View Full Version : Giving up smoking

04-22-2013, 12:55 PM
So I promised myself once I'd get the all clear that I'd stop smoking

I'm on my 3rd day, and just relapsed and had a ciggy

Wasn't feeling too good today, and just gave in unfortunately

Anyone else tried? I know the lack of nicotine can drive anxiety up, and that's exactly what happened to me

04-22-2013, 12:57 PM
I'm on the second day of the patch. So far so good. I can't do cold turkey

04-22-2013, 01:17 PM
So I promised myself once I'd get the all clear that I'd stop smoking

I'm on my 3rd day, and just relapsed and had a ciggy

Wasn't feeling too good today, and just gave in unfortunately

Anyone else tried? I know the lack of nicotine can drive anxiety up, and that's exactly what happened to me

I quit smoking last August, and it was an awful time! I enjoyed smoking, so giving it up was not easy. With my health related anxiety focused on my heart, and blood pressure, it turned out that it actually helped me to quit. I am fearful of having something happen to me health wise so every time I had a smoke, I would remind myself that I was choosing to do this to myself, so if something happened to me then I would have to hold myself responsible.. the knowledge that I had the "choice" to be healthy or unhealthy was huge for me and to this day I miss smoking but I don't miss the potential consequences. Don't give up, just try and try again!! :)

04-22-2013, 02:08 PM
I have the electronic cigarette

Yes I am the same, my health anxiety is the reason i am quitting

04-22-2013, 02:37 PM
I smoke for a long time. Tried a bunch before suucess.

Its a catch 22 with anxious people. We want to stop for our health anxiety but our anxiety level goes through the roof when trying to quit.

Can't win for losing sometimes.

Good luck to you both.

04-22-2013, 03:57 PM
It's hard to do I know exactly what you mean

04-23-2013, 09:09 AM
I'm chewing nicotine gum as I type this. I've quit several times, once for 4 years. Turns out it's like being an alcoholic....once you quit, you can't have even 1 for the rest of your life.

04-23-2013, 10:05 AM
I smoke too unfortunately and everytime I try to quit my mind obsesses and obsesses I mean I know i'm killing myself with the smoke but its like I still worry about every single health problem I have, so ridiculous right!!

04-23-2013, 10:26 AM
My mom smoked for 40 years. It gave her an aortic aneurysm and COPD, which also caused a hernia.
NOW she decides to quit, which is better than never quitting, I suppose. But it just goes to show that smoking will definitely catch up to you in the long run. All of these health problems came up recently. Think about it this way: A little suffering now saves a lot of suffering later. Think about it...So you're really craving a cigarette...And it's horrible...But then think about just how much pain you'd have to go through if you got cancer, had heart disease, an aneurysm, etc. My dad got cancer from smoking...in his bladder. It can hit you anywhere, really. Smoking affects the whole body.

Anyway, she tried patches and gum, and they didn't quite do it for her. I buy her e-cigarettes and they work for her after 40 years of smoking, so I would highly recommend them.
She uses "e-Tron" brand, and they are about 5 bucks per...but equal 2 packs of cigarettes. So it also saves on money, too.

Give it a go. They are sold everywhere now. Save yourself.

04-23-2013, 01:16 PM
I thought about the e cig but this patch is actually working Day 3 with no cigarette ;)

04-23-2013, 02:01 PM
The e-cig is defo the best, not as many cravings

I had 1 relapse but haven't smoked since

But I have been getting head aches since I stopped

04-24-2013, 10:58 AM
Jay. My headaches stopped after 2 weeks or so and got less frequent each day.

You're doing good.

04-25-2013, 08:54 AM
I used to smoke 10 a day and i started very young. I gave up last year (when i say gave up i still have the odd one at Christmas or on a special occasion). I also gave up cold turkey as i thought it would be a good test of will power and weather i could cope with the anxiety attacks. For me personally it wasn't too hard but i image i was one of the lucky ones. i feel for anyone who is trying to quit specially if you enjoy your smoke like i did :-(. I acturrly find it has helped my anxiety allot and if i have smoke at xmas i notice a difference i usually get the mind chatter quite allot afterwards.

04-25-2013, 10:17 AM
My fiance smokes the blue e-cig and I like it. I think i'm going to buy me one and see if I can stop smoking so many cigs!!