea that you need to do the work yourself and admit that you are your own worst enemy. That's why Alfred is better and not you. All they had to do was do what I tell them and they'll be better. Funny!

04-23-2013, 08:26 PM
Panic... Yea right "people want anxiety and don't want to be cured" lol I'm sure that's the problem!! With my anxiety it's off and on I can go 6 yrs and not have anxiety and then it's back out of the blue. I'm not on meds I'm doing it on my own. Everyone is different and everyone reacts different to anxiety it not anyone's fault if they can't get rid of their anxiety and may have a reason it's there you don't know!!!

04-23-2013, 09:00 PM
Hun, please take a second to enertain the thought of taking something that will give you relief....Ativan is such a tiny pill. They even have it sublingualy, meaning you put it under the tongue and it melts.

I had a full scale panic attack today and I wAs so glad that I had an Ativan handy. It was suCh a releif...it calmed me down so I could think straight and eat something, whiCh I hadn't eaten all day till 10 pm cuz of the anxiety. Sometimes we have to leave our comfort zones in order to get better. Not easy but doable :)

I truly feel for you, as I know anxiety all to well. XO

04-23-2013, 09:52 PM
Yeah forwells you are right and you are just saying what I said. So these people arguing with me here is like you telling an alcoholic they need to go to AA and do the 12 Step Program and them telling you, "Just because AA and the 12 steps worked for you, doesn't mean it will work for me. We are all different." and instead of admitting they are alcoholics and getting treatment, they just organize their lives around their alcoholism and heavy drinking instead of getting on the 12 step path to health. And when you try to push them to an AA meeting they fight you. Some want to get better, but they really don't subconsciously. They only want to find ways to live with anxiety because they feel it is happening to them rather than they have any control to conquer it.

Great analogy Forwellis!

Luckily there are many sensible people here who simply just shut up and follow what I say and then they write me how grateful they are and how much better they are that I simply outlined the path for them. The others, Screw' em! I don't care!

04-24-2013, 12:49 AM
Although i think you know that i agree with what you say i really think you miss something which you sort of picked up on here .

Its not a matter about what needs to be done but more so getting there. Yes there are people that seem to come across like they don't want to be healed but i don't believe this is the case . I think it is as you mentioned that it has become part of them and its also what they have been made to believe.

Look at it like a alcoholic . They know what they are doing is harming them and that they need to change but they cant . Why is this so different than anxiety? . Anxiety is a addiction in many ways , It is only when someone decides to change that change happens . You can tell a alcoholic to stop drinking until your blue in the face.

But in saying that everybody can change or adapt . Some one that may have had anxiety for a short time is going to change faster than someone that has had it for years and comes to believe that this is just who they are . Imagine how hard it would be to change when all your life all your learned was anxiety . No impossible but bloody hard work.

I personally believe that anxiety on a mental level is very curable . You can have many of the symptoms without the anxiety that is behind it . This is the first stage of recovery, admitting there is a problem . Second is getting to the cause of those symptoms and this is very personal and it could be anything from a unhealthy lifestyle , the people around you , the way you grew up , coming to terms with something that may have happened to the chemicals in your body playing up. It could be many different things and no two will ever be the same.

As i said i think what you miss is that its not about treating the anxiety but treating the cause . A alcoholic can stop drinking but needs to find the reason they feel the need to numb things with grog and fix it in order to fully heal .

I do believe that what you speak of can cure people as my way did me but its about getting to the cause to cure it because no matter what you take weather natural or drugs your only covering it until the cause is found and fixed .

If it is in someones make up and not something they can control as much then it needs to be manage by choosing to do better things. Maybe they just need to learn to take a different road in life .

U say it sooooo much better .... :-)

04-24-2013, 01:35 AM
Can you all please stop fighting on this thread or I will delete it. There is no need to fight we are here to help each other. Everyone has their own opinion so we don't need to fight.

04-24-2013, 03:46 AM
Im sick to death of coming on this forum for support ect and all some people do is bloody Argue and carry on!! Stop it and support each other..... Thank you :-(

04-24-2013, 03:48 AM
Panic cured is one if them!!

04-24-2013, 04:26 AM
I don't like to argue either I'm here for support not someone telling me anxiety is my fault

04-24-2013, 06:16 AM
EVERY case of anxiety is different in it exact symptoms, course and treatment(s). Unless one has some other additional mental disorder, everyone here seems to understand that. Alankay

04-24-2013, 04:05 PM
There are only so many things you could do. There isn't that many different approaches and I have listed most of the non medical approaches out there in my threads. If everyone is so different than why does EVERY doctor treat it the exact same way? Benzos, SSRIs, CBT, or whatever. 100 people go to one MD and how many different treatments you think the doctor will dish out? Each of the 100 absolute different treatment? Don;t think so! Not too many. The treatment is pretty much the same for everyone, or better said, there are only a few approaches to chose from anyway. There aren't 5,000 absolutely different treatments. You guys just don't get it! If you got it then you'd be better. I know what Im talking about. If you just followed what I said then most of you would be better regardless of how unique and different you think you are.

04-24-2013, 05:03 PM
No one needs to be told off and 'screw them' especially when suffering from anxiety. I find it hard to believe anyone wants their anxiety. The days when my anxiety is not there or non existant, I am so relieved and happy hoping beyond hope that it is gone for good...but of course it comes back :( There are underlying reasons for anxiety sometimes, like childhood abuse of all kinds. And many things potentially can trigger anxiety or panic.
There are other treatments, many such as accupuncture, homeopathics, hypnosis, etc.

I am happy that Panic Cured is cured and found his key to relieving his anxiety, however the argumentative words and tone like just shut up and listen, is counter productive. And is some only listen to his suggestions, then so be it. Let it go Panic, Accept the thing you cannot change: others. Courage to change the things you can: yourself and wisdom is needed to know the difference.

I have taken some of Panics suggestions, however there are things that medically I cannot take. I need to tailor things to my best interest. And I have seen progress.

People will be helped more, with a more respectful tone. I assume that is what he would like to do. The tone that a bit of empathy or compassion is mixed with the messege is the one that people will consider, and perhaps try. A ""Thou shalt listen to me!" Delivery for ppl with anxiety, will land on deaf ears for the most part. Anger is the flip side to fear and anxiety, same coin.
I do say this with respect to all.

04-24-2013, 05:09 PM
No one needs to be told off and 'screw them' especially when suffering from anxiety. I find it hard to believe anyone wants their anxiety. The days when my anxiety is not there or non existant, I am so relieved and happy hoping beyond hope that it is gone for good...but of course it comes back :( There are underlying reasons for anxiety sometimes, like childhood abuse of all kinds. And many things potentially can trigger anxiety or panic.
There are other treatments, many such as accupuncture, homeopathics, hypnosis, etc.

I am happy that Panic Cured is cured and found his key to relieving his anxiety, however the argumentative words and tone like just shut up and listen, is counter productive. And is some only listen to his suggestions, then so be it. Let it go Panic, Accept the thing you cannot change: others. Courage to change the things you can: yourself and wisdom is needed to know the difference.

I have taken some of Panics suggestions, however there are things that medically I cannot take. I need to tailor things to my best interest. And I have seen progress.

People will be helped more, with a more respectful tone. I assume that is what he would like to do. The tone that a bit of empathy or compassion is mixed with the messege is the one that people will consider, and perhaps try. A ""Thou shalt listen to me!" Delivery for ppl with anxiety, will land on deaf ears for the most part. Anger is the flip side to fear and anxiety, same coin.
I do say this with respect to all.

......... :-)

04-24-2013, 05:10 PM
No one needs to be told off and 'screw them' especially when suffering from anxiety. I find it hard to believe anyone wants their anxiety. The days when my anxiety is not there or non existant, I am so relieved and happy hoping beyond hope that it is gone for good...but of course it comes back :( There are underlying reasons for anxiety sometimes, like childhood abuse of all kinds. And many things potentially can trigger anxiety or panic.
There are other treatments, many such as accupuncture, homeopathics, hypnosis, etc.

I am happy that Panic Cured is cured and found his key to relieving his anxiety, however the argumentative words and tone like just shut up and listen, is counter productive. And is some only listen to his suggestions, then so be it. Let it go Panic, Accept the thing you cannot change: others. Courage to change the things you can: yourself and wisdom is needed to know the difference.

I have taken some of Panics suggestions, however there are things that medically I cannot take. I need to tailor things to my best interest. And I have seen progress.

People will be helped more, with a more respectful tone. I assume that is what he would like to do. The tone that a bit of empathy or compassion is mixed with the messege is the one that people will consider, and perhaps try. A ""Thou shalt listen to me!" Delivery for ppl with anxiety, will land on deaf ears for the most part. Anger is the flip side to fear and anxiety, same coin.
I do say this with respect to all.

............ :-)

04-24-2013, 05:36 PM
I have taken some of Panics suggestions, however there are things that medically I cannot take. I need to tailor things to my best interest. And I have seen progress.

Yes Captain Obvious! I don't expect everyone to do everything I say. You just do things similar to what I did in the same vain. Not everything. You can't do everything. Just use it as a template and make it your own! My god you guys are just so clueless! I give up! I don't even care if you guys get better.

When I had anxiety I went on this forum and a guy said he cured his anxiety and how he did it. Then I followed exactly what he did. I wasn't an asshole telling him he didn't know anything. You guys are unbelievable! If someone told me what to do I just did it. I knew that if I had the answers I would not be in this position.

Oh please I am completely frustrated by the stupidity and stubbornness here. Many sick people do not want to get better subconciously although consciously they might. They identify with their disease and they do not want to lose it. You guys that don't follow what I say and keep arguing with me are absolutely ridiculous! I tried helping people with a nice tone and after many tries of beating my head against a wall I am sick of it. While you worry about my tone or how things are said you still have anxiety. Just follow what I said and stop harping on that I didn't caress you and hold your hand and coddle you. Has any coddling and hand holding cured anyone's anxiety? I am telling you directly what you need to do for free and trying to help and you guys just jeep arguing with me.

