View Full Version : Health anxiety

04-20-2013, 03:17 PM
Has anyone got health anxiety please discuss your issues and symptoms

04-20-2013, 04:18 PM
I have horrible health anxiety, I am constantly convinced there is something wrong with me and I will google nearly every symptom I have and convince myself it's something terrible. I have a fear of dying so as soon as I get something, I need to know what it is ASAP. Needless to say, it never ends up to be as big as I think it is

04-20-2013, 04:25 PM
I have some of that too. Does anyone know of a really good anti anxiety med with fewer side effects ???

04-20-2013, 04:47 PM
I have awful health anxiety mainly focusing on my heart. I've had numerous tests EKG, treadmill, ultrasound, and countless blood work however, I continue to have a high pulse at times and heart palps ect.. I just can't stop thinking something bad is wrong. It's taken over my life and I'm so tired all the time. The doctor put me on Celexa 23 days ago and it's helped me stay calmer but the physical symptoms are still there..
Other health symptoms
Fear of being alone
Chest pains
Vision problems
Feeling not myself
Out of it

04-20-2013, 07:20 PM
I have health anxiety. I hate it. The worst for me is my heart palpitations. I cannot live in peace for fear of dying. It's horrible.

04-21-2013, 06:51 AM
I was always googling my symptoms, even constantly googled after my drs diagnosed anxiety/panic disorder because i was convinced i had something deathly wrong with me. I still do get scared but have talked myself into knowing there is nothing wrong after ecg & a blood test.

My symptoms are
Light headed. Cant breathe properly
Dizzy. Pressure on my head
Vision problems. Heavy eyes
Heart palpitations. Feel things arent real
Heart flutters. Think im going crazy
Stomach problems. Arms go numb
Constipation. Legs go weak
Dry mouth. Feeling of doom
Lump in throat. Muscle tension
Throat goes 'cold'?
Arm goes tingley
Lips feel swollen
Cant swallow
Chest pains

04-21-2013, 09:47 AM
I have a terrible health anxiety since last September

I Constantly think I ve a terminal illness or I m going to get seriously ill in the near future
Every minute I feel that I m about to die and it scares the crap out of me
I can't stay in the house by myself I can't sleep in my bed alone I m always scared of something bad is going to happen
I ve physical sensation 24/7 but I don't google them any more because it just makes me feel worse
Sometimes I feel like going to the doctors to get more checks done but in the mean while I m too scared of finding that I m suffering from a deadly disease
I get back pain chest pain shortness of breath pain in my tummy hip pain
I feel that something is stuck in my throat dry mouth headaches tiredness
I feel that I m going insane
I m on cbt at the moment and I think of taking medicine but I don't know which one is the best