View Full Version : very worried

04-21-2013, 11:38 AM
Does anyone ever get just a hot flush in one part of their body? I am going crazy for a while now I have been getting this weird hotflush in my right foot and I was just thinking it was anxiety but now i'm not so sure! My right leg has seem to be very cramped up the past couple days and it has ached and bothered me before I keep thinking omg i got a blood clot in my leg or something. I don't even have health insurance right this moment :( help

04-21-2013, 12:00 PM

My left leg sometimes seems swollen, hot and really cramps up but my doctor tells me its due to anxiety as I tense my muscles in both my legs and arms and they often ache and feel heavy. I notice it more after I've had an anxiety/panic attack because of the adrenaline. Doc says nothing to worry about. Hope that helps xx

04-22-2013, 12:16 AM
I've had leg pains aswell.. anxiety will manifest in so many ways its just crazy! just relax we are ok.. We are just dealing with a crazy enemy that's all :) don't get me wrong, I get scare myself aswell.. We just have to be optimistic!

04-22-2013, 12:35 AM
As my psychologist tells me every week - just because you think it, doesn't mean it's true ! -

04-23-2013, 10:02 AM
Anxiety is so tricky!! I has caused me to believe that I have had so many diseases! And I mean it really felt like it too. My anxiety is mainly on health and its like all my life it moves on to something else. Like for example, I would think something was wrong with my arm and it would be in pain and have all these weird feelings and then its like it would just disappear and I would start obsessing over another problem. When I was pregnant, my chest kept getting so tight and I thought something was really wrong with me so my parents called 911 but it has just been anxiety the entire time. I have been to the doctor numerous times. And it is really bothering me bad that I have no insurance right now and I can't go to the doctor and I don't want to go to the ER unless its like life-threatening like really because I can't afford it. Since I recently quit my job I have noticed my anxiety has only worsened because im constantly at home obsessing over every single thing that could be wrong with me. I look up all types of symptoms on the internet several times a day OMG im so sick of it.

04-23-2013, 03:38 PM
Anxiety is so tricky!! I has caused me to believe that I have had so many diseases! And I mean it really felt like it too. My anxiety is mainly on health and its like all my life it moves on to something else. Like for example, I would think something was wrong with my arm and it would be in pain and have all these weird feelings and then its like it would just disappear and I would start obsessing over another problem. When I was pregnant, my chest kept getting so tight and I thought something was really wrong with me so my parents called 911 but it has just been anxiety the entire time. I have been to the doctor numerous times. And it is really bothering me bad that I have no insurance right now and I can't go to the doctor and I don't want to go to the ER unless its like life-threatening like really because I can't afford it. Since I recently quit my job I have noticed my anxiety has only worsened because im constantly at home obsessing over every single thing that could be wrong with me. I look up all types of symptoms on the internet several times a day OMG im so sick of it.

You're just like me, for a few weeks its a brain tumor, then for a few days it's heart problems ect ect. I go to the doctors at least once a fortnight to put my mind at ease, that normally lasts about two days then its back to square one.