You know best but you are not better! Ungrateful jerks you guys are! Dumb dumb dumb!

04-24-2013, 05:40 PM
If we are all so ungrateful why don't u just b quiet then !!!

04-24-2013, 06:21 PM
...;😣......... ¯\_( ツ)_/¯

04-24-2013, 06:38 PM
Can you all please stop fighting on this thread or I will delete it. There is no need to fight we are here to help each other. Everyone has their own opinion so we don't need to fight.

Is there such a thing??? I feel like I need an anxiety rehab too! I can't take meds either but only because I'm terrified of meds! I read too much negative stories on prescription meds an after 2 tries I ended up in the hospital! :( I wish everyone could overcome this! I don't like reading everyone's stories! Because I can relate an Its torture! I really hope you get better soon!


04-24-2013, 11:13 PM
Yes Captain Obvious! I don't expect everyone to do everything I say. You just do things similar to what I did in the same vain. Not everything. You can't do everything. Just use it as a template and make it your own! My god you guys are just so clueless! I give up! I don't even care if you guys get better.

When I had anxiety I went on this forum and a guy said he cured his anxiety and how he did it. Then I followed exactly what he did. I wasn't an asshole telling him he didn't know anything. You guys are unbelievable! If someone told me what to do I just did it. I knew that if I had the answers I would not be in this position.

Oh please I am completely frustrated by the stupidity and stubbornness here. Many sick people do not want to get better subconciously although consciously they might. They identify with their disease and they do not want to lose it. You guys that don't follow what I say and keep arguing with me are absolutely ridiculous! I tried helping people with a nice tone and after many tries of beating my head against a wall I am sick of it. While you worry about my tone or how things are said you still have anxiety. Just follow what I said and stop harping on that I didn't caress you and hold your hand and coddle you. Has any coddling and hand holding cured anyone's anxiety? I am telling you directly what you need to do for free and trying to help and you guys just jeep arguing with me.

You know best but you are not better! Ungrateful jerks you guys are! Dumb dumb dumb!

It's captain obvious here. It is obvious that you are not a well person. Again, you aren't listening! You cannot control plls actions. But you expect it. And a well balanced person would not use the derogatory language thAt you use. What is evident thru your angry posts, is that you have just turned your anxiety into anger.

Pls stop with your angry name calling posts, it doesn't belong here. Just stop.... if you want to help. That should be obvious.

04-25-2013, 12:12 AM
I think we are all on here for kindness, support and help. Your posts are no longer helpful Panic Cured but abusive and offensive.

I think you should stop posting until you can go back to just being kind and helpful.

It is not fair to anyone seeing your horrible rants on here and will put new people off who really need to be on here for kind support and help.

04-25-2013, 12:40 AM
It's captain obvious here. It is obvious that you are not a well person. Again, you aren't listening! You cannot control plls actions. But you expect it. And a well balanced person would not use the derogatory language thAt you use. What is evident thru your angry posts, is that you have just turned your anxiety into anger.

Pls stop with your angry name calling posts, it doesn't belong here. Just stop.... if you want to help. That should be obvious.

Well sed !! We are here to help , support each other ... :-)

04-25-2013, 12:41 AM
I think we are all on here for kindness, support and help. Your posts are no longer helpful Panic Cured but abusive and offensive.

I think you should stop posting until you can go back to just being kind and helpful.

It is not fair to anyone seeing your horrible rants on here and will put new people off who really need to be on here for kind support and help.


04-25-2013, 12:57 AM
You goal should be to have no more anxiety not to support each other. Support with no guidance on how to rid yourself of anxiety is worthless! Do you want to have anxiety for the next 50 years with support or have no more anxiety at all in a few months where you won't need support anymore? I guess some of you want to make anxiety a life long career so you only seek support instead of doing what needs to be done to cure yourself of it, which can be done by every single person on the planet. I love how you guys go on and on about how everyone is so unique and different so what worked for me just won;t work for you, when Alan Kay recommends everyone to take SRI or Benzos, just like your doctor. Yet, you don't tell your doctor or him you are so different so why is he giving everyone the same exact treatments? All you have to do is follow my threads at the top and you'll be better. You guys are unbelievable!
Anxious Person 1 supports Anxious Person 2. Then Anxious Person 2 supports Anxious person 1 and nobody gets better. Great treatment strategy you guys have. This will surely cure your anxiety.
Those of you who come on here for support while at the same time do your absolute best everyday, doing all the steps, little by little to heal yourself of anxiety with the goal of getting rid of it for good, good luck to you guys because that is the right way.

04-25-2013, 01:07 AM
Yes Captain Obvious! I don't expect everyone to do everything I say. You just do things similar to what I did in the same vain. Not everything. You can't do everything. Just use it as a template and make it your own! My god you guys are just so clueless! I give up! I don't even care if you guys get better.

When I had anxiety I went on this forum and a guy said he cured his anxiety and how he did it. Then I followed exactly what he did. I wasn't an asshole telling him he didn't know anything. You guys are unbelievable! If someone told me what to do I just did it. I knew that if I had the answers I would not be in this position.

Oh please I am completely frustrated by the stupidity and stubbornness here. Many sick people do not want to get better subconciously although consciously they might. They identify with their disease and they do not want to lose it. You guys that don't follow what I say and keep arguing with me are absolutely ridiculous! I tried helping people with a nice tone and after many tries of beating my head against a wall I am sick of it. While you worry about my tone or how things are said you still have anxiety. Just follow what I said and stop harping on that I didn't caress you and hold your hand and coddle you. Has any coddling and hand holding cured anyone's anxiety? I am telling you directly what you need to do for free and trying to help and you guys just jeep arguing with me.

You know best but you are not better! Ungrateful jerks you guys are! Dumb dumb dumb!

Get off your high horse Panic Cured Im sick of reading your NEGATIVE posts!! If your CURED why are you on this forum ATTACKING everyone?? Answer that please!!!!!

04-25-2013, 03:15 AM
Get off your high horse Panic Cured Im sick of reading your NEGATIVE posts!! If your CURED why are you on this forum ATTACKING everyone?? Answer that please!!!!!

Your an arsehole Panic Cured and your posts are horrible!! If you were really trying to help ppl you wouldn't come on here pulling ppl down.. Go away thank you!!

04-25-2013, 03:21 AM
Can you block people? I'm sick of reading this negative stuff? I don't even know why your here if your "cured" it's obvious not to help people all you do is put people down!!

04-25-2013, 05:25 AM
Yes Captain Obvious! I don't expect everyone to do everything I say. You just do things similar to what I did in the same vain. Not everything. You can't do everything. Just use it as a template and make it your own! My god you guys are just so clueless! I give up! I don't even care if you guys get better.

When I had anxiety I went on this forum and a guy said he cured his anxiety and how he did it. Then I followed exactly what he did. I wasn't an asshole telling him he didn't know anything. You guys are unbelievable! If someone told me what to do I just did it. I knew that if I had the answers I would not be in this position.

Oh please I am completely frustrated by the stupidity and stubbornness here. Many sick people do not want to get better subconciously although consciously they might. They identify with their disease and they do not want to lose it. You guys that don't follow what I say and keep arguing with me are absolutely ridiculous! I tried helping people with a nice tone and after many tries of beating my head against a wall I am sick of it. While you worry about my tone or how things are said you still have anxiety. Just follow what I said and stop harping on that I didn't caress you and hold your hand and coddle you. Has any coddling and hand holding cured anyone's anxiety? I am telling you directly what you need to do for free and trying to help and you guys just jeep arguing with me.

You know best but you are not better! Ungrateful jerks you guys are! Dumb dumb dumb!


04-25-2013, 07:11 AM
Yes Captain Obvious! I don't expect everyone to do everything I say. You just do things similar to what I did in the same vain. Not everything. You can't do everything. Just use it as a template and make it your own! My god you guys are just so clueless! I give up! I don't even care if you guys get better.

When I had anxiety I went on this forum and a guy said he cured his anxiety and how he did it. Then I followed exactly what he did. I wasn't an asshole telling him he didn't know anything. You guys are unbelievable! If someone told me what to do I just did it. I knew that if I had the answers I would not be in this position.

Oh please I am completely frustrated by the stupidity and stubbornness here. Many sick people do not want to get better subconciously although consciously they might. They identify with their disease and they do not want to lose it. You guys that don't follow what I say and keep arguing with me are absolutely ridiculous! I tried helping people with a nice tone and after many tries of beating my head against a wall I am sick of it. While you worry about my tone or how things are said you still have anxiety. Just follow what I said and stop harping on that I didn't caress you and hold your hand and coddle you. Has any coddling and hand holding cured anyone's anxiety? I am telling you directly what you need to do for free and trying to help and you guys just jeep arguing with me.

You know best but you are not better! Ungrateful jerks you guys are! Dumb dumb dumb!

If you feel that way, why don't you just stop posting then, cause frankly, I'm tired of hearing your little tantrums, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

04-25-2013, 07:16 AM
I think we are all on here for kindness, support and help. Your posts are no longer helpful Panic Cured but abusive and offensive.

I think you should stop posting until you can go back to just being kind and helpful.

It is not fair to anyone seeing your horrible rants on here and will put new people off who really need to be on here for kind support and help.

I personally think he just likes all of the attention we are giving to him. This is not the first Panic Cured tirade that I've seen, but it certainly will be the last. Some people just thrive on negativity. As soon as I figure out where the block option is, im using it. Lol. I'm not going to invest one more shread of thought to him or his negativity.

04-25-2013, 07:32 AM
I have recently only just joined these forums and panic cured has some good information but puts it across terribly he is a negative person who thinks he knows it all about a complex condition that effects everyone differently. Whilst some respond well to a good telling off the majority do not and in my opinion panic cured comes across as a BULLY. Is their a moderator or someone that owns these forums that i can make a complaint too? please if you know and don't want to post private message me with there details so i can make an official complaint. Lets try to get this guy banned he is hurtful inductive and making people suffer more with his arrogant rants further more he has hijacked this thread and turned a thread about a lady that is suffering into all about him.

