View Full Version : This has got to stop

04-19-2013, 12:16 AM
This anxiety needs to stop. It needs to leave me. Im tired of having bad days that come so abruptly after having really good days. It's almost a pattern now. 1 week of feeling normal and the next week filled with anxiety. I'm in my 5th month of this condition. The first 2 were hell. I haven't gotten that bad since. Now I get symptoms and a strange moody feeling. I want to know for sure this is going away. Even if slowly, I just want it to go away. I've taken Xanax before like 5 times. I don't anymore, I don't want meds. I don't have my own room so I lock myself in the bathroom sometimes to think, weep, and gather myself when the weird moods come. It's so hard to believe I'm like this. It's disappointing and upsetting. It angers me. I want to go back to the time when I was always happy and joyful. Will this pass? I want so much to believe this is only a phase in my life that will soon pass. I want to enjoy my life, be with my gf and enjoy every moment with her. I want to make memories. I don't want these. I want to forget this all. This undeserving disorder or whatever this is. I just want to feel okay again.

04-19-2013, 04:13 AM
I feel the same way. I use to always be happy and not have a care in the world. Now I can't go one day without worrying about something. It sucks and I hate it.

04-19-2013, 04:20 AM

I hope that this does pass for you. I'd guess that if your anxiety is linked to a specific event, that it will probably end when you can get over that event. I think we all hope that our anxiety will end, and the fact that we're even talking about it on this forum is probably a good sign.
Peace and compassion going out to you and your girlfriend

04-19-2013, 08:53 AM

I hope that this does pass for you. I'd guess that if your anxiety is linked to a specific event, that it will probably end when you can get over that event. I think we all hope that our anxiety will end, and the fact that we're even talking about it on this forum is probably a good sign.
Peace and compassion going out to you and your girlfriend

Thank you. The anxiety started after I had a horrible experience with a synthetic recreational drug. That was in November

04-19-2013, 09:07 AM
Hopefully with some time, then, you'll be able to distance yourself from these feelings. Feel free to private message me if you want to talk anytime :)

04-19-2013, 09:44 AM
Hi it takes time. I been like this for 6 months. The first 3 mos can't get out the house. Dizzy and anxious and want to stay in bed all the time. I couldn't go for work for 2 mos and every time I go to work it's a struggle until now. I been taking 100 mg of Zoloft for 6 mos and Xanax as needed but the Zoloft seem like its not working. Yesterday every hr at work I had panic attack its frustrating. The problem is when we feel good our mind was wondering where is the anxiety then boom I feel anxious. Our mind control how we feel and if our nerves are still sensitive we easily get anxious dont listen to bad news.

04-19-2013, 10:35 AM
Hi it takes time. I been like this for 6 months. The first 3 mos can't get out the house. Dizzy and anxious and want to stay in bed all the time. I couldn't go for work for 2 mos and every time I go to work it's a struggle until now. I been taking 100 mg of Zoloft for 6 mos and Xanax as needed but the Zoloft seem like its not working. Yesterday every hr at work I had panic attack its frustrating. The problem is when we feel good our mind was wondering where is the anxiety then boom I feel anxious. Our mind control how we feel and if our nerves are still sensitive we easily get anxious dont listen to bad news.

Yea, the first 2 months were bad like that for me too. Then those feelings went away. I can go out now but now I feel like something just isn't right. I rarely get panic attacks now. Well I haven't had one in about a month and I can kind of stop them just before it starts. But you're right about when we feel better because I've noticed when I feel a lot better i test myself. I wonder if I'm truly better or if its only temporary. Then a day or two later I feel anxious again. I was only prescribed Xanax when I first had panic, .25 mg as needed. The last time I took it was almost a month ago. I really don't want to need drugs for this. It disappoints me to need drugs for this. So I rather not

04-19-2013, 10:46 AM
Malyn: you're so strong for dealing with all this and still trying to help <3

Alfred: I tried to PM you back and it wouldn't let me. I'm sorry. I guess I need to write some more posts first.

