View Full Version : Any advice

04-18-2013, 08:33 AM
I am work and feel like an emotional wreck. My anxiety is high bit I have no idea why. I have wave of nausea and muscle tension. I trying to keep it together but having tough time fighting the urge to cry. Please any advice would be appreciate.

04-18-2013, 08:49 AM
Acceptance is key. Understadn that your body is giving off these symptoms as it ca'nt cope with the emotional stress that worry and fear and stress has broguht on. It gives out these symptoms to alert yo uto the fact it's stressed and must rest to repair and recover. Adding more worry and fear regaridng symptoms is the last thing the body wants.

Work out what is causing emotional distress and find best method sof distraction to keep you busy. Try and remain positive, don't dwell on the negative.

A Life At Last by Paul Brian is a book you might find helpful. I did and some friends I made on here did as wel. Don't worry i'm not trying to sell it or anythign, just a simple to read book which explains the symptoms, methods of thinking when anxious and how to undo these problems etc.

Hope you feel better soon


04-18-2013, 09:04 AM
Right now I take kolonapin, but have been wondering if I am more depressed than anxious. Is there a way of knowing this?

04-18-2013, 09:45 AM
They tend to go hand in hand. Deal with triggers of these feelings . Drugs tend to mask symptoms and never addres root causes. You need to figure out how to benefit yourself. Take stock of what's happening in your life and do your best to take positive steps to reduce the negative.


04-18-2013, 09:52 AM
Thanks do much for the advice