04-25-2013, 08:24 AM
I had no intention of replying to this thread but I admit I am getting intrigued by some of the responses. As someone who has beaten this 95%, I'll throw in my two cents of where I think people are coming from

Anyone new here is certainly and understandably afraid and confused of what their body and mind are going through.

It took me 20 years of coping, distracting, thought changes, deep breaths, docs, ct, and the list goes on. And 20 years later, I was still the exact same way but coping a little better

This is the first forum I have ever sought out. Just reading about anxiety caused me to have an attack.

A few years ago I discovered The Anxiety Coach website. It was free filled with information. Info I wasn't used to seeing. The adage that if you have been doing all these coping things without being healed, perhaps it's time to change your strategy.

I did just that. I looked at my anxiety and panic as a welcomed foe and I began to seek situations where I would have anxiety and panic. I wouldn't leave or change my thoughts. Just sat there while the feelings came...and eventually left.

As I started getting better at this I heard of, and started to read Claire Weeks. In my opinion, the best wake up call for anxious people and panic. She said she still gets the first fear of panic but let's it go so no second fear comes

I do exactly that and honestly, I own my panic and anxiety. It is completely
weak to me and affects no decisions of mine anymore

I say I'm 95% healed because I will never be the guy prior to my first anxiety attack. I get that I trained my brain to a sensitivity. I still get the little surge of adrenaline occasionally and a goofy thought or two. Difference is I don't react to them because they truly do not scare me.

Chemical imbalance in the brain? Definitely when you are under high stress. Is it a indefinite imbalance? I don't know. People have different opinions on this and they are much smarter than me. I'll leave it to them.

If you are taking meds at first or forever, if it works keep doing whatever you need to to feel well again and enjoy your life. If you can come off of them and feel the same, that's great too.

With all that said, I will call it a draw between PaniCured and those who disagree with him or his delivery.

I understand anyone here looking for support. Support and encouragement are awesome when you feel there are other people going through the exact same thing. It really helps ease your mind to talk to people here. Especially when asking if other people are experiencing certain symptoms.

But the support can't be just telling people you understand their issues and tell them to be strong.

At some point, hopefully much sooner than my 20 years, you will need to find the answers to heal you as well as you can.

PaniCured has already gone through everything he reads people stating. I think his goal, like mine, is to get people to do what you need to do to heal without spending too much time spinning your wheels trying to cope with your anxiety. I wasted so many years with coping, as I am guessing PaniCured did as well, that he doesn't want you to have to go down the same long road.

He may not have the tactful delivery people like but it can't be disputed that his points on how to overcome this disorder are spot on.

I think he tries to be a little harsh when giving advice because people, especially my doc at the time, treated me and spoke to me like a child and portrayed me as a helpless victim.

I needed a kick in the ass years ago, that no one was going to be able to heal me but me. No doc was going to say anything or give me a pill to completely heal mu anxiety, although I wish it was that easy.

The dispute here now has just gotten too personal.

Nobody needs to be banned. Nobody should be subjected to condescending remarks if you don't feel the need for tough love

I needed some tough love long ago and I see some people respond well to PaniCured's delivery. They made need the tough love approach too

If you don't need or are not ready for such advice, skip the the post on the thread because you know the tone he will take.

That way everyone keeps moving forward.

Fair enough?

04-25-2013, 08:50 AM
Wow ! I do have to say knowing Anxiety Disorders as well as I do that PanicCured may be cured ? Cured of what ? There is no disease process, he/ she has simply learned how to manage/ cope with his/ her body's reaction to stress, depression and or low self esteem. Well congratulations, own that, it is a feat. However taking vulnerable people and instilling a sense of inadequacy in them is certainly not a solution. In life we can offer suggestions but you simply cannot demand a person feel a certain way. Anxiety batters people emotionally and physically.Those individuals come to this Forum emotionally and physically exhausted and certainly will NEVER be responsive to further physical or emotional battering. When someone is down you offer a helping hand. Whether they take that hand is entirely their decision. But I will tell you No One takes a hand of someone they don't trust. People suffering from anxiety have usually " lost" their trust in others through life experience. Most with anxiety will continue to hang on to thoughts like " that won't help me because my anxiety is different " on and on. None of this is true course and PanicCured, mine,many others coping strategies will work BUT not if those suggesting them have instilled further negative thoughts in an already non trusting mind. People need to quiet their anxiety with supportive non judgmental suggestions by individuals they have grown to trust. I promise you anxiety is based in thought. If you all started listening to your thoughts like when you get really angry, defensive what's behind that ? Is someone triggering a reaction based on something that is laying dormant in your mind ? When people are abused,sometimes as children they grow up feeling inadequate, not trusting etc.. These individuals usually aren't aware of this...bright, engaging often very social but when negative comments ( sometimes seemingly insignificant- like" why did you choose that color, it doesn't look good on you")becomes catastrophic, opening old wounds. I have seen abusers, watched them, know them. Make no mistake they are cunning, they know exactly how to tear down often while so many around you are unaware. They are skilled and at the root of this is self hate but that doesn't matter because you have been victimized and misery loves company. Be careful, be aware of toxic people ( they come in all shapes and sizes) and above all else try to protect children.At some point you will realize why these people have done this and perhaps even pity them but until then take care of yourself, pat your own self on the back, praise yourself, be kind to yourself. You are a survivor of Negativity, Anxiety, whatever. Know that.

04-25-2013, 10:11 AM
I have read claire weeks books and they are great books just wanted to add that in because I seen in a post on this thread about the book!!

04-25-2013, 11:30 AM
Wow! Really?!? I thought this forum was for people to try to help each other overcome their anxiety?
I also understand why some people are taking what paniccured is saying the wrong way because he is quite blunt, but get past his sharpness and the guy is spot on!
None of us on here are any different from the next person - we're all struggling with anxiety and panic and want to overcome it - so here's a suggestion
Get down off your high horses and take the advice Paniccured is trying to give and practice a few of the techniques he suggests. I have and already I feel more confident!
And Paniccured - how about you quit being a cocky ass and just impart your wisdom with a little less sarcasm and harsh words? Coz I for one appreciate your advice but you are a bit arrogant.

04-25-2013, 12:29 PM
I had no intention of replying to this thread but I admit I am getting intrigued by some of the responses. As someone who has beaten this 95%, I'll throw in my two cents of where I think people are coming from

Anyone new here is certainly and understandably afraid and confused of what their body and mind are going through.

It took me 20 years of coping, distracting, thought changes, deep breaths, docs, ct, and the list goes on. And 20 years later, I was still the exact same way but coping a little better

This is the first forum I have ever sought out. Just reading about anxiety caused me to have an attack.

A few years ago I discovered The Anxiety Coach website. It was free filled with information. Info I wasn't used to seeing. The adage that if you have been doing all these coping things without being healed, perhaps it's time to change your strategy.

I did just that. I looked at my anxiety and panic as a welcomed foe and I began to seek situations where I would have anxiety and panic. I wouldn't leave or change my thoughts. Just sat there while the feelings came...and eventually left.

As I started getting better at this I heard of, and started to read Claire Weeks. In my opinion, the best wake up call for anxious people and panic. She said she still gets the first fear of panic but let's it go so no second fear comes

I do exactly that and honestly, I own my panic and anxiety. It is completely
weak to me and affects no decisions of mine anymore

I say I'm 95% healed because I will never be the guy prior to my first anxiety attack. I get that I trained my brain to a sensitivity. I still get the little surge of adrenaline occasionally and a goofy thought or two. Difference is I don't react to them because they truly do not scare me.

Chemical imbalance in the brain? Definitely when you are under high stress. Is it a indefinite imbalance? I don't know. People have different opinions on this and they are much smarter than me. I'll leave it to them.

If you are taking meds at first or forever, if it works keep doing whatever you need to to feel well again and enjoy your life. If you can come off of them and feel the same, that's great too.

With all that said, I will call it a draw between PaniCured and those who disagree with him or his delivery.

I understand anyone here looking for support. Support and encouragement are awesome when you feel there are other people going through the exact same thing. It really helps ease your mind to talk to people here. Especially when asking if other people are experiencing certain symptoms.

But the support can't be just telling people you understand their issues and tell them to be strong.

At some point, hopefully much sooner than my 20 years, you will need to find the answers to heal you as well as you can.

PaniCured has already gone through everything he reads people stating. I think his goal, like mine, is to get people to do what you need to do to heal without spending too much time spinning your wheels trying to cope with your anxiety. I wasted so many years with coping, as I am guessing PaniCured did as well, that he doesn't want you to have to go down the same long road.

He may not have the tactful delivery people like but it can't be disputed that his points on how to overcome this disorder are spot on.

I think he tries to be a little harsh when giving advice because people, especially my doc at the time, treated me and spoke to me like a child and portrayed me as a helpless victim.

I needed a kick in the ass years ago, that no one was going to be able to heal me but me. No doc was going to say anything or give me a pill to completely heal mu anxiety, although I wish it was that easy.

The dispute here now has just gotten too personal.

Nobody needs to be banned. Nobody should be subjected to condescending remarks if you don't feel the need for tough love

I needed some tough love long ago and I see some people respond well to PaniCured's delivery. They made need the tough love approach too

If you don't need or are not ready for such advice, skip the the post on the thread because you know the tone he will take.

That way everyone keeps moving forward.

Fair enough?

Nixon, I totally understand what you are saying. Here's my issue, I don't think anyone has a problem when he gives his advice, the problem arises if he feels that you are not taking his advice completely or at all. He gets verbally abusive, and THAT is what is not acceptable and should not be allowed. I have seen it time and time again from him. Someone who is suffering enough to come onto this forum and share what is causing them pain does NOT need someone jumping down their throats because they choose not to follow Panic Cured's advice to a tee.
How about this....here's some advice I think Panic Cured should try. Go and immediately find an anger management group and join. He needs to understand that advice is just that. No one HAS to follow your exact road to being recovered.

