View Full Version : Recovery?

04-21-2013, 01:52 AM
How do you know you are recovering? How does one know when they are overcoming anxiety? This would be a question towards those who have overcome anxiety. What was the process? What symptoms did you start with and how did these the symptoms start changing? When and How did your progress begin evolving. Did your symptoms weaken at a certain point until they eventually disappeared completely? I just want to know if I'm recovering and how far along i am progressing because I definitely don't feel as bad as I once was. I don't get as bad as I first did and panic attacks haven't occurred for quite awhile with me. But I still have symptoms of anxiety, especially a weird anxious feeling in my chest. The symptoms are still unpleasant but not as intense as I used to be

04-21-2013, 02:01 AM
How do you know you are recovering? How does one know when they are overcoming anxiety? This would be a question towards those who have overcome anxiety. What was the process? What symptoms did you start with and how did these the symptoms start changing? When and How did your progress begin evolving. Did your symptoms weaken at a certain point until they eventually disappeared completely? I just want to know if I'm recovering and how far along i am progressing because I definitely don't feel as bad as I once was. I don't get as bad as I first did and panic attacks haven't occurred for quite awhile with me. But I still have symptoms of anxiety, especially a weird anxious feeling in my chest. The symptoms are still unpleasant but not as intense as I used to be

Hey Alfred,
Thanks for posting. I'm feeling the same way...I started having panic attacks a few times a week in November and since then have been taking meds + therapy. They've definitely helped but I also feel frequent anxiety symptoms to a much lesser degree. But like you said, they're still there. For me, I get headaches or feel tingling in my leg or arm or face. I'll have delusional thoughts that I'm really sick and will need to go to the hospital (but not to the point where I'll actually feel the need to go like I did in November!) It would be interesting to hear others answers...I'm wondering the same thing! I think it's safe to say that we've made PROGRESS -- out symptoms are much better although not eradicated. Perhaps it's a good question whether or not we'll continue making progress or if this maintained or if we will regress? As a person with anxiety, I've come to embrace certain slogans like "One day at a time" and "let go, let God". These were adopted from Al Anon groups, but have found them helpful when dealing with anxiety. Today I am better, and I can not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow brings it's own troubles. Today, I am much better than yesterday and therefore have made progress. Take care

04-21-2013, 03:04 AM
Hey Alfred,
Thanks for posting. I'm feeling the same way...I started having panic attacks a few times a week in November and since then have been taking meds + therapy. They've definitely helped but I also feel frequent anxiety symptoms to a much lesser degree. But like you said, they're still there. For me, I get headaches or feel tingling in my leg or arm or face. I'll have delusional thoughts that I'm really sick and will need to go to the hospital (but not to the point where I'll actually feel the need to go like I did in November!) It would be interesting to hear others answers...I'm wondering the same thing! I think it's safe to say that we've made PROGRESS -- out symptoms are much better although not eradicated. Perhaps it's a good question whether or not we'll continue making progress or if this maintained or if we will regress? As a person with anxiety, I've come to embrace certain slogans like "One day at a time" and "let go, let God". These were adopted from Al Anon groups, but have found them helpful when dealing with anxiety. Today I am better, and I can not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow brings it's own troubles. Today, I am much better than yesterday and therefore have made progress. Take care

Yes. I just want to know if this is what is felt when people are completely overcoming it. I hope it is. I'd hate to be stuck this way.

04-21-2013, 06:35 AM
I know how you feel. I've gotten much better, and stopped having full on panic attacks but I'm still waking up with anxiety every day. It's not as bad as it was but it is still very draining. I don't want to be stuck this way either :(

04-21-2013, 06:56 AM
Can anyone over come completeley these panic attacks? I forgot how it felt like when u didnt have them its like carrying a corps with u sitting on ur chest the entire time.sometimes I wake up crying and anything can agitate it. Is it possible with therapy u could overcome it completely?

04-21-2013, 07:40 AM
Can anyone over come completeley these panic attacks? I forgot how it felt like when u didnt have them its like carrying a corps with u sitting on ur chest the entire time.sometimes I wake up crying and anything can agitate it. Is it possible with therapy u could overcome it completely?

I have suffered from anxiety/panic problems for 20 years. Yes the chest pain will go away but you need to address your panic problems with a professional. I see a psychiatrist and a therapist and it helps a lot. Sometimes you need to get to the root of your panic attacks and doing that by yourself can be impossible especially if there seems to be no reason for them. Talking to a third party can usually help you figure it out. Hang in there.

04-21-2013, 07:43 AM
20 years but u have a life im sure. I havent been able to accomplish anything really.ur right a professional needs to intervene thankyou

04-21-2013, 08:09 AM
20 years but u have a life im sure. I havent been able to accomplish anything really.ur right a professional needs to intervene thankyou

I have had a life off and on. I am currently going through a 2 year bout with both that doesn't seem to want to go away. I haven't worked or seen my friends unless they come to my house. I very rarely leave except to see drs. I have been hospitalized for it 5xs in 20 years. I never get anything done which makes me cry a lot.