View Full Version : Anybody have success with therapy?

04-19-2013, 03:18 PM
I have major recurrent depression/anxiety that I was diagnosed with a little over 20 years ago. Since that time, I have had about 8 bouts of depression. They linger for a while...usually several months and then gradually start to lift. I am currently going through another bout that started at the beginning of March. I have been on meds all this time. They seem like they help me a little, but they certainly don't pull me out of it. My question is this....have any of you had success with therapy?

04-20-2013, 03:08 AM
I had one session with a psychologist but because I believe my problems are hormone driven and nothing in my past or present to put right, it didn't do a lot for me. I did a NHS mindfulness course and that was really good with meditation and body scans etc which have kept up on my own. Was going to try CBT but just been recommended ACT - acceptance commitment theory - I have bought the happiness trap book and started reading it and doing exercises. Apparently, instead of trying to change your thoughts like CBT, ACT helps you accept your thoughts and work with them. So I was told it fitted better with the mindfulness I had already done.

04-21-2013, 06:20 PM
I did a group theropy thing for anxiety managment n I found that just being around people with similar feelings was helpful at the time.

04-21-2013, 06:21 PM
Wasnt a complete success but its helpful

04-24-2013, 11:46 PM
I have started arranging an evening peer support group so that people who work can still meet other people with different problems and talk. I find talking to others with problems really helpful, as much help as any course you might meet them at. Most towns have peer support groups through the mental health forum if you wanted to try meeting others. I have also joined a meditation group and found not only the meditation really helping but also the people who go are really good to talk to.

04-25-2013, 12:37 AM
Good idea Lin

04-25-2013, 12:38 AM
please give me the link for it thanks

04-25-2013, 02:47 AM
I haven't got any links but you should be able to contact your mental health forum in your area for when they hold peer support groups, also you should be able to find access to a Recovery Education Service if you have got one in your area. You should be able to ask your GP or look up through your health service in your area what mental health services are available to you.
For meditation go into google and put in meditation and where you live and see what comes up. I go to a Buddha group and a christian group - different ways of meditation, but both good and nice people at both.

04-30-2013, 06:54 PM
Analytical therapy can be extremely successful in overcoming depression completely. When I was in private practice in the UK I helped many people discover the emotional cause of their depression. Most of the time it’s straightforward and does not require many sessions. Some 20 years or so ago I taught fellow therapists a method I co developed called precision analysis. At these seminars I would work with volunteers who came along with their therapist’s and I often uncovered the cause of their depression in less than 30 minutes. This rapid analysis was made possible as I used deep hypnosis.

Few therapists truly know how to combine hypnosis effectively with hypnosis, but those who do often produce near miraculous results. So why not try and track down a good hypnoanalyst?
Meanwhile, you can get a FREE mp3 recording that could help you tremendously. You can download from here. http://stevenluzern.com/putting_the_fun.html

05-01-2013, 03:20 AM
Dogtime thank you for the link. Have subscribed to it but downloading not working at moment so have e-mailed them to ask for help. Brilliant to give us this link thank you.

There are loads of free apps on the internet to download - I have found a brilliant one just called anger management and it covers a range of subjects like the one you have given us the link to.

All of these things can help, even if only one little bit of advice helps from any of these downloads it is worth it.

Try anything, keep and open mind, persevere and find what works for you personally and it will help you eventually.