View Full Version : Fear of ALS - are muscle twitches common?

04-19-2013, 03:40 PM
So I've suffered from anxiety for around a month now. My eyelid was twitching so I started taking 300mg chelated magnesium a day - a few days later the eyelid twitching ceased but twitching of different other muscles began to happen. Now, around 15 times a day some muscle of mine twitches even if I have no serious physical activity - sometimes it's my leg, sometimes my arm or area of the corner of my mouth... It's a fast, silly twitch with no pain or anything. I was told by a friend this may be due to calcium deficiency so I now take 200mg magnesium + 800mg calcium prr day for around two weeks now but it isn't getting any weaker.

Adding tge feeling of tired muscles which I often feel to that and the fact that I seem to get tired a little easier, I got really afraid if it's not some initial stage of ALS... Can I be sure it's not? My reflexes are perfect, I can play sports or drive a car normally, I just feel I get tired a little easier, and those twitches... Oh, and I'm 20.

04-19-2013, 04:47 PM
Ive have heard that people get the twitches from anxiety. I always kick my legs as Im going to sleep, If you have been cleared with a clean bill of health from a doc should have your mind at ease

Just chalk it up to anxiety symptoms..

04-19-2013, 10:26 PM
Yea. Stress can make that happen. I get twitches every now and then in my leg and abdomen.

04-19-2013, 10:39 PM
Ive have heard that people get the twitches from anxiety. I always kick my legs as Im going to sleep, If you have been cleared with a clean bill of health from a doc should have your mind at ease

Just chalk it up to anxiety symptoms..

Me too. Sometimes when I'm closing my eyes trying to sleep I get that leg kick

04-20-2013, 02:52 AM
I see. My blood tests were fine and so was my ECG so I guess nothing to fear about. Thanks :)

04-21-2013, 12:06 AM
I think about ALS quite a bit. I've known three people who were afflicted with it! I have a numb big toe and think it's the beginning. Then I laugh it off because it's been numb for quite sometime and my work shoes are probably causing nerve damage. Still...I think about ALS often!