View Full Version : Anyone Passed Out From A Panic Attack?

07-21-2007, 05:47 PM
I have been watching the first season of The Sopranos lately, and has made me wonder how many people actually faint/pass out from a panic attack like Tony Soprano?

For those of you who don't watch The Sopranos, the main character Tony Soprano suffers from panic attacks, in which he passes out and drops to the ground.

07-21-2007, 09:14 PM
I know it feels like you could, but I've never actually heard of anyone doing that. You can faint if you hyperventilate too long.

07-23-2007, 02:19 AM
No there has really been anyone who passes out from panic attacks....maybe passing out from the heat....but thats all together different....I really wouln't worry about passing out....its notreally a true symptom of anxiety....him passing out is a hollywood thing....and what do they really know about anxiety attacks....we will all be fine

07-24-2007, 01:40 PM
I think in theory it is possible but I never did or have not ever known anyone who has.

07-26-2007, 03:06 PM
I haven't, but I once had an episode where I become so anxious I sort of blacked out. We were walking down the street, going into a video rental store. I don't remember actually getting in the store. It was very scary. It was like fuzzy, then black, then fuzzy again.. That was during the worst point of my condition.