View Full Version : My first anxiety attack

04-21-2013, 09:22 PM
Last week I was on the computer and chest pains hit. It felt like pressure, i couldnt breath right, i was miserable. I was trying to decide if it was heart attack, acid reflux or anxiety attack. It happened the next day too. i finally talked to the nurse at my psychologist office and said it was an anxiety attack. She said to have benedryl on hand and take it when i feel an attack coming on. I hope it doesnt happen again but as it gets closer to my wedding the more stressed I am. Hopefully this site will help me deal with the anxiety.

04-21-2013, 10:03 PM
Last week I was on the computer and chest pains hit. It felt like pressure, i couldnt breath right, i was miserable. I was trying to decide if it was heart attack, acid reflux or anxiety attack. It happened the next day too. i finally talked to the nurse at my psychologist office and said it was an anxiety attack. She said to have benedryl on hand and take it when i feel an attack coming on. I hope it doesnt happen again but as it gets closer to my wedding the more stressed I am. Hopefully this site will help me deal with the anxiety.

What does benedryl do what is that

04-21-2013, 10:29 PM
What does benedryl do what is that

its an over the counter medication for allergies but something in it helps anxiety attacks.

04-22-2013, 07:51 AM
I hate to say this but your nurse is an idiot. Benadryl will make you sleepy but will not help with your anxiety.
One of the things benadryl does is dry you out. That can give you a panic attack. You have to drink lots of fluids to prevent that from happening and it's tough to do when you are asleep.
You need some type of medicine to allocate the panic attack. Klonpin was what I was on.
Talk to your doctor and disregard what the nurse said.

04-29-2013, 07:43 PM
I hate to say this but your nurse is an idiot. Benadryl will make you sleepy but will not help with your anxiety.
One of the things benadryl does is dry you out. That can give you a panic attack. You have to drink lots of fluids to prevent that from happening and it's tough to do when you are asleep.
You need some type of medicine to allocate the panic attack. Klonpin was what I was on.
Talk to your doctor and disregard what the nurse said.

I spoke with my dr and she said the same thing as the nurse. The reason it works is because it makes you sleepy and you start calming down from that effect. As for Klonpin its not meant to be used long term and could have some long term side effects.

04-29-2013, 07:47 PM
I've never heard of using Benadryl for a panic attack That's a new one for me

04-29-2013, 08:02 PM
It works.. its like a seditive..