View Full Version : Anxiety for no reason

04-16-2013, 11:11 AM
My anxiety has just came from nowhere I feel rubbish again il be fine for weeks or months then its strikes again and I can not think off any triggers :(

04-16-2013, 12:18 PM
Mine does the same

04-16-2013, 01:09 PM
It gets right on my tits lol

04-16-2013, 01:13 PM
Well it hits me everywhere lol

04-16-2013, 01:14 PM
Lol where you from how long you suffered

04-16-2013, 01:28 PM
From Kentucky I've had it for 15 yrs

04-16-2013, 01:29 PM
What about you?

04-16-2013, 01:30 PM
Kent,England 8 years

04-16-2013, 01:31 PM
Are you on meds? I'm not at the moment

04-16-2013, 01:35 PM
20mg citilopram been on them for 7years

04-16-2013, 01:54 PM
Does citalopram help you? It made my anxiety worse but had my mood exaggerated as well I had to switch ssri's to Paxil.

04-16-2013, 02:03 PM
Yeah definitely controls my physical symptoms

04-16-2013, 02:15 PM
Yeah definitely controls my physical symptoms

But you have anxiety now?

04-16-2013, 02:18 PM
Wot kind of physical symptoms the meds control?

04-16-2013, 02:45 PM
When I first got anxiety it was so bad I could not go out I lost a lot of weight cause I couldn't eat as felt sick has the shakes and numbness in mouth and arms and hands, the tablets I have now been in for 7years, they have stopped the shakes plus havent had an attack for along time, but now and then come over feeling lightheaded and generally weird, anxiety never completely goes

04-16-2013, 02:56 PM
I ve got a lot of symptoms going on and they re the main triggers for my health anxiety
I m attending a cbt with talking therapies but it s not doing much
I m afraid of taking meds bcoz I feel they jus going to make things worse
I ll bcome a vegetable and I don't want that

04-16-2013, 03:04 PM
There worth a try as in most cases they work, cbt is ok but most off them people you talk to have never experienced anxiety, talking dies help makes me feel better especially people on here who can relate to your problems your experiencing, are you from the uk?

04-16-2013, 06:30 PM
I have an appointment being set (going to be months) to see a therapist by then hopefully I'm magically cured lol I do believe it will help me some ;). I'm the same way with meds I had many bad Experiances so I'm done trying them

