View Full Version : Returning Symptoms

04-22-2013, 07:45 AM
Hi all,

Been a while since I full accepted anxiety and strated feeling major improvements. On the whole daily symptoms did continue but they were a lot milder and I reminded myself not to worry, allow the symptoms to come and go.

Reminding myself when pains came that it was my body reacting to stress and calling out for much needed rest. However more recently certain worries returned. Chest pains with “what if’s” and rationalization of symptoms feels like it’s gradually losing ground.

I had a case of Epididymitis recently. Been on 6 weeks of antibiotics. Around 4 weeks into it I started getting dizziness. I associated this with photosensitivity and worked in a dark office for a week and felt somewhat better.

Since finishing the meds the dizziness returns. The GP says it’s not going to be the antibiotics. So I explained about my anxiety and also all the other recent symptoms i’ve had.

Sort of hit the nail on the head I suppose. I was associating this dizziness with the medication but never stopped to think that it could be anxiety.

In general I feel good, work is going well, my job is safe when recently there were mass redundancies. I started dating a girl from work. Things feel good.

But the symptoms persist and it’s difficult at times. I certainly feel well equipped to deal with symptoms and rationalize the situation but I wonder if they’ll ever truly disappear entirely.

I mean we all have stresses in our lives and people who’ve had anxiety will often react to them worse than other people might.

It’s difficult going day to day with symptoms coming and going. Sometimes they begrudgingly linger for long periods of time and rationalizing the situation becomes ever more difficult.

I do feel better for having talked to the doctor. It’s helped get more perspective on the situation. He said there’d be bad and good times (which I already knew but seemingly forgot) even when I feel good there’s always going to be stress in life which my body might react to.

I suppose the recent illness did cause a lot of stress at first. No end of fretting about what if’s and diseases. I guess i’d slipped back into an anxious state of mind and hadn’t fully digested and realized until later.

As with all the recent symptoms, the stomach aches, the headaches, the dizziness and chest aches they always come and go. Another solid bit of evidence to prove it’s anxiety.

Sorry, yet another logn post from me. It’s just nice to get things written down. I think the dizziness and chest pains are the worst of the symptoms in all honesty. I was woken up this morning when my girlfriend went to the toilet and got chest pains. Maybe it was because I was tired, maybe not but I kept fretting about a heart attack. I know, classic anxious response right? Needless to say I woke up this morning fine and nothing wrong with me.

It really is tedious trying to rationalize or ignore e very symptom my body throws at me.

Hope everyone is doing well though.


04-23-2013, 06:40 AM

The symptoms are what annoys me. I cant get rid of it, i thought what are these symptoms? A sign of an illness? Chest pains, dizzyness, burping, breathless non stop. Instead of being hyper anxious, the symptoms comes out first and if i allow it to be in a cycle i will get a full blown PA but i dont feel the adrenaline rush in my body. I only felt that thats it for me (i dont know how to ezplain). It wasnt as scary without the adrenaline rush so im still able to accept its all anxiety. The chest pain has gone now, im dealing with burps,breathless and dizzyness. Sometimes i wonder what is causing it? I mean i know its part of anxiety but what? A worry? Body stress? Sometimes i can be really happy but symptoms will pop out of nowhere.

Hope you feel better soon.

04-23-2013, 07:04 AM

The symptoms are what annoys me. I cant get rid of it, i thought what are these symptoms? A sign of an illness? Chest pains, dizzyness, burping, breathless non stop. Instead of being hyper anxious, the symptoms comes out first and if i allow it to be in a cycle i will get a full blown PA but i dont feel the adrenaline rush in my body. I only felt that thats it for me (i dont know how to ezplain). It wasnt as scary without the adrenaline rush so im still able to accept its all anxiety. The chest pain has gone now, im dealing with burps,breathless and dizzyness. Sometimes i wonder what is causing it? I mean i know its part of anxiety but what? A worry? Body stress? Sometimes i can be really happy but symptoms will pop out of nowhere.

Hope you feel better soon.

This is exactly what I'm experiencing - I could have wrote that myself : \