View Full Version : Trying so hard

04-19-2013, 07:26 AM
Well I made a trip to the Emergency Dept yesterday because I am still feeling so aweful and weak. My main concern was the chest pains though and they just did some blood work and an X-ray and sent me home.. Told me to rest. Well I have been resting for almost 4 months I have been resting way more than normal. I even went on vacation and still had problems the entire time. Anyway I'm trying so hard to get better but it's so hard when I feel there is something physically wrong with that they aren't finding. I have jumped through every hoop and taken every med and started therapy and still my physical symptoms persist. The only good thing is I have gone 12 days without having my heart take off at 144+. I know this takes time but I feel like its 1 step forward and then I go falling down a hill. The only thing I have truly managed is to rack up medical bills.

Stephen Joseph
04-19-2013, 12:12 PM

Have you been given the all-clear as far as your physical health is concerned? You mention they can't find anything wrong with you. If so, it's anxiety alone that will be the problem.

Your actions of avoidance, in the form of rest and taking things extra easy might also be contributing to your problems. Lack of exercise and movement will increase the level of certain chemicals in your body which are not helpful to relaxation. The chest pains will be a symptom of anxiety (if the doctors can find no serious problem) and can sometimes feel like a heart attack or something, they can be very scary, but are harmless.

Next time you have anxiety over the chest pains or something else, try doing something really complicated with your mind such as solving a sudoku or crossword puzzle, or rubbing your belly in a circular motion whilst at the same time patting your head. Keep doing it until you notice the anxiety begin to fade, and from personal experience, it does. try to block out of your mind during the worst anxiety periods, the initial reason for worrying in the first place.

Hope this helps.

04-19-2013, 01:18 PM
When my anxiety started I was having extremely sharp pain in my back and my chest and I automatically thought It was another collapsed lung as it happened 6 weeks before that and I was still recovering from the operation+ the wound infection
So I started visiting A&E few times 8 altogether
Every time I was there I had an X-ray and blood tests ECG ( my heart rate was 124)
I still was not convinced I told my surgeon as I had an outpatient follow up
He done a CT on me and there was absolutely nothing
Nearly 8 months gone pass and I still have the pain not as intense as when it started but still there
No one know where it s coming from and why?I had a lot of blood test done
But the pain is inexplicable