04-25-2013, 01:39 PM
Nixon, I totally understand what you are saying. Here's my issue, I don't think anyone has a problem when he gives his advice, the problem arises if he feels that you are not taking his advice completely or at all. He gets verbally abusive, and THAT is what is not acceptable and should not be allowed. I have seen it time and time again from him. Someone who is suffering enough to come onto this forum and share what is causing them pain does NOT need someone jumping down their throats because they choose not to follow Panic Cured's advice to a tee.
How about this....here's some advice I think Panic Cured should try. Go and immediately find an anger management group and join. He needs to understand that advice is just that. No one HAS to follow your exact road to being recovered.

I agree with u trinidiva

04-25-2013, 02:24 PM
Wow. Panic Cured may have cured his panic, but I think he needs a mood stabilizer for his anger control. Geez

04-25-2013, 03:46 PM
I agree with Nixon, and I think Manz summarized it well when she said,

I also understand why some people are taking what paniccured is saying the wrong way because he is quite blunt, but get past his sharpness and the guy is spot on!
None of us on here are any different from the next person - we're all struggling with anxiety and panic and want to overcome it - so here's a suggestion
Get down off your high horses and take the advice Paniccured is trying to give and practice a few of the techniques he suggests. I have and already I feel more confident!
And Paniccured - how about you quit being a cocky ass and just impart your wisdom with a little less sarcasm and harsh words? Coz I for one appreciate your advice but you are a bit arrogant.

Yes, he is harsh, blunt, and sometimes rude (frustrated?) but he also makes some VERY good points.

My theory is that those who are fairly new to panic attacks (maybe 10 years or less) do not want to read, agree with, or try his suggestions because they haven't been dealing with this madness long enough. But I'm also betting that those of us who have had to deal with this for decades are more willing to at least consider his theories and be open to some of them possibly making sense.

I'm one of those who has been experiencing panic attacks for 40 years now so I have read it all, heard it all, and probably tried it all. In the end, it really IS a matter of us not reacting to the adrenaline the way our bodies are now trained to react. I take meds, but in the height of panic, even those aren't fool proof and you have to WILL YOURSELF to stop the madness.

Having said that, I'm going to leave the office now and go hop on a highway. If the terror pops in (as I know it will) I will either accept it and ride it out or I will pull over for a few minutes. Either way, I am NOT going to avoid highways forever.... I WILL win this battle!

04-25-2013, 04:44 PM
The point: Calling us here with anxiety/panic disorders, dumb dumb dumb, jerks, stupid etc. Is NEVER acceptable, period. IT is bullying. That is not a sign of mental health ever, anywhere. Not an opinion. A fact.
We have the right to have a voice, to speak up, when such behaviour happens in 3D life or on-line. I say this with all respect.

04-25-2013, 05:30 PM
No one needs to be told off and 'screw them' especially when suffering from anxiety. I find it hard to believe anyone wants their anxiety. The days when my anxiety is not there or non existant, I am so relieved and happy hoping beyond hope that it is gone for good...but of course it comes back :( There are underlying reasons for anxiety sometimes, like childhood abuse of all kinds. And many things potentially can trigger anxiety or panic.
There are other treatments, many such as accupuncture, homeopathics, hypnosis, etc.

I am happy that Panic Cured is cured and found his key to relieving his anxiety, however the argumentative words and tone like just shut up and listen, is counter productive. And is some only listen to his suggestions, then so be it. Let it go Panic, Accept the thing you cannot change: others. Courage to change the things you can: yourself and wisdom is needed to know the difference.

I have taken some of Panics suggestions, however there are things that medically I cannot take. I need to tailor things to my best interest. And I have seen progress.

People will be helped more, with a more respectful tone. I assume that is what he would like to do. The tone that a bit of empathy or compassion is mixed with the messege is the one that people will consider, and perhaps try. A ""Thou shalt listen to me!" Delivery for ppl with anxiety, will land on deaf ears for the most part. Anger is the flip side to fear and anxiety, same coin.
I do say this with respect to all.

Well said :-)

04-25-2013, 06:22 PM
Now that this has turned into a group bully session against me, it is clear most of you have completely missed the point.

I am not cocky or arrogant or generally angry. I am angry now and frustrated now after 2 years trying to help people who can't help themselves! I have people fighting me who are absolutely clueless about their disorder and how to get better when I am offering them a way to get better. I am now very frustrated how stupid some of you are. I am not calling you stupid to abuse you, but if you have anxiety badly, and I am telling you that I have cured my anxiety and map out a road map to get cured yourself, and you gang up on me and bully me and fight me along the way, this is just plain stupid!

When I had anxiety, I came on this forum and a guy posted how he got cured. I just followed exactly what he said. Any advice I heard or read I followed. It is insane to fight me. After beating my head against a brick wall with many of you, I am frustrated. I just could not think in this ay. All I wanted to do was get healed and I did whatever it took. I didn't fight people over it. I just did it! I surely didn't fight people who offered a solution.

But I don't expect you to follow everything I say. So you who said that, that is wrong. I showed you what I did, and expect you to just get on your own healing path similar to mine in the same manner, but not do everything exactly. Just in a similar spirit. Clearly most of you have missed the point because you just want to argue and defend yourselves and be right. Right will not cure you!

And those of you asking to ban me or whatever, 90% of posts here I do not even go on. So you have the rest of the forum to have your pity party without me and you can do what you do best,

"Is this symptom anxiety and am I going to die?"

"No you are fine."

Any of you here that has cured their anxiety that tries to help people, you know what I am talking about. Nobody wants to blame themselves so nobody gets better. You just want to have one big pity party and treat anxiety as some exotic disease happening to you rather than you having any part in it, instead of doing the work and it takes actually work to get better. Everyone who just shuts up and does what I told them to do, will tell you how much they have been helped. Those of you who fight me and bully me, do not get helped.

All I did was summarize most of the techniques already out there by the various experts into one place. I did not invent something new. But to gang up on me like this to prove you are right and I am some asshole, does nobody any benefit. You sure are not hurting me. It just puts up more walls. So you are right and you win, but you still have anxiety so what is the point?

Those of you past anxiety, go ahead and try to help people and watch what happens. Some will listen and others will be hell bent on defending their illness because they identify with it and would rather be sick then get better if getting better means looking at themselves and actually doing the work. Then you can join my frustration.

You caused your own anxiety disorder and it is you that perpetuates it!

It is nothing short of stupid to bully me like this and join each other in this anti Panic Cured thread. Yes CURED. Cured from what? Just no more anxiety, panic and agoraphobia. I don't manage it. It is gone! Out the door! No more! Gone for good! Done! Game Over!

I told you how to get better. I mapped out the road map for you. If you don't follow it, then don't inhibit others who actually have a working brain that want to to do it. And to fight me and abuse me like this, the person who mapped out how to get better, is not a reflection of me, just shows the problem is you and you are too damn stubborn to get better.

This is just unbelievable! Now I know why doctors just dish out pills like candy. Nobody wants to do anything else besides pop pills since nobody can take responsibility for their own actions. It's absurd to treat me like tis. Ridiculous!

Now go back to your pity party!

04-25-2013, 07:49 PM
Where is that summary of techniques? I havnt read it yet

04-25-2013, 09:15 PM
PanicCured you are telling me NOTHING repeat nothing that I don't already know. Anxiety just like depression tends to reoccur in susceptible individuals, that is fact. The KEY is to be nonreactive to the anxiety. You call it gone I call it manage, that does not make you right or me wrong or vice versa. Your techniques are effective, I certainly don't dispute that but you perhaps lack the patience to teach. Surely you remember at the height of your anxiety the difficulty of accepting that everything was " fixable" with the right mindset. You came to that understanding with practice, admit that please. Patience is a virtue. I suppose you are also going to tell me that your anxiety had absolutely nothing to do with life events, depression, stress etc as precursors to your attack. Well then my friend you tell me why I have a heightened sensitivity to both epinephrine and caffeine when under No Period Of Anxiety. The answer is that both epinephrine and caffeine work on the adrenal glands in the same fashion as adrenaline secreted in a flight or fright response. People who suffer from anxiety have a sensitized nervous system with both biological and psychological triggers. Are attacks dangerous . Of course not. Can they be aborted ? Of course they can be. Have your panic attacks gone forever ? Perhaps. Most importantly you have learned to stop them if they were to reoccur. There are many high functioning anxiety sufferers that " use" their anxiety ( channel it if you will ) to benefit their work ( actors are especially noted for this ).Anxiety isn't a bad thing, albeit annoying at times, it's all in the mindset but then again you know that.When a person feels lousy whether that be from depression, anxiety, a flu whatever first and foremost they need support, encouragement and perhaps most importantly patience.....good things come to those who wait. What you say is correct. I don't dispute that but things take time. From all indications EVERYONE on this Forum wants nothing more then to feel better. I believe you come from a good place. Your message is clear perhaps how you relay that message could be tweaked :) Please understand one thing I by NO MEANS consider myself " sick" in anyway.All people react differently to stress, anxiety is just one of the many ways your body responds to stress. Some get migraines, some ulcers even heart disease. There is a reason why STRESS MANAGEMENT is a multi billion dollar business ! If I were you I wouldn't overreact to anything on this Forum, people are just trying to express themselves. Have a good one !

04-25-2013, 09:55 PM
Panic cured .. Like I've sed and so many others ate saying... It's not about yr techniques etc ... It's the way u cum across ( YES , CUM ) been as u like to pik out my spelling .... U call names ! How is that helpful ?? Just seeing on here the type ov person u are I certainly wudnt want to listen 2u .... U need pple skills as u lack them a lot ...... And as pple have sed , why are u on here if u are cured and none ov us are listening ???

04-25-2013, 09:57 PM
I think that it is very important for everyone to understand that when someone is in the grips of high anxiety and i mean newbies it is not just as simply as changing because the brain itself can not think logically .

