View Full Version : Calming techniques

04-17-2013, 07:57 PM
Please share some of your stress relievers and calming techniques. What works best for you?

04-17-2013, 08:09 PM
My favorite stress reliever is listening to an audio book, namely an epic adventure I can get lost in.

04-17-2013, 09:57 PM
The only thing I have learned so far is breathing and keeping lavender oil on a cotton ball in my pocket.. If I feel wound up I take it out and sniff it. Sounds funny but it helps divert my brain. I also put a little on my pillow tonight to try out.

04-17-2013, 10:20 PM
I have started two meditation group s and find them really good. One is buddhist but they don't expect you to take on their religion but their teachings and meditation are really good and follow closely mindfulness practices. The other is a Christian group so you listen to how god and meditaion can help you and then have silent meditation concentrating on one word or just your breathing. I have also had reflexology and I too use essential oils, either in a burner or on a tissue.

04-18-2013, 04:24 AM
I use lavender oil in my burner, and I've downloaded some meditation apps. Getting a massage works good!! I'm going to try yoga today I heard it helps ;)

Stephen Joseph
04-18-2013, 04:30 AM
I found splashing my face with cold water an effective way to reduce stress, especially when worried about panic attacks. It's diversionary and is also said to reduce your heart rate by 10% or so, surprisingly. It didn't work all the time but sometimes it worked wonders. Something to do with what's known as the 'mammalian diving reflex'.

04-18-2013, 04:42 AM
I will have to try that. I've heard of that. I'm going to also change my diet around less auger and more fruit and veggies

04-18-2013, 04:46 AM
Ive found a retreat in scotland called DHANAKOSA where ya can go for a weekend break or week what ever suits you they teach you how to meditate but i believe that it takes time to learn this i find it quite hard to relax at the min due to anxiety level through the roof! im currently taking valium to help me relax as i aint got my app through for talking changes, which is cbt. cbt can be good they teach you stuff to i think its around 4 year since i had it since. but you can find mindfulness videos on youtube :) if you can get into breathing excersizes sometimes when im anxious my mind wont focus on anything else but symptoms hhhmmm soooo frustrating. Ive been told medetating is really good for anxiety

04-18-2013, 04:54 AM
Exercise, baths/showers, talking to someone, prayer, proper breathing and progressive relaxation. Alankay

04-18-2013, 04:56 AM
I haven't really found any "good" meditating apps. I have found a good sleeping app (hypnosis) by Glen Harold.

04-18-2013, 05:44 AM
mindfulness breathing is suppose to be really helpful. you tube have some good videos, also watch jon kabat zinn his videos are good

04-18-2013, 06:51 AM
I haven't really found any "good" meditating apps. I have found a good sleeping app (hypnosis) by Glen Harold.

You should PM Jessed03. I know he is really into meditation and could probably give you some pretty good direction.

04-18-2013, 07:09 AM
Thanks I just emailed him ;) I'm really trying to beat this on my own with no meds! I'm not trying to depend on meds the rest of my life

04-18-2013, 09:40 AM
Thanks I just emailed him ;) I'm really trying to beat this on my own with no meds! I'm not trying to depend on meds the rest of my life

I get that. You have to make the decision if you feel you can calm your mind enough without meds to move through this.

Meds for a while may help. You don't have to be on them for the rest of your life. It helps some get started and be able to focus.

I wish you well regardless of your path.

04-18-2013, 09:45 AM
Talking to a family member or a close friend works for me. Also reading anything takes my mind off it.

04-18-2013, 02:29 PM
Exercise, baths/showers, talking to someone, prayer, proper breathing and progressive relaxation. Alankay

YES! I can't believe this is such an underused practice with anxiety sufferers. I hardly ever see it mentioned on this forum, yet it was one of the driving forces of me getting better. Progressive (muscle) relaxation also helped me get rid of lots of symptoms too, as I realized I wasn't tensing up all the time anymore. Relaxation through tension. A great practice! Feels good too!

P.s. I'll upload some mp3's that I've used, that have helped me learn meditation, as well as relax for you PrincessKJ. Busy day at work today, had no time to reply to stuff :)

04-18-2013, 02:36 PM
I get that. You have to make the decision if you feel you can calm your mind enough without meds to move through this.

Meds for a while may help. You don't have to be on them for the rest of your life. It helps some get started and be able to focus.

I wish you well regardless of your path.

Nixon, my therapist said something really funny when I told her that I was refusing meds. My anxiety was extremely bad, so bad I couldn't function. I told her I wanted natural methods like meditation and tea, she said "Try drinking chamomile tea, and meditating on a rollercoasting, it's extremely hard!"... She said it with humour, but it was something that stuck with me. Thats what anxiety was for me, a rollercoaster of bipolar like emotions, and fears, and events. I would sit in meditation, and start randomly sobbing. I'd be drinking chamomile tea, yet my throat was too tense to swallow, and I begun to choke.

I took a course of medication, and it slowed the whole thing down. Suddely the rollercoaster went from 100mph, to 20mph, and I could think and process everything a little clearer. I could swallow my tea, and go through 20mins of meditation without feeling like hell was being formed inside of me.

I do commend people that take natural routes. It's definetly worth trying, and seeing how you do. Just, don't be too afraid of the drugs if you ever do need them, which I hope you don't, as they do do good things, despite our fears :)

04-18-2013, 03:40 PM
I've tried medication in the past. Zoloft was successful for me in 2008. I took it for a while. I tried to go back on it but had bad side effects. Me and Ssri's don't get along lol. I heard the sun gives you serotonin so I've been soaking it up lol. I've beat the battle before so hopefully I can do it again, but that was with the help Zoloft. I guess one of my anxiety "fears" is medication and not knowing the side effects some can make you hallucinate which is scary ;(