View Full Version : See Your Part in All Of This- Know Thyself

04-20-2013, 04:31 AM
Know Thyself

The main goal of everyone on this forum should be either to get past anxiety, or if you are already past it then to help others get past it. We live in a society where everyone's problems are blamed on someone or something else. Alcoholics are victims to a disease, drug addicts are considered victims to disease, people with diseases are treated as if a foreign invasion has attacked them, and depressed and anxious people are considered to have weird imbalance in their brains. If you tell someone they did something wrong then immediately they defend themselves and most people would rather be right then be happy. Couples counseling probably wouldn't exist if people could just admit their part in their problems. It is a human survival mechanism to constantly try and defend that you did nothing wrong.

Are you willing to look deep within yourself honestly and see what part you play in all of this anxiety madness? Or are you going to remain a victim like you have been taken over by some exotic foreign invader causing these problems for you? Let me ask you this, do you want to be right or do you want to be happy? Do you want to be a victim or do you want to get better?

There may be real disorders where anxiety can be a true sign of something bigger. I heard heart valve prolapses can cause it. I am sure true deficiencies, anemia, and real diseases can have anxiety as a symptom. But for all of you that have done the doctor run around and been told over and over again you are fine and it's just anxiety, when will you finally take a look at yourself?

My guess is most of you stressed your mind and body out to the point of exhaustion, and your nervous system got set on high. Then you feed this fear over and over again. The more you feed the fear, the hungrier it gets. The more you panic, the more panic you get. Can you stop feeding this monster and let it starve to death? Can you look deep within yourself and see the part of you that is causing this to perpetuate? You don't see it? Look again! See how you trigger this and you keep it alive. Your body may physically be exhausted causing generalized anxiety. This may be truly a physical problem. But do you see how you make it worse? You must also understand that you can re-nourish yourself back to health. The body wants to heal and you need to allow it and help it. All those lifestyle changes you make, the yoga, the meditation, the right supplements, the calming breathing exercises, the change of thinking habits, going out and facing your fears, etc. little by little heal that part of your body that is in this anxiety mode. But you must learn to not feed the fire. See how you make it all worse.

I know that feeling, when your out and things seem ok, then all of a sudden you are taken over by this sickening scary feeling, and it rises and rises, and you feel you are going insane and your body will crumble to pieces, you don't know if you need to vomit or shit your pants, and you can't focus and you need to run to safety but you don't know where to go, you want help but nobody can help you, you want out but you don't know where out is, it feels your heart has been possessed and will beat out of your chest, and you know this is it, this is the end, it's over, you need to breathe more because you just can't get enough air in, and the more you breathe the less air you feel you can get in, and this whirlpool spins faster and faster, until at some point it breaks and you are out of the panic attack. Fortunately, this does not happen to me anymore.

See how you are feeding this monster. See how the monster is there but you are feeding it. Find that point where you triggered it to go from anxious or feeling weird to full on freak out. You must see that part you play in all of this. I know when you are knee deep in it, it seems like it is happening to you. But see how you are causing it too. See how you make it worse. See how by the way you are living your life, you keep it going. There is a physical thing going on, but the more you don't add 2nd fear, the less it will happen. Everyone likes Claire Weekes and she went on and on about not to add 2nd fear.

You have to play a part in the healing. You can't expect someone to get a screwdriver or wrench out and fix you like a broken down car. I hope my points here are clear. Stop trying to defend yourself all the time and playing victim. See the part you play and face the music. Learn to not feed the monster. And slowly, the monster requires less food.

You are the disease and you are also the cure. Say it again. YOU ARE THE DISEASE AND YOU ARE THE CURE!


Know Thyself!

04-20-2013, 01:03 PM
You get a lot of flack on here from people who think you're too blunt, but I think you're the, ehem Dogs Bollocks!
You cheer me up and make me hopeful, so thanks. Xxxx

04-20-2013, 01:15 PM
So very true!

04-22-2013, 04:51 PM
Yes you want to put yourself in the driver's seat and control the anxiety rather than the anxiety controlling you. To do this it is important to know you have the power. Part of this is caused by you so that means that you can fix it. This is empowering.

04-23-2013, 07:59 AM
Very good post enjoyed reading this