It is something that is taught in uni when studying that mental health that often you may have to say the same thing again and again for it to sink in .

The brain with anxiety works pretty much like a child's brain in that it has a hard time seeing reason . Anyone that has children will understand how hard it can be at time to get them to see reasons .

This forum is about support and understanding . Hard love can be a good thing and you will find there will come a time where you will take this on board weather it is from some one else or from yourself . It is the tough love that will get you though. Also understand that it is the tough love you are sending yourself that is not helping your anxiety. Its all the cants you tell yourself.

I am a Moderator here . I can delete post if needed . I have not to date but i will no longer leave post that amount to bullying or name calling . This is just not on .

If anyone is upset by a poster then please just dont read it . This in itself is a good lesson on how YOU can control what you take on . Remember it is what you chose to feel and not what other make you feel .

I have also posted above the link to block any posters you may not wish to see.

Please play happy people and have some compassion for others .


But surely it's not about " not reading a post " this person is upsetting a lot ov pple and how dare sumone cum on here and call pple jerks, stupid and other things in their posts.... I don't think it is right

04-25-2013, 11:00 PM

I think that from the number of people, and the number of threads, which Panic Cured's style of aggressive and nasty writing has caused problems in, then we should not be told how to block them, but he should be told to stop doing it by the moderators of the Forum. I have now through "contacted us" twice asked about this as the rules of the Forum clearly state that offensive posts will not be tolerated.
These posts are not helping anybody now, and just causing other people to start getting aggressive and argue back, which is not what the Forum is about, surely you as a moderator would agree with that.
When I first visited the forum and had seen this kind of post I would never have registered, how many people are these posts already putting off, when the Forum could be helping them now when they need it, and how we know the forum, used rightly, can help them.
As a moderator, please can you act to stop the posts, not just tell us to block them - action is needed now, or should have been a few days ago - so please do it.

Thank you.

04-26-2013, 12:29 AM
I agree with Lin... If I'd seen this persons posts to pple I certainly wud not ov joined and wud ov searched at another forum

04-26-2013, 01:26 AM
You are all very sick and mentally ill to be carrying on like this! Grab a hold of yourselves! You are crying out to the moderators and going absolutely berzerk over what? Over one post out of a thousand on some stupid website. You guys are the abusers and the bullies and you are all very deeply disturbed to carry on like this! Lockeskey and Lin, you have severe issues! This is disgusting already! ENOUGH! All you wan to do is defend and counter attack anything I say when I was trying to help you! That is how stupid this is. I was trying to help you but you all think you know everything and spend hours on here attacking me! ENOUGH! That is all you are doing is attacking me. After days of not getting through to your thick skull sI got pissed off. You are making a huge deal out of this. I am not some crazy evil monster on ere to ruin your lives. I am trying to help you get past your anxiety and you just fought me the whole way and now this is just plain abuse by now! Go look at the forum. 95% of posts I am not even on. Don;t bother. I won;t pst on this site again. This is absurd! I can't believe you people. Spend your energy getting yourselves better. I am not your problem. This clearly shows how deeply screwed up you are. LEAVE IT ALONE AND GET A LIFE!

04-26-2013, 02:41 AM
You are all very sick and mentally ill to be carrying on like this! Grab a hold of yourselves! You are crying out to the moderators and going absolutely berzerk over what? Over one post out of a thousand on some stupid website. You guys are the abusers and the bullies and you are all very deeply disturbed to carry on like this! Lockeskey and Lin, you have severe issues! This is disgusting already! ENOUGH! All you wan to do is defend and counter attack anything I say when I was trying to help you! That is how stupid this is. I was trying to help you but you all think you know everything and spend hours on here attacking me! ENOUGH! That is all you are doing is attacking me. After days of not getting through to your thick skull sI got pissed off. You are making a huge deal out of this. I am not some crazy evil monster on ere to ruin your lives. I am trying to help you get past your anxiety and you just fought me the whole way and now this is just plain abuse by now! Go look at the forum. 95% of posts I am not even on. Don;t bother. I won;t pst on this site again. This is absurd! I can't believe you people. Spend your energy getting yourselves better. I am not your problem. This clearly shows how deeply screwed up you are. LEAVE IT ALONE AND GET A LIFE!

Bugger off you low life and STOP ATTACKING GOOD NICE PEOPLE!! If your CURED why are you on this forum please answer that?? Your a trouble maker PanicCured nothing more nothing less.........

04-26-2013, 02:43 AM
I agree with Nixon, and I think Manz summarized it well when she said,

I also understand why some people are taking what paniccured is saying the wrong way because he is quite blunt, but get past his sharpness and the guy is spot on!
None of us on here are any different from the next person - we're all struggling with anxiety and panic and want to overcome it - so here's a suggestion
Get down off your high horses and take the advice Paniccured is trying to give and practice a few of the techniques he suggests. I have and already I feel more confident!
And Paniccured - how about you quit being a cocky ass and just impart your wisdom with a little less sarcasm and harsh words? Coz I for one appreciate your advice but you are a bit arrogant.

Yes, he is harsh, blunt, and sometimes rude (frustrated?) but he also makes some VERY good points.

My theory is that those who are fairly new to panic attacks (maybe 10 years or less) do not want to read, agree with, or try his suggestions because they haven't been dealing with this madness long enough. But I'm also betting that those of us who have had to deal with this for decades are more willing to at least consider his theories and be open to some of them possibly making sense.

I'm one of those who has been experiencing panic attacks for 40 years now so I have read it all, heard it all, and probably tried it all. In the end, it really IS a matter of us not reacting to the adrenaline the way our bodies are now trained to react. I take meds, but in the height of panic, even those aren't fool proof and you have to WILL YOURSELF to stop the madness.

Having said that, I'm going to leave the office now and go hop on a highway. If the terror pops in (as I know it will) I will either accept it and ride it out or I will pull over for a few minutes. Either way, I am NOT going to avoid highways forever.... I WILL win this battle!

He's not spot on if you read his posts word by word!! Just saying :-)

04-26-2013, 02:49 AM
If you feel that way, why don't you just stop posting then, cause frankly, I'm tired of hearing your little tantrums, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Blah blah blah is all I have to say!!

04-26-2013, 03:57 AM
You are all very sick and mentally ill to be carrying on like this! Grab a hold of yourselves! You are crying out to the moderators and going absolutely berzerk over what? Over one post out of a thousand on some stupid website. You guys are the abusers and the bullies and you are all very deeply disturbed to carry on like this! Lockeskey and Lin, you have severe issues! This is disgusting already! ENOUGH! All you wan to do is defend and counter attack anything I say when I was trying to help you! That is how stupid this is. I was trying to help you but you all think you know everything and spend hours on here attacking me! ENOUGH! That is all you are doing is attacking me. After days of not getting through to your thick skull sI got pissed off. You are making a huge deal out of this. I am not some crazy evil monster on ere to ruin your lives. I am trying to help you get past your anxiety and you just fought me the whole way and now this is just plain abuse by now! Go look at the forum. 95% of posts I am not even on. Don;t bother. I won;t pst on this site again. This is absurd! I can't believe you people. Spend your energy getting yourselves better. I am not your problem. This clearly shows how deeply screwed up you are. LEAVE IT ALONE AND GET A LIFE!

I never once asked for yr help and wudnt want it ... I prefer u not to answer any questions on here that I post , I don't like yr attitude at all and obviously it's not just Lin and me as thereI are quite a few posts the last few dayz to u Re: yr posts , attitude etc ... Not just from Lin and I .... And u stil don't answer that more than one person had asked u ... U moan bowt pple not listening etc so WHY ARE U ON HERE ?? Just to force yr opinion on pple then slag them off & criticise them 4 not doin it yr way !!!

04-26-2013, 04:10 AM
"You are crying out to the Moderators and going absolutely berzerk over what? Over one post out of a thousand on some stupid website" I believe you are missing the point panic cured if you read what people of saying they are stating it is not over just one post. It is over many of post you have posted. This is a built up reaction to you form over time. "You are all very sick and mentally ill to be carrying on like this" What? Do you know how absurd this comment is? We are all very sick because we are expressing an opinion of you that you have yourself have created with your negative and abusive comments. People have the RIGHT to defend themselfs against bullys. You also said the word enough twice in your paragraph this in my opinion this is not enough this is the beggining. I have spent a little of my time yesterday looking through your posts via your profile and you 95% estimate is inaccurate you have replyed to alot of peoples posts in this manner and you are on alot of peoples posts. I have seen people like you all through my life I doubt your anxiety is CURED i think you are possibly lying so you can come across as a God/Hero type figure to ill people and presume a position of dominence or worth because you can not proberly achive this via your normal day to day life away for the internet If you are not an evil monster why are the majority claiming you to be? surely we cant be all wrong? And you be right? if you truly believe that is the case this just proves your arrogance which is part of your porblem and will not be tolarated by people of this fourm as you can see. I think it is you who need to get a life and get off this "Stupid Website" as you call it. i urge anyone glancing over this argument and not posting to still report panic cured in hope mass numbers of valid reports of offenceive un suppourting posts will hopefull get him banned. I do not think we should have to use the BLOCK button i think it is a matter of giving the majority what they want which is a permanent ban from the fourms.

04-26-2013, 08:15 AM
How come all the times I've caused trouble, there wasn't a yellow notice about me?! :(

04-26-2013, 08:51 AM
How come all the times I've caused trouble, there wasn't a yellow notice about me?! :(

To Janey - Behave yourself - Love from the Forum x x x

04-26-2013, 08:54 AM
I think the more appropriate question Janey is, how did you manage to get out of bed in the 10:00 hour? : )

See miracles are truly possible. Just believe!!!

04-26-2013, 09:04 AM
Why do I have "loser" typed on my forehead?!
I woke up at...9:45 Nix!!! :D

Can I pwease have a yellow notice up top? Pwease...