04-19-2013, 11:08 AM
Malyn: you're so strong for dealing with all this and still trying to help <3

Alfred: I tried to PM you back and it wouldn't let me. I'm sorry. I guess I need to write some more posts first.

That's alright. Whenever you can go ahead and shoot me a msg

04-19-2013, 11:17 AM
Don't feel disappointed about using meds. Some of us really need it to pull us out of it when we are in way too deep. I have felt like crap for 2 months now and I desperately needed help to snap out of it. Just yesterday I started to feel normal, and if it weren't for the meds I don't think I could have done it on my own. Meds can be temporary, and can help pull you out. It worked for me and I am so thankful. Hope you feel better soon, these things do take time. Good luck

04-19-2013, 11:31 AM
Don't feel disappointed about using meds. Some of us really need it to pull us out of it when we are in way too deep. I have felt like crap for 2 months now and I desperately needed help to snap out of it. Just yesterday I started to feel normal, and if it weren't for the meds I don't think I could have done it on my own. Meds can be temporary, and can help pull you out. It worked for me and I am so thankful. Hope you feel better soon, these things do take time. Good luck

I guess I'm just worried about the chances of addiction and what come with all of that

Stephen Joseph
04-19-2013, 11:56 AM
Alfred, firstly, you need to stop angrily chastising yourself over your anxiety. That's a reaction, albeit an understandable reaction, that will just make things worse. The lowering of your own self-esteem will merely heighten your anxiety in general. I know it's hard, I've been there and anxiety can make a person feel like sh*t but you have to be kind to yourself. Anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of.

Secondly, you need to focus solely on the person you are when the anxiety is absent. Do things you'd normally do, go places you'd normally go etc. etc. as though anxiety was not an issue. Muster up the feelings of confidence, contentment and enjoyment you felt before this all started. When anxiety strikes, bring these positive images and emotions to the fore. Force them a little. It's difficult but it will help. In your mind, never think of yourself as someone hiding away in a bathroom (even if you do) with anxiety, always see yourself as you are when anxiety-free.

Believe it or not, the mind adapts to how you see yourself, your self-image, whether positive or negative, and works accordingly. The subconscious mind doesn't really deal with positives and negatives, it just works on what it's fed and acts upon it. The more you get upset and worry about panic attacks, the more you're ingraining that 'anxiety self' into your mind and identifying with it.

Always keep your anxiety-free self-image above any negative anxious self-images of yourself. This is what helped me.

04-19-2013, 03:15 PM
Alfred, firstly, you need to stop angrily chastising yourself over your anxiety. That's a reaction, albeit an understandable reaction, that will just make things worse. The lowering of your own self-esteem will merely heighten your anxiety in general. I know it's hard, I've been there and anxiety can make a person feel like sh*t but you have to be kind to yourself. Anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of.

Secondly, you need to focus solely on the person you are when the anxiety is absent. Do things you'd normally do, go places you'd normally go etc. etc. as though anxiety was not an issue. Muster up the feelings of confidence, contentment and enjoyment you felt before this all started. When anxiety strikes, bring these positive images and emotions to the fore. Force them a little. It's difficult but it will help. In your mind, never think of yourself as someone hiding away in a bathroom (even if you do) with anxiety, always see yourself as you are when anxiety-free.

Believe it or not, the mind adapts to how you see yourself, your self-image, whether positive or negative, and works accordingly. The subconscious mind doesn't really deal with positives and negatives, it just works on what it's fed and acts upon it. The more you get upset and worry about panic attacks, the more you're ingraining that 'anxiety self' into your mind and identifying with it.

Always keep your anxiety-free self-image above any negative anxious self-images of yourself. This is what helped me.

Thank you. I will do this. I hope it helps. Would you say you feel completely normal again?

Stephen Joseph
04-22-2013, 06:47 AM
Yes Alfred. I managed to overcome my anxiety disorders. It's possible, as I found out. Just don't listen to any doubters.