View Full Version : really freaking out!!!

Alice Pimm
04-20-2013, 03:12 PM
i have severe anxiety and it stems from my fear of death. i had a terrible dream last nite and i think that is what set me off. right now i have a pulsating dizzy headache that feels pressurized. i have.pins and needles in my arm and a strange feeling in my stomach topped off with some nausea. im so scared im gonna have a stroke because of the tingles in my face. or im going to pass out. all my family are out.so i feel helpless!!

04-20-2013, 03:50 PM
It's definitely anxiety. I get everything you mention! Pins and needles from hyperventilating/ shallow breathing. It's so awful, I pace a lot which comes automatically but exerts myself more and keeps the attack going round and round.
Best thing to do us to Feel it. Accept it ... Float and let time pass.Not to resist it as we just make it worse! Your defo not having a stroke. Trust me. Try some belly breathing as its always the breathing incorrectly that keeps its fires roaring!

Alice Pimm
04-20-2013, 05:03 PM
thank u so much for ur answer. making me feel more relaxed already

04-20-2013, 05:21 PM
Try doing something to take your mind off of it.. it might sound silly, but coloring works for me. Do something physical, don't just sit and watch tv.. fold laundry, organize things in your room, anything where you'll be active so you're focusing on a task rather than being stuck with the thoughts in your head. It will pass.