04-26-2013, 09:12 AM
Why do I have "loser" typed on my forehead?!

The same reason your teachers used to write it on your report card, probably :D

04-26-2013, 09:15 AM
At least I didn't sleep with my 65 year-old teachers to get good grades......:P

04-26-2013, 09:20 AM
At least I didn't sleep with my 65 year-old teachers and STILL fail my classes.... :P

04-26-2013, 09:20 AM
Good Lord....... so maybe he's come across in some offensive ways, but why does this upset everyone so much? It's a FORUM where ALL TYPES OF PEOPLE are allowed to come and express themselves. How can you be so upset and put off by some written words from a person you have never met? A stranger on the internet can call me anything they want - it's not going to bother me, it would probably make me laugh.

If you created two columns placing all the good he's written in one and all the "not so good" in the other, the good would outweigh the bad.

I don't understand why so many people are wasting their time and energy trying to get him reprimanded or banned. If you don't like him, block him or skip over his posts. I, for one, have benefitted greatly from some of his stickies and I would be upset to see some newbies not have that benefit.

Focus on making yourselves better, not on some words you found unflattering. How can his words hurt you - he means nothing to you - let it go, please. Take what you need, and leave the rest.

04-26-2013, 09:23 AM

I think that from the number of people, and the number of threads, which Panic Cured's style of aggressive and nasty writing has caused problems in, then we should not be told how to block them, but he should be told to stop doing it by the moderators of the Forum. I have now through "contacted us" twice asked about this as the rules of the Forum clearly state that offensive posts will not be tolerated.
These posts are not helping anybody now, and just causing other people to start getting aggressive and argue back, which is not what the Forum is about, surely you as a moderator would agree with that.
When I first visited the forum and had seen this kind of post I would never have registered, how many people are these posts already putting off, when the Forum could be helping them now when they need it, and how we know the forum, used rightly, can help them.
As a moderator, please can you act to stop the posts, not just tell us to block them - action is needed now, or should have been a few days ago - so please do it.

Thank you.

Totally agree.

04-26-2013, 09:25 AM
DustingMyselfOff is right...I have been WAY more offensive and no one has ever gone through these lengths because of me....
Why can't I just get a yellow notice, too? It will help me be so proud of myself...

Jesse, the only 65 year old I sleep with is your father. You know this. <3333

04-26-2013, 09:52 AM
DustingMyselfOff is right...I have been WAY more offensive and no one has ever gone through these lengths because of me....

Thank you, Janey. Has anyone even noticed that the original poster, who was feeling so badly on Monday that she wanted to check herself into a facility, has not even been on here since Wednesday when she begged for the bickering to stop? If everyone is so concerned with being supportive and compassionate, why has her thread been taken over by people being offended by someone who was trying to help? He may not have said things the way YOU would have, but at least he was trying to help and stayed on topic.

I'm not trying to put anyone down - Lord knows this is a wonderful place and a God-send when we're feeling badly, but the immature whining and tattling is going to drive newbies away much more quickly than a few "tough love" comments will.


04-26-2013, 10:39 AM
Nothing like a good old flame fight to spice things up. I thoroughly enjoyed this thread.

04-26-2013, 11:08 AM
Nothing like a good old flame fight to spice things up. I thoroughly enjoyed this thread.

Heh, I have to admit that the "entertainment factor" was pretty amusing to me, too, but if some of these people are truly upset by some of the non-sugar-coated posts then I guess it's sad and I shouldn't be laughing.

Geez, I wish that offensive posts were my biggest issue!

04-26-2013, 11:12 AM
Heh, I have to admit that the "entertainment factor" was pretty amusing to me, too, but if some of these people are truly upset by some of the non-sugar-coated posts then I guess it's sad and I shouldn't be laughing.

Geez, I wish that offensive posts were my biggest issue!

Hi... It's the way things were sed and what he was calling pple that offended them as it wasn't right .. We don't knw each , background , issues etc etc so we have to be careful & show respect to each other and this wasn't happening. And words do hurt and affect pple.

04-26-2013, 11:21 AM
Shall we get back on topic for samanthas sake?

04-26-2013, 02:31 PM
Shall we get back on topic for samanthas sake?

That would be great, if she ever dares to come back. :(

04-26-2013, 02:42 PM
This thread feels a lot like that film - Sophie's Choice.

But instead of choosing between which child to save, and which to send to their death, we're choosing between helping Sam, and discussing PanicCured. Both are things we want to do, but only one can be done. I understand what a tough decision it was for her in that film now, to choose.

Oh well, let's make this thread nice for her for if/when she comes back!

04-26-2013, 04:59 PM
Ok if you want to be helpful to me then that's great please do, but if your going to fight again don't post anything I don't want it on my forums I just wanted some support and some opinions. Thanks!

04-26-2013, 05:00 PM
Also thanks to everyone who wants to help me instead of fight.

04-26-2013, 05:10 PM
You are all abusive bullies who obsess on how I said things. Do not bother trying to ban me, I will not post here anymore. You act like I just come on here and start causing trouble like a troll. I CAME HERE TO HELP YOU. Not for any selfish gains but to help people. And I was helping lots of people until people like Lin, Scared and Locskey and other abusers came here to fight everything I said. ABUSE ME LIKE THIS!! I spent a lot of my life the past couple years posting well researched and well thought out posts to help people. Do you get it? When I ad anxiety I made a promise that if I ever get past it I will help others still in the grips of it. And you abuse me like this? I was trying to help you! And thankful to the sane people on this website that followed what I wrote, have emailed me many times how appreciative they are and how much better they are. You people here carrying on like this attacking me like I did something so horrible have severe mental issues. People keep saying "its the way it was said. Its the way it was said." They are words I type on a computer screen! I was just typing what one needs to do. I didn't think I need to make everything filled with flowers and butterflies. You people are seriously messed up to treat me like this! I don't waste time on lovey dovey coddling. I spend my time helping people get better. What else matters? I do it from the goodness of my hearts! You act like I did something so unbelievably offensive which I did not! You just don't want to ear the truth that you got yourself here and you can get yourself out of here. You can't take responsibility. Mixed with you knwo it all and nobody can tell you what to do!

What is the biggest joke anyway is if you do cure yourself of anxiety, it will be pretty much from how I told you to do it anyway, even if you don't realize it. And then harping on an don how can I say cure, cur from what? I mean I had anxiety and now I do not. My god! You have to pick apart everything thing I say and turn it into a fight! This is sick!

You obviously feel so low about yourselves that you need to put me down to make yourselves feel better. This just shows more about you than anything.

You people go nuts because I said anxiety can be cured. You argue this with me and tell me once you have anxiety it can't be cured. You argue with me when I try and tell you how you cause it THEREFORE you can fix it. You go crazy over that. Basically you don't like to be told the truth! If I tell you that anxiety can be overcome and you can control it and fix it, you will fight me to the death because that places the responsibility in your hands. And you go on this non stop tirade to abuse me and bully me and put me down to make yourself feel better. I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY! You do not want anything to upset the reality you created which is:

"I have anxiety, a life long disease that can't be cured, only managed. It is so serious and you can never downplay it. It is happening to me way beyond my control and it is not me doing it. If you don't make it like my anxiety is the worst thing in the universe and it is so real and it is my whole life than HOW DARE YOU!" I disrupted that reality of yours and you want to beat me down. You would rather prove you are right then cure your anxiety! But you are not right. I am right. But you can't bare to think you do not know everything and someone here actually told you how to get past anxiety. "WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME WAHT TO DO NA NA NA NA!."

I said nothing offensive. After being abused and bullied and having you fight me and argue every thing I say, and watch you not listen to when I tell you sensible advice and I show frustration I called you dumb. So what? Are you 12? So easily offended. I posted hundreds of posts and after banging my head against a brick wall with you stubborn mules I showed signs of frustration therefore rule out everything else. You want a doctor to cure your anxiety. You want a rehab where someone cures you. But if someone suggests you cure yourself you just defend and counterattack! "No it was how it was said." I didn't say anything I typed words on a keyboard!

Go spend $100 on the Linden Program or the other ones. I offer you lots o what these other programs say for free. I even posted the link to a great free book by Amelina Linsdale for all of you to have. I uploaded it about a dozen times. And this is how you treat me?

I TRIED TO HELP YOU! AND All you do is abuse and attack me!

I watch you people post things like "Can I go to anxiety rehab?" which shows you want someone to fix you for you. I see post after posts of pity party. Everyone just wants to support each others misery with very few asking the only question that matters which is, "How can I get better?" So I tell you how. I don't sugar coat it. You act like I just come on here and insult people. I do not. How dare you treat me like this! You should all be ashamed of yourselves and look what abusers and bullies you have all become! Oh if I don't say exactly the same way your daddy says it to you talking to you like you are 5, then don't read it. Sorry I didn't caress you and coddle you like Daddy's little girl. Nobody forces you to read everything here. I only post once in a while anyway. "Its how you said it. Its how you said it!" GIVE ME A BREAK! You don't like it, skip it. Nobody forces you to read it. If you were smart you would shut the fuck up and just do what I told you to do. I had anxiety, no I don't, I mapped out how I did it. Only an idiot would fight me. You aren't smart, and you will either have anxiety for the next 20 years, or you will listen to someone else and get better, which will most likely be the same stuff I suggested anyway!

Asking me if I am cured why am I here just shows how clueless you are. It shows that you want this to be a forum of people with anxiety to just be anxious together, not a place like it used to be of finding how how to get better. THAT IS WHY YOU ARE NOT BETTER! The only question you need to ask is, "How can I overcome anxiety completely?" I answered that question here many times. But if you don't want to listen to me because you are so stubborn, then listen to someone else who can tell you how as there are many others who know. Most likely, it will be pretty damn similar to what I been telling you over and over again.

To cure anxiety you have to cut through the bullshit and see it for what it is. So my posts try to cut through the bullshit. But I was trying to help you. You are all completely out of line! I refuse to try and help anyone ever again. I am done! Let people rot in their anxiety if they won't accept help. I don't care anymore. This is what I get after spending all this time writing here to help people. The hell with all of you!

