View Full Version : Facing my fears

04-17-2013, 01:54 AM
My boyfriend bought me a puppy on Sunday. That same day my boyfriends dad put fertilizer on the grass and I had and anxiety attack over it. I wouldn't put the dog in the grass because I was afraid of the fertilizer. The next day my boyfriends mom took my puppy out to go to the bathroom and put him in the grass. When she brought him back in I didn't want to touch him because of the fertilizer. My boyfriend knew that so he grabbed my puppy an places him on my lap and made me play with him. At first my mind was freaking out but after awhile I realized that I was ok and nothing bad was going to happen. Now I take the dog out and have no problem. I'm glad that I finally faced a fear instead of running from it.

04-17-2013, 03:40 AM
You need to keep doing this. It's going to help soo much

04-17-2013, 07:36 AM
Yeah I know it's just hard sometimes