View Full Version : Hatred

04-17-2013, 11:03 AM
Does anyone else deal with not only poor self image, but also resentment for others? Maybe because they just don't "get it" or you feel like you are just in this cycle of paranoia that everyone is constantly judging you?

04-21-2013, 09:40 AM
Very much so. I constantly have to keep in check and pray for wisdom or I would be going off on someone atleast once a day. I read somewhere that hatred And bitterness can actually kill you, that alone keeps me in check as well as prayer. So hard to bite your tongue i know. I have to remind myself the only person I have to answer to is God..... And those who choose to judge me will have to give an account for that one day.

04-21-2013, 11:08 AM
I also feel like this at times when I'm at work or amongst friends or people I know. I just brush it off as much as possible. I try to block it out and pay no mind... Very well said Blessed!

04-21-2013, 01:20 PM
Me too. I get very frustrated at work because people can be mean. People are constantly judging. I now prefer to be alone and I have no interest in making friends. Yep, it sucks right now!