View Full Version : Newbie here! Hello everyone!

04-20-2013, 05:54 PM
Hi there!!

I am a 32 year old wife and mother to a wonderful 4 year old son. My problems all started when I had my gallbaldder removed in 2002. I have had so many digestive problems since then which have gotten worse than ever in the last year. I get horrible nausea, head spinning, and feel like I am going to pass out. My arms feel tingly, heart races, and it causes stomach upset and a lot of diarrhea. Racing to the bathroom before leaving my home is an everyday occurance. I had insomnia for several weeks really bad but that seems to be a bit better. I still sometimes cant sleep because my body jumps like it's just too anxious to rest. I have been to several doctors ranging from my primary to a neuro to a gastro. Havent' been diagnosed yet.

I believe the problems with my gallbladder removal have gradually created this anxiety. I never wanted to admit it but now I really feel it's become a life altering problems. I am freaking out because my son will be starting preschool soon. I get anxious just thinking about taking and picking him up. Keep fearing I won't be able to make it to a restroom in time or that i will have an attack while I am out. It's so awful. Last year my doctor wanted to try me on celexa. After a week of taking it, I woke up one night with a terrifying panic attack. I had never had one before so I thought I was dying, couldn't breathe and kept dry heaving. My chest was beating so loud I thought for sure the neighborhood could hear it. Went to the ER and thats when they gave me Ativan. I started taking that at night and after a week I was addicted. I got off of it since it wasn't a long term fix and it scared me to be dependant on a medication like that.

Really hoping to get some help on here. It helps to know I am not the only one suffering. I love my life, love my family and am a happy person. I would really like to find a natural supplement that could help calm me down. This is causing my body to do all sorts of scary stuff.

Thank you very much!!!!

04-20-2013, 06:05 PM
As far as supplements check out 5-HTP. It does sound like it's anxiety related stomach issues.
Yep any ssri or AD can cause anxiety when starting one but it might have been better to stay on it. Again research 5-HTP if you want to stay with supplements.
A psychiatrist might be the best doc to treat you if you still struggle with all this anxiety. Alankay

04-20-2013, 09:09 PM
Thank you very much! I will check out information on that!!!
The celexa was terrifying. Was on it for a short time but it really messed me up. The ativan I might have stayed on but I found out its inky to be used temporarily.