View Full Version : Need advice on strange feelings

04-18-2013, 09:34 AM
Do any of you just get this really strange feeling in your body like you just don't feel right almost like when your in the very worst part of the flu?? I have this today and at the same time I feel shaky on the inside and my heart just feels funny. Not racing just funny. Along with the headache and diarreah I've had for 12 days this is just unbearable!!! I called my advice nurse again and she Saunders like oh its you ok well I will send a note to the doctor.. I am on the last 2 days of antibiotics for sinus infection (well I was having headaches and my doctor said maybe sinuses and gave me antibiotics) what should I do? Should I go see another doc? Or should I just keep trying to ride it out?

04-18-2013, 09:47 AM
With anxiety you're hyper sensitive. The slightest symptom can soon be the fixation of the day or even week. Keep yoruself hydrated and rest up. Read, or draw, try and keep yourself occupied.

Always finihs a course of antibiotics and then see how yo ufeel afterwards. If you live in England you can always ring NHS direct and explain the symptoms and see if they recommend anything.

Hope yo ufeel better soon.


04-18-2013, 04:38 PM
Thank you. I do notice I am hyper sensitive to everything lately. It's making me nuts because even just regular muscle tension feels different than normal. I have a headache right now but it feels like I can feel every heart beat in my head and my jaw. My doc is going to run a test on my adrenaline levels tomorrow so maybe that will be what spiked all this new anxiety. I can only pray!