Look at this non stop go at me when all I did was post how to get better form anxiety, I didn't just come on here with insulting and offensive threads! You act like I come on here insulting people's mothers and making racist insults or something. You are all way out of line! You spend your energy trying to win a war with me and gain some sort of cyber victory and beat me down to the ground, instead of fixing yourselves! You are the offensive abusive bullies that you claim I am. Look in the mirror!

All of you that went berzerk on me will not get better. You are too stubborn and are too hell bent on keeping up your reality of who you think you are. I don't even think you really want to get better. I think you only want people to tell you what you want to hear in exactly how you want it to be told, instead of admitting you don't know shit, and that is why you are in this mess. I told you how to get better, you don't want to listen to me, then you could have just ignored me. Not gone absolutely ape shit!

"You can't tell me what to do! Who do you think you are coming on here telling me how I should be." Yeah yeah yeah you got me. You really showed me. You proved nobody can mess with you. Yep, you sure showed 'em. You told 'em. Do you feel big now? You guys all ganged up on me and sure showed me nobody can tell you what to do. Now what did that accomplish? Do you have any improvement in your disorder from winning and showing who is right? YOU SURE WON! YOU ARE RIGHT AND I AM WRONG! Was that your goal? You proved you know everything. I had the same problem you had and I got past it so I tried to help guide you to get past it too, but you all you did was defend your ego and counter attack. You sure proved to the world that nobody can mess with you!

Next time your heart beats 150 bpm and you are shaking freaking out thinking you are going insane, scared to go outside, in fetal position in a corner praying you won't die, in severe panic calling 9-11 remember how important it was to tell me how you would never listen to me and how I am a low life and how I should be banned and you don't need my help and remember how important it was for you to get me banned and win this argument and prove that you know it all and you were right and I was wrong! Remember in that anxious moment how much you accomplished on this thread and how it helped you so much to prove you were rig and I was your enemy. Remember how greatly it helped your disorder.

Maybe one day you will see that I am not your enemy, but YOU ARE YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY!

For the rest of you that are my friends and that I have helped, realized the whole anxiety thing is pretty much one big bluff, or are simply just intelligent enough to see the absurdity of what's going on here, you have my love and I wish you much good luck!

I am out of here for good!

04-26-2013, 05:21 PM
Sorry Samantha34 I only wanted to stop the nastiness and i hope i have always tried to be helpful in my posts. Sorry if any of my posts did any harm to you or anyone, i just wanted the kindness and support back from everyone. I would hate someone struggling to be hurt badly by something put on the forum or being called something they could not cope with, and i hoped that the yellow box would stop it all. We all have good advice of some kind to give to each other but just need to be respectful to each other how we give it or accept it if we are not agreed with.

04-26-2013, 08:04 PM
What is the yellow box everyone keeps taking about

04-26-2013, 09:51 PM
I haven't been with this Forum long and tend to drop in and out. I do know people were offended by PanicCured and that's not a good thing. His/ her advice is solid and I told them as much. I also believe it was the way he came across and honestly personally I was unaffected by his posts but others were. Just like PanicCured had their opinions of anxiety, so do I. My point is PanicCured has been successful with treatment of anxiety and so have I.He/she was upset with me for choosing to use the word " manage" anxiety rather then "cure" anxiety. They were angered by my question Panic cured, cured of what ?... Symptoms ? Anxiety are just that only symptoms not a disease process, not something to be cured. Rather then discussing my point of view, he became very agitated that some may have different opinions on the subject. People naturally put up walls when they are attacked. I came to this Forum to help others and will go on record as saying I am unaffected by people's hostile reaction to other's opinions. As I have stated before I personally believe that anxiety is intertwined with life's stresses, depression and you may all like to note " anger ". For the record many professionals share this thought process as well. As PanicCured cured his Anxiety ? Probably all it takes is a clear acceptance of what it is and to maintain a nonreactive state of mind. " But" anxiety is just a symptom, it isn't the problem. His/ her anger is apparent, so I question are the symptoms gone, yet the anger remains ? Pent up anger is nasty so ? I sincerely wish PanicCured continued health and well being, as I do everyone on this Forum. I am a little puzzled that on an Anxiety Support Forum everyone is not on the same page.Locksey is correct everyone in life brings different life experiences to the table. You simply do not know another's vulnerability. There are very " REAL " reasons for anxiety to have surfaced to begin with. My point is this perhaps concentrating too much on the anxiety ( which is indeed harmless) we don't focus enough on the reason there is anxiety. Stay well and be kind to yourselves ( perhaps the reason you are here now is because you haven't always been kind to yourself) Just sayin ! Also those that were responsive to PanicCured should continue to follow his advice and for those that were negatively effected should simply ignore. This really isn't worth anyone getting sick over..."there ain't no good guy there ain't no bad guy, there's just you and me and we just disagree " great song :)

04-26-2013, 10:55 PM
You are all abusive bullies who obsess on how I said things. Do not bother trying to ban me, I will not post here anymore. You act like I just come on here and start causing trouble like a troll. I CAME HERE TO HELP YOU. Not for any selfish gains but to help people. And I was helping lots of people until people like Lin, Scared and Locskey and other abusers came here to fight everything I said. ABUSE ME LIKE THIS!! I spent a lot of my life the past couple years posting well researched and well thought out posts to help people. Do you get it? When I ad anxiety I made a promise that if I ever get past it I will help others still in the grips of it. And you abuse me like this? I was trying to help you! And thankful to the sane people on this website that followed what I wrote, have emailed me many times how appreciative they are and how much better they are. You people here carrying on like this attacking me like I did something so horrible have severe mental issues. People keep saying "its the way it was said. Its the way it was said." They are words I type on a computer screen! I was just typing what one needs to do. I didn't think I need to make everything filled with flowers and butterflies. You people are seriously messed up to treat me like this! I don't waste time on lovey dovey coddling. I spend my time helping people get better. What else matters? I do it from the goodness of my hearts! You act like I did something so unbelievably offensive which I did not! You just don't want to ear the truth that you got yourself here and you can get yourself out of here. You can't take responsibility. Mixed with you knwo it all and nobody can tell you what to do!

What is the biggest joke anyway is if you do cure yourself of anxiety, it will be pretty much from how I told you to do it anyway, even if you don't realize it. And then harping on an don how can I say cure, cur from what? I mean I had anxiety and now I do not. My god! You have to pick apart everything thing I say and turn it into a fight! This is sick!

You obviously feel so low about yourselves that you need to put me down to make yourselves feel better. This just shows more about you than anything.

You people go nuts because I said anxiety can be cured. You argue this with me and tell me once you have anxiety it can't be cured. You argue with me when I try and tell you how you cause it THEREFORE you can fix it. You go crazy over that. Basically you don't like to be told the truth! If I tell you that anxiety can be overcome and you can control it and fix it, you will fight me to the death because that places the responsibility in your hands. And you go on this non stop tirade to abuse me and bully me and put me down to make yourself feel better. I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY! You do not want anything to upset the reality you created which is:

"I have anxiety, a life long disease that can't be cured, only managed. It is so serious and you can never downplay it. It is happening to me way beyond my control and it is not me doing it. If you don't make it like my anxiety is the worst thing in the universe and it is so real and it is my whole life than HOW DARE YOU!" I disrupted that reality of yours and you want to beat me down. You would rather prove you are right then cure your anxiety! But you are not right. I am right. But you can't bare to think you do not know everything and someone here actually told you how to get past anxiety. "WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME WAHT TO DO NA NA NA NA!."

I said nothing offensive. After being abused and bullied and having you fight me and argue every thing I say, and watch you not listen to when I tell you sensible advice and I show frustration I called you dumb. So what? Are you 12? So easily offended. I posted hundreds of posts and after banging my head against a brick wall with you stubborn mules I showed signs of frustration therefore rule out everything else. You want a doctor to cure your anxiety. You want a rehab where someone cures you. But if someone suggests you cure yourself you just defend and counterattack! "No it was how it was said." I didn't say anything I typed words on a keyboard!

Go spend $100 on the Linden Program or the other ones. I offer you lots o what these other programs say for free. I even posted the link to a great free book by Amelina Linsdale for all of you to have. I uploaded it about a dozen times. And this is how you treat me?

I TRIED TO HELP YOU! AND All you do is abuse and attack me!

I watch you people post things like "Can I go to anxiety rehab?" which shows you want someone to fix you for you. I see post after posts of pity party. Everyone just wants to support each others misery with very few asking the only question that matters which is, "How can I get better?" So I tell you how. I don't sugar coat it. You act like I just come on here and insult people. I do not. How dare you treat me like this! You should all be ashamed of yourselves and look what abusers and bullies you have all become! Oh if I don't say exactly the same way your daddy says it to you talking to you like you are 5, then don't read it. Sorry I didn't caress you and coddle you like Daddy's little girl. Nobody forces you to read everything here. I only post once in a while anyway. "Its how you said it. Its how you said it!" GIVE ME A BREAK! You don't like it, skip it. Nobody forces you to read it. If you were smart you would shut the fuck up and just do what I told you to do. I had anxiety, no I don't, I mapped out how I did it. Only an idiot would fight me. You aren't smart, and you will either have anxiety for the next 20 years, or you will listen to someone else and get better, which will most likely be the same stuff I suggested anyway!

Asking me if I am cured why am I here just shows how clueless you are. It shows that you want this to be a forum of people with anxiety to just be anxious together, not a place like it used to be of finding how how to get better. THAT IS WHY YOU ARE NOT BETTER! The only question you need to ask is, "How can I overcome anxiety completely?" I answered that question here many times. But if you don't want to listen to me because you are so stubborn, then listen to someone else who can tell you how as there are many others who know. Most likely, it will be pretty damn similar to what I been telling you over and over again.

