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what if?
04-19-2013, 02:17 PM
Hi All

New to the forum. Been looking for someone with similar feelings of anxiety, but can't find anything quite the same.

Basically, I have 'what if' thoughts all the time, about really stupid stuff. I reckon I've got OCD, although never been medically confirmed. My anxiety started with thoughts related to this; What if I've not unplugged the TV, straighteners, kettle? What if I forgot to switch off the cooker or oven or computer at work?

Most of my anxious thoughts are related to work. I work with kids and have to count them all the time. I worry about confidential documents getting into the wrong hands (even though I'm so careful about things like that). I worry about parents complaining about me, even when I know I've done nothing wrong.

Even when I've checked things over and over, I still think a fire might start from not unplugging something or that some harm will come to someone. I always seem to think 'worst case scenario' for no apparent reason. Even when I've had a 'good day', I get into bed and it's like my brain starts to think that I've got to have something to worry about, so some weird and stupid thing comes into my head. I can't remember a day in the last few months when I've not started worrying about something, having that 'what if...' feeling.

I would say that I don't get a lot of problematic physical symptoms, however I never get a good nights sleep and this probably makes the anxiety worse. I live on my own, but recently opened up to a friend about this after a couple of years of struggling alone. That has helped a lot.

Thanks for reading. Would love to hear if anyone else is similar to me. x

04-20-2013, 04:36 AM
What ifs are the foundation for anxiety. We all suffer from what ifs.

04-20-2013, 01:01 PM
I was like that years ago. I was so paranoid about things being left on and would start a fire. Drove myself nuts

I eventually went on meds for my anxiety and that stuff went away with it

Even now I catch my self going in that direction. I just realize its anxiety now and pay it no attention