View Full Version : New here

04-21-2013, 09:12 AM
I am new to this Forum. I am hoping I can get some support and talk to other people like me.

I have had anxiety for 4 months I have had 6 hypno sessions and its helped me managed my anxiety attacks but the anxiety is still there!

Often I get palpertaions ( I mean everyday!) stabbing pains in my chest, pain in my arms and legs! The list can go in forever.

Just want my life back I have a 2 year old son and a partner who is supportive at times but doesn't understand why I get up set I try to explain I want my life back to the way it was. Just don't understand how I can be fine one min an the next I feel a pain or a palpertaions then I start to panic. I have joined this Forum to find support and talk to people who have or are suffering with anxiety.


04-21-2013, 05:39 PM
You can talk to me anytime you need anything.
Anxiety is a big problem for all of us.
Have you been to a doctor for a complete physical? That is the first thing I would do. Make sure you have no underlying medical conditions.
A lot of times our physical symptoms which we think are life threatening can be explained by something else when we are thinking rationally.
Last week I was having pain in my chest. Immediately I thought a heart attack. I started thinking more and finally have decided it was nerve compression.
As for the palpations. Numerous things can cause them. Not drinking enough water. Drinking too much caffeine. Consuming alcohol. There are several others as well.
When you see your doctor ask him for meds for your anxiety. An antidepressant and a benzo are awesome.
Don't get discouraged as it takes the meds sometimes a while to work plus they have to find dosing etc.
Like I said if you need anything message me on here :)

04-21-2013, 07:58 PM
This Forum is brill to get worries off your chest and get helpful advice. We are all so individual though some things don't work for us all. Hpynotherapy sounds good - I have never tried it but have friends who have and think it is good. I have been trying meditation, and been going on NHS courses like mindfulness etc which have all helped.
But like davelenn says, you should get checked out by your doctor, to make sure you are OK, and then once know it is anxiety or depression you know what you are dealing with.
Have you thought that you could still have post natal depression if your son is only 2 years old. I have had lots of post natal depression bouts after my son, miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy etc, and it can last for a long time, and act differently in people. Worth thinking about, if your hormones are still not back to normal after giving birth, it could well be because of hormone imbalance you are not feeling good.

04-22-2013, 01:33 AM
I fall pregnant October time and actually miscarried jan this year but my health anxiety was mainly bought in from working at a gp surgery (well at least I think this is what bought it on) I also had a bad up bringing. I have seen my dr who said its anxiety she does want to send me for a 24 hour monitor ECG but she said not to worry as this all sounds like its my anxiety I've had an ECG done in the pass and blood tests and all came back fine! I appreciate all the replys thank you! I don't really want to go on meds if I'm honest as I heard they can sometimes make you worse the first week or so. Yesterday all day I felt anxious kept having these little stabbing pains in my chest and a sore neck along with pals which worried me. It's nice to have people to speak to thank you all again.