To cure anxiety you have to cut through the bullshit and see it for what it is. So my posts try to cut through the bullshit. But I was trying to help you. You are all completely out of line! I refuse to try and help anyone ever again. I am done! Let people rot in their anxiety if they won't accept help. I don't care anymore. This is what I get after spending all this time writing here to help people. The hell with all of you!

Look at this non stop go at me when all I did was post how to get better form anxiety, I didn't just come on here with insulting and offensive threads! You act like I come on here insulting people's mothers and making racist insults or something. You are all way out of line! You spend your energy trying to win a war with me and gain some sort of cyber victory and beat me down to the ground, instead of fixing yourselves! You are the offensive abusive bullies that you claim I am. Look in the mirror!

All of you that went berzerk on me will not get better. You are too stubborn and are too hell bent on keeping up your reality of who you think you are. I don't even think you really want to get better. I think you only want people to tell you what you want to hear in exactly how you want it to be told, instead of admitting you don't know shit, and that is why you are in this mess. I told you how to get better, you don't want to listen to me, then you could have just ignored me. Not gone absolutely ape shit!

"You can't tell me what to do! Who do you think you are coming on here telling me how I should be." Yeah yeah yeah you got me. You really showed me. You proved nobody can mess with you. Yep, you sure showed 'em. You told 'em. Do you feel big now? You guys all ganged up on me and sure showed me nobody can tell you what to do. Now what did that accomplish? Do you have any improvement in your disorder from winning and showing who is right? YOU SURE WON! YOU ARE RIGHT AND I AM WRONG! Was that your goal? You proved you know everything. I had the same problem you had and I got past it so I tried to help guide you to get past it too, but you all you did was defend your ego and counter attack. You sure proved to the world that nobody can mess with you!

Next time your heart beats 150 bpm and you are shaking freaking out thinking you are going insane, scared to go outside, in fetal position in a corner praying you won't die, in severe panic calling 9-11 remember how important it was to tell me how you would never listen to me and how I am a low life and how I should be banned and you don't need my help and remember how important it was for you to get me banned and win this argument and prove that you know it all and you were right and I was wrong! Remember in that anxious moment how much you accomplished on this thread and how it helped you so much to prove you were rig and I was your enemy. Remember how greatly it helped your disorder.

Maybe one day you will see that I am not your enemy, but YOU ARE YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY!

For the rest of you that are my friends and that I have helped, realized the whole anxiety thing is pretty much one big bluff, or are simply just intelligent enough to see the absurdity of what's going on here, you have my love and I wish you much good luck!

I am out of here for good!

Im great THANKYOU my anxiety is fully under control :-) have a lovely day Mr. PANIC CURED!!

04-26-2013, 11:12 PM
Samantha, I think for the most part people on the forum are indeed very much about helping one another. Hang in there, anxiety is very manageable and very often quite fleeting . Lots of helpful strategies will be found here. Anxiety is just symptoms, nothing more. There is more often then not a reason for the anxiety, prolonged stress etc..often dealing with that stress and the realization that anxiety is harmless is enough to quiet anxiety permanently. Hang in there !

04-26-2013, 11:17 PM
I have no idea what the " yellow box" is ! Lol it can't be good.

04-26-2013, 11:23 PM
Lin, That's right " mutual respect" is one of the most important aspects of human communication. Always accept another's opinion with grace, for everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Having respect for yourself and having respect for others keep things. " clean " . It's healthy for people to argue, it just has to be done with respect for one another. Feel better and stop worrying. This too shall pass.

04-27-2013, 12:49 AM
Samantha, I think for the most part people on the forum are indeed very much about helping one another. Hang in there, anxiety is very manageable and very often quite fleeting . Lots of helpful strategies will be found here. Anxiety is just symptoms, nothing more. There is more often then not a reason for the anxiety, prolonged stress etc..often dealing with that stress and the realization that anxiety is harmless is enough to quiet anxiety permanently. Hang in there !

Thank you!!

04-27-2013, 01:14 AM
Group theropy sessions 4 anxiety management I found helpful. My gp referred me to it

04-27-2013, 01:15 AM
What is the yellow box everyone keeps taking about

Sum pple made a complaint so there is a msg now on the front ( forum page ) but doesn't show if you've got it on yr fone .. Look on website

04-27-2013, 01:18 AM
Group theropy sessions 4 anxiety management I found helpful. My gp referred me to it

I was wanting to do that. Should I ask my therapist about it?

04-27-2013, 11:44 AM
Just finished reading all these posts, it's truly amazing how one issue that we all have in common can stir up so much animosity. On a positive note I forgot about my anxiety for a couple of hours.

Lets try and help each other as anxiety and panic is in us all and you can never be sure when it will strike even if you think you have your panic cured. I pray that you all stay healthy and you will one day be free from this horrible condition.


04-27-2013, 07:13 PM
But WHYYYYYY? One more letter....Just one...come. :D

Who care how she spells it. Let her spell it the way she wants if you understand what she's saying then why does it matter. I really don't want anymore fighting on my thread if you want to start something then PM that person don't put it on my thread.

04-27-2013, 07:47 PM
You get em Samantha :)

04-27-2013, 08:24 PM
Yea I don't think people thought it was funny!

04-27-2013, 08:29 PM
Umm no You seem like the trouble maker

04-27-2013, 08:45 PM
Who care how she spells it. Let her spell it the way she wants if you understand what she's saying then why does it matter. I really don't want anymore fighting on my thread if you want to start something then PM that person don't put it on my thread.

Totally agreed Samantha. We who wish to conTribute to your thread, need to be respectful to your needs. If ppl want to argue some more paniccured has started a thread dedicated to that kind of behaviour.

Samantha wants the bickering to stop, so be supportive to her. She, like most of us here, wants and is looking for healthy support and answers.

Sam: I have not been to that kind of group but have been looking for one in my area, as I here it can be very helpful. I truly wish you the best! X

04-27-2013, 08:50 PM
Who care how she spells it. Let her spell it the way she wants if you understand what she's saying then why does it matter. I really don't want anymore fighting on my thread if you want to start something then PM that person don't put it on my thread.

I can vouch for Janey....she's not malicious, she likes to inject a little humor into the posts sometimes. She is definitely not in the same boat as you know who...... Lol.

Anyway, I hope all of you are having a decent weekend so far!!!!!!

04-27-2013, 08:53 PM
Yeah!!!!!!!!!! TRINIDIVA!!!!!!!!! <3333333

04-27-2013, 08:53 PM
Totally agreed Samantha. We who wish to conTribute to your thread, need to be respectful to your needs. If ppl want to argue some more paniccured has started a thread dedicated to that kind of behaviour.

Samantha wants the bickering to stop, so be supportive to her. She, like most of us here, wants and is looking for healthy support and answers.

Sam: I have not been to that kind of group but have been looking for one in my area, as I here it can be very helpful. I truly wish you the best! X

Thank you very much! I will ask my therapist sand see if she knows where one is in my area.

04-27-2013, 08:55 PM
Uh oh!!!!!!! :D Dude, I wasn't fighting. It's funny. Ever hear of humor? :P

I didn't seem like it was supposed to be funny but whatever.

04-27-2013, 08:56 PM
samantha Where are you from?

04-27-2013, 09:01 PM
samantha Where are you from?

I'm from Ohio

04-27-2013, 09:05 PM
im from Kentucky were neighbors lol:)

04-27-2013, 09:17 PM
im from Kentucky were neighbors lol:)

Lol that's cool

04-27-2013, 09:18 PM
im from Kentucky were neighbors lol:)

If you want you can PM me

04-27-2013, 09:36 PM
Yawn!!!!! :D

its Saturday night if your that bored go find something to do!!!

04-27-2013, 10:25 PM
If you want you can PM me

I tried to write you back it said you exceeded your storage and need to delete message ;/

04-27-2013, 10:26 PM
Yawn!!!!! :D

This thread is about helping Samantha, and not about entertaining you.
If you are trying to be funny, she has already said that she doesn't appreciate your type of humour on her thread, that has seen too much nonsense already.

04-27-2013, 10:27 PM
I tried to write you back it said you exceeded your storage and need to delete message ;/

Yeah it sent me an e mail I deleted some messages so try again and you should be able to send it

04-27-2013, 10:37 PM
Samantha34, How are you ?

04-27-2013, 10:42 PM
Samantha34, How are you ?

I'm doing ok. Could be better but also could be worse. So I'm not complaining.

04-28-2013, 01:51 AM
That sounds positive Samantha 34 , hope you continue upwards.

04-28-2013, 02:52 AM
best of luck!

04-28-2013, 05:22 AM
Thanks guys :)

04-28-2013, 11:11 AM
Great to hear that you may have seen a slight improvement. Be prepared that it's usually like one step forward, two steps backwards in the beginning, especially with meds, but it DOES turn around to the point where there are lots more good days than bad ones. Just try to remind yourself when you're having a bad time that this is NOT forever........ it will NOT always be like this, promise. (I'm talking to myself as much as to you.)


04-28-2013, 12:15 PM
Samantha34, Good for you. Occupy your thoughts with other things. Don't give anxiety any thought, not even positive thought" I feel good no anxiety today ", give it no energy. Work at positive thoughts. Any negative thoughts you are having step back, look at what is troubling you. Ask yourself if all the worrying and negative thoughts are going to make a difference ? Is there something proactive that you an do to make things better. Stress is horrible and it will make itself heard in countless ways. Anxiety and Panic are just some of those ways. I promise you, you will suffer no long term problems from these panic attacks. They are horrific and loud and much like a baby screaming they will not be quieted until you can embrace them, figure out what's wrong and then fix it. You will be amazed at how quickly the crying stops!...and sometimes Samantha34 all the baby needs is to be picked up and held. Hang in there . You will get better sooner then later. Promise

05-16-2013, 07:57 PM
Only problem is I can't take pills. My anxiety is getting really bad and out of control.

I suffer badly as well; I agree with the other posters. Meds will break the cycle. It will be hard to break on your own.