View Full Version : Exams and dizziness

04-19-2013, 07:08 AM
Hello, dear co-sufferers! I hope you are managing your condition well!

I am currently faced with exam period and I have developed a debilitating problem. Every time I take an exam(or other important test) I start to feel dizzy after short period of time and this leads to anxious thoughts and thus is very distracting. I find it extremely difficult to concentrate on my exam/test, but the clock is ticking away and I have to finish the task. For example, today I had to quit my "pilot exam" because I felt extremely dizzy and I thought I was going to faint. Afterwards, I felt for approximately 2 hours a weird sensation of inability to breathe properly. By now I have drank some water and had a meal and am feeling a lot better. So my question would be: what do you guys suggest me to do in order to prevent dizzy sensations and to manage them if they would occur? I would like to add that due to taking an exam I have lots of limits, e.g. I am not allowed to leave the examination room(still allowed just once or maybe two times per exam), I canīt just stand up and move around the room, I canīt take a nap etc.

Brief information about me: I had a prolonged anxiety period which started this year and is not yet over I guess. I donīt feel depressed at all, I enjoy high levels of motivation, I am generally happy with my life and everything is working just fine for me. But I still get those peculiar episodes of anxiety which are accompanied by weakness in legs, dizziness and breathing issues. But in overall I have had anxiety for 1,5 years now. I am 18 years old and havenīt been diagnosed with any of standard anxiety provoking physical health condition.

04-19-2013, 09:04 AM
Hello, I too suffer from these dizzy spells. They seem to come out of nowhere and completely freak me out. I had to come home from work because I thought I was going to pass out. I don't know of a cure, I know deep breathing helps. My doc thinks its my quick shallow breathing causing the dizziness!

04-19-2013, 09:52 AM
I have that too, I get so dizzy when I panic. Like yesterday at work I was anxious all day then got dizzy so I have to go home. Maybe you should eat something before you go to your class or exam maybe your sugar is low also maybe you can ask your doctor Xanax or Ativan . I cut 1/2 of the .25 mil very low but it helps a little bit. I can't take high dose as I feel drowsy and sleepy but low dose help me. You are just nervous abt taking the time

04-20-2013, 04:33 AM
Perhaps a benzodiazepine will help. Go see a psychiatrist and get prescribed. I used to suffer from an extremely debilitating dizziness too. Meds solved my problem.