View Full Version : Shaking hands

04-20-2013, 06:38 AM
Hi all, I was hoping someone could give me some advise. I have anxiety attacks for two years now and really have them under control for past year. Until yesterday I had a full attack while doing a manicure (I'm a beautician and it was so embarrassing my hands shaking). I freaked myself out so much that I couldn't work today with fear of shaking again and i am afraid of this being an ongoing thing and I love my job and don't want to feel like this. I booked an appointment for doctor tomorrow and would like advise of what ye think would help stop an attack before it starts and prevent shaking from an attack. Also I really believe there is no physiological reason to my anxiety and I think it is low serotonin levels as I have had OCD since a very young age,experience sleep paralysis (a lot in the past few weeks) and anxiety attacks. I don't know,I'm no doctor but it feels like I'm happy emotionally but my body is a nervous wreak all the time and I constantly worry and I know I shouldn't. I know ssri help serotonin but I hate the though of medication full time for me. Any advice would be great. Thank you xxx

04-20-2013, 07:30 AM
I'm Not sure what brings on the attacks. I was in the same situation Great job happy in general but had a panic attack and now overall anxiety. I've had panic attacks since age 17 but it goes away and comes back. I think there is some cause deep down (like I'm worried but don't know it). I am not on mess either my started at the end of last month;(

04-20-2013, 03:54 PM
Hi all, I was hoping someone could give me some advise. I have anxiety attacks for two years now and really have them under control for past year. Until yesterday I had a full attack while doing a manicure (I'm a beautician and it was so embarrassing my hands shaking). I freaked myself out so much that I couldn't work today with fear of shaking again and i am afraid of this being an ongoing thing and I love my job and don't want to feel like this. I booked an appointment for doctor tomorrow and would like advise of what ye think would help stop an attack before it starts and prevent shaking from an attack. Also I really believe there is no physiological reason to my anxiety and I think it is low serotonin levels as I have had OCD since a very young age,experience sleep paralysis (a lot in the past few weeks) and anxiety attacks. I don't know,I'm no doctor but it feels like I'm happy emotionally but my body is a nervous wreak all the time and I constantly worry and I know I shouldn't. I know ssri help serotonin but I hate the though of medication full time for me. Any advice would be great. Thank you xxx

If you suspect it's low serotonin levels I suggest you take a supplement of 5-htp. The body converts this to serotonin for the brain. Read the Mood Cure by Julia Ross or just google her. Also try googling "mental health and amino acids" that's how I came across her