View Full Version : New Symptom?

04-17-2013, 10:04 AM
Hi everyone, so for the last week or so, I have noticed a new symptom. It almost feels like a skipped heart beat although the feeling is right smack in the middle of my chest and normally comes while talking, or swallowing, and it feels like a clap in my chest!? When my heart skips it feels like a pause then thud, this one just thuds?! It's almost as though I have swallowed hard or a bubble pop feeling.. oh my I feel crazy just saying all of this.. Anyone else experience anything like this?

04-17-2013, 10:52 AM
A common symptom I believe. Whlist I haven't experienced it myself I know many others who have. Just remind yoruself all the time that the symptoms can't hurt you. no matter how real or scary they are. Anxiety feeds off fear and worry so do your best to get through day to day. Keep yourself busy and distracted.

These symptoms ar ethe bodies way of telling you it's had too much stress or worry recently. it needs time to recover and rest. it gives out these signs (symptoms) to show us somethings not right. It's a sign to try and rest.

Anxious people take it as a sign of some impending disaster or an illness etc. This is the last thign our bodies want; more stress to add to an already stresse dout mind and body.

Do your best to remember these symptoms won't hurt you.


04-17-2013, 11:11 AM
Yah I completely agree that it's our bodies way of telling us to relax, I went through an extremely emotional time starting at about the same time as I noticed this new feeling. Part of me thinks I am just feeling way too much, even then before.. if that's possible! lol Sometimes when I turn my head I can feel/hear a click/crack and it freaks me out but I try to remind myself that I am just paying attention and that's why I feel/hear it now whereas before I didn't! I wish I could just accept it and allow my body to just be, but every time I feel it I start to panic and have to start the calming process all over..

It's funny too how sitting here reading your post I get the fact that the symptoms won't hurt me in any way, yet while in the moment our emotional side becomes so intense and controls everything.

04-17-2013, 11:12 PM
I never had these for the 12 years I've had anxiety until about 2 years ago. Scariest thing ever. Finally had myself convinced there was something physically wrong now instead of it being in my head. Wrong again. Common thing everyone has. Just more pronounced and noticed with anxiety sufferers