View Full Version : New out of nowhere panic attacks

04-17-2013, 09:13 PM
Last Thursday 4-7-13 I was at work telling a funny story when all of a sudden my heart started beating weird, breathing was weird, felt like was going to pass out, arms felt weird.
Tried to relax, then went to urgent care, they didn't seem to be worried and told me it would be a while before I would be seen so I really started to panic thinking I was having a heart attack and going to die, called ambulance, they took me to hospital, I was given EKG they said palpatations, checked my blood said I might be low on potassium gave me adavan shot, sent me home. Tried to eat bananas I ended up throwing up which scared me more cause how was I going absorb any nutrients that way and low potassium can be bad on body. Thought I'd die.
I finally fell asleep, slept well till noon next day, (friday) then non stop panic till my hands went numb could barely move them, went back to ER (different one) told them all my symptoms they saw me right away and told I was having a panic attack, so I went another hospital right after (cause i wasnt buying it) and yet another EKG, blood work, urine, they said all vitals were looking good that it was anxiety.
I cried not understanding why or where it came from.
I feel it's almost non stop. I found this site last night and it made me feel better reading all your experiences, I'm not alone.
Still having symptoms though, will they stop? What do I do, I haven't been able to work and its tearing me up that my some what normal life is suddenly not normal.
I also quit smoking pot since this as I'm scared what it will do.
Thank you for reading my long story.

04-17-2013, 09:38 PM
Sorry you have had such a bad time. I think after having had so many check ups you have to accept that your heart is OK ( so good news) and that you have anxiety causing panic attacks. You now need to speak to your Dr about ways of overcoming this. You might prefer to go on to tablets or have another kind of help like a talking therapy, but you can discuss the possibilities with your Dr who will have your health history and can help you decide what is best for you. Tablets work well if you don't mind taking them but there are other good alternatives. I take tablets for depression and anxiety but I also go to meditation and go on NHS courses to learn alternative ways of getting my head better. I also believe in other things like reflexology and essential oils and I use these too. So lots of things you can do to get help, but it is best to talk to your Dr so that they can help you to do what is best for you. Hope you get some relief on this Forum. I have only been on here a few weeks but have already made some good friends and had some real help and support.

04-17-2013, 10:23 PM
Thank you, I appreciate your support.
I do have an appointment with a therapist for Friday morning.
I'm afraid of tablets but have an open mind cause these symptoms are almost constant and I can't take it at times even knowing my heart is ok.
I will look into meditation, not to sound dumb but do you go somewhere like you would yoga or therapy or how do you do it?

04-17-2013, 10:36 PM
Yoga can help too some types of yoga are great for anxiety and depression. Also there are meditation groups - I go to a Buddhist one, where they don't expect you to take on their religion, but their teachings and guided meditation follows mindfulness. The other group I go to is a Christian group where you hear how God and meditation can help you and then have a silent meditation where you concentrate on one word or just your breath. If you can't find groups there are lots of meditation information and exercises on the internet for free or to buy. You can do it on your own if you learn to find a quiet place to sit upright with your eyes closed and concentrate on your breath or one word - you can just start with 2-5 minutes and then build up. You will find the breathing helps you calm down and your thoughts get less busy so you get some head space which is great.

04-17-2013, 10:50 PM
Thank you again so much, I can keep busy looking that up.

shane bevan
04-18-2013, 04:18 AM
I know exactly where you are comming from. Ive been to multipul ERs and even cardiologist and still not convinced.its like a living hell sometimes. But trust me it will get better and you are not alone