View Full Version : Taking medication is it the right decision?

04-19-2013, 06:34 AM
I m thinking of taking medication as the last resource to treat the health anxiety
For the people who taken meds could u plz share with me how it went? Did it work? Any side effects? Would you recommend it?

04-19-2013, 07:11 AM
I took Remeron. It wasnt nice at first, I had a lot of side effects, gained weight, slept all the time. But, I wouldn't have gotten better without it. Not because its impossible to get better without drugs, but just because I couldn't break the cycle on my own. Anxiety is like a chain reaction to me. Most of the time we're never dealing with our root problem, we're only trying to process yesterdays stress. And so it goes on, never really getting to the bottom of it.

Medication stopped that chain reaction for me, it stopped that cycle. I could then work on my root anxiety disorder. I was on them for 2 years. I would be in the gutter with a heroin needle in my arm, or locked in an instituition if I didnt take them. I was in such such such a bad way! They gave me my life back, but I still had to work hard whilst on them. They arent a free ride. They just made all of my therapies more effective.

I'm generally pretty anti-med for the most part, but when needed, they save and give back lives.

04-19-2013, 08:15 AM
I agree Jess. I fought for a year or two before I finally have in as a last resort.

Best decision I made and I wish I did it sooner

Got me in a place where I could work on me without all the crap flyin around in my big dome.

If I had to take it forever I would. I don't care anymore about taking anything that would help me.

I would never want to be back where I started.

04-19-2013, 09:23 AM
If I decide to go 4 it what medicine worked 4 you the best so I can ask my GP 4 it
( I'm from the UK by the way)

04-19-2013, 09:33 AM
Effexor worked well for me

04-19-2013, 09:35 AM
Usually (95% of the time) your GP will give you Prozac or Citalopram. GP's here have NO confidence in prescribing anything else. I guess they don't learn too much about it in Medical school, and just follow what they read in the book. Citalopram is quite a good drug. Prozac is good too. They are viewed the safest which is why they're prescribed so much. You could give either a try, and your doctor will invite you back every few days to see how you're doing. If they don't work, you can try something different.

I took Mirtazipine, but they gave it to me in a clinic, and it was psych that prescribed it. In my eyes, it's a miracle drug. I've seen it perform miracles in front of my eyes, but you pay for them lol. I put on about 3 stone, and slept a lot. I kind of wrote off a year of my life on it. I think thats why people usually start on the SSRI's (Citalopram/Prozac) first as most people just get a bit of nausea for a couple of weeks, and then it's all quite smooth.

04-19-2013, 12:52 PM
I don't mind paying for it at all as long as it does the miracle
I ve been feeling so crap for few months
I m currently under CBT treatment I ve about 5 sessions left and that s it
I m not the person who sat before the therapist 5 months ago
But I still think that the therapy has not done much for me
I just don't know how I would cope when the CBT is over
Anything and everything is a potential trigger to my anxiety
That s the reason why I m considering medication

04-19-2013, 02:33 PM
I m not going to see a psychiatric doc because I don't need to so my therapist is not referring me
If I decide to go with the meds my GP will be the one to prescribe it
I m still between two minds