04-16-2013, 06:42 PM
A List of possible Anxiety Symptoms Please keep in mind this is a list of ‘possible’ symptoms. It doesn’t mean you will experience ALL these symptoms. Nor does it mean that if you feel one of these symptoms it is definitely caused by anxiety. Get your symptoms checked by your doctor to confirm they are related to anxiety. HEAD Tight – sore scalp – sore to touch Tight band around the head Feeling of pressure in your head Dizziness Light headedness – giddiness – fuzzy Headaches Pain anywhere in the head or face – sometimes just on one side Face twitches / shooting pains / numbness Tense, sore jaw Tight clenching the jaw Grinding the teeth Blood drains from face – looking white as a ghost HEARING Intermittent reduction in hearing Feels as if ear is blocked up Pain in the ear Ringing in the ears, noises, popping sounds EYES Blurred, distorted vision Things look distorted Seeing spots, ‘stars’, flashes Eye strain – sensitivity to light Dry, watery, itchy, bloodshot When you shut your eyes you feel dizzy and nauseous MOUTH / THROAT Dry mouth, throat Ulcers (if you are ‘run down’) Tongue, lips or jaw twitching – feels swollen Difficulty swallowing Feeling of lump in throat, something stuck Feeling of choking, tightness in throat A ‘metallic’ or unusual taste TORSO Neck and shoulders tight or sore Heavy feeling on shoulders Chest pains / discomfort – can move from one side to the other Constant worry about the heart Heart-burn – trapped wind – constanly burping Feeling need to rub the chest Shooting pains in chest Feeling of compression in the chest – smothered Shortness of breath Feeling you can’t get enough air Feeling you need to take deep breaths Frequent yawning in an effort to get a deep breath Pain in back which you think might be connected to your heart Heart beating hard or too fast, palpitations Heart – Irregular heart rhythms, flutters or ‘skipped’ beats, tickle in the chest that makes you cough STOMACH Indigestion, Upset stomach, nausea, cramps, abdominal stress Constipation, diarrhoea Trapped wind, bloating, belching, breaking wind Stomach very noisy (gurgling) – fear that others will hear it Vomiting (sometimes just bringing up liquid) Loss of appetite – can’t face food Constant craving for sugar or sweets Needing to go to the toilet IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Irritable bladder Urgency to urinate, frequent urination (sometimes immediately after you go you need to go again) LIMBS Weakness in legs, arms or muscles Numbness, tingling, itching Blood drains from face, hands SKIN Feelings of crawling, itching, tingling, burning, pulsating Pins and needles Blood drains from the skin – skin becomes very pale Skin problems, itchiness, rashes, acne Incresed sensitivity Feeling ice cold (shiver down the spine) Sweating OVERALL Chronic fatigue No energy – constantly tired Feeling of weakness in legs, arms, muscles Throbbing or pain in leg muscles after standing Lethargy Excess energy – feeling of restlessness – can’t relax – hyperactive Hot or cold flushes Numbness or tingling anywhere in the body – which can move around Muscle ‘twitching’ or ‘jerking’ Feeling like electric shock through the body ‘Symptom shifting’ – feeling symptoms in different parts of the body on different days Irritable, agitated easily startled Uncontrollable sweating The ground feels like it is moving either down or up for no reason Trembling or shaking Strange feeling that your body (limbs) is extremely ‘thick’ like an Elephant’s legs. (This is due to extreme sensitisation which makes the mind distort our sense of the body) SLEEP Difficulty falling or staying asleep When you lay your head down on the pillow you feel disorientated When you close your eyes your head feels ‘swimmy’ Images or ‘chattering’ in your head Feeling like you are falling through space Can’t lie in one position – tossing and turning Body jerks as it starts to relax in bed Hearing sounds in your head (pops or bangs) that jolt you awake Disturbing, non-sensical dreams / nightmares Night time makes all anxiety symptoms exaggerated Frightening sensations / feelings that feel even more terrifying at night Waking up and going into panic Waking up and feeling numbness in arms or legs Feel as if the restless sleep makes you more tired the next day Lying awake worrying all night Not wanting to go to bed in case you have panic Worrying during the day that lack of sleep will harm you MOOD Irritable, moody, angry, snappy, impatient Mood swings Even when you feel ‘happy’ – you feel anxiety about that Constantly on edge – on high alert for symptoms Everything is scary, frightening Feeling weepy / tearful Feeling overly emotional – crying for the slightest of reasons Feeling emotional numbness Depression, hopelessness, sadness MIND Derealisation (feeling that everything outside you is unreal) Depersonalisation (feeling that you are unreal compared to everything outside of you) Feeling that everything is ‘wrong’ / distorted / not as it was before Life feels like a dream – you never feel ‘just ok’ Constant mind ‘chatter’ make you feel you are going insane – or that you have a brain tumor Repetitive, obsessional thinking You can’t seem to stop thoughts Feels like your mind has a ‘mind of it’s own’ Abstract thoughts about everyday things, people,objects Constant focus on the mind and thoughts Trying to figure everything out Constant self analysis Feeling overwhelmed by thoughts Difficulty concentrating WORRY / OBSESSIONAL THINKING / FEARS That you are going insane, crazy, losing your mind Fear of impending doom / catastrophe That you have a serious life threatening illness That you might have a heart attack or stroke Choking or suffocating That you are about to die Going blind Passing out / Fainting Making a fool of yourself / humiliating yourself in public Being on your own in case you need help A fear of being trapped somewhere where you can’t get help That you will never get better That you will feel anxious for ever What other people must be thinking about you That you might cause harm to yourself or others That your anxiety will cause you stress which will cause you harm That the doctors missed something That you are to blame for the way you feel That you are emotionally weak compared to others Fear of panicking in public Needing to be near exits or toilets Fears of going crazy, of dying, of impending doom, of normal things, unusual feelings and emotions, unusually frightening thoughts or feelings Heightened self awareness /self-consciousness

04-16-2013, 11:40 PM
Yes I am from berkshire

I don't no I jus have that silly thought
Taking meds automatically means u r mental
And it s always going to b in ur medical records

04-17-2013, 12:25 PM
Na don't be silly everyone suffers at sum point

04-17-2013, 12:42 PM
I feel so ridiculous when I get thoughts like that but I jus cant help it

04-17-2013, 12:53 PM
How old are you

04-17-2013, 04:30 PM
My first lot of post natal depression I refused tablets. But after that first time I gave in and if they find the right anti depressant it can give you the lift to get you through the depression. Tablets, other therapies and things like meditation can all help and I don't think anyone should worry about trying anything suggested by doctors etc if there is a chance it will help.