View Full Version : nauseous, no appetite, losing weight

04-16-2013, 09:45 AM
It all started beginning of march with heightened sense of smell. My husband and i were trying to conceive so I thought it might have been a symptom, but I found out I was not pregnant. After a week it escalated to nausea, dry heaving, and feeling like I had to burp or cough up fluid, so i went to a walk in clinic. I thought it was GERD because I have a hx of it, they dis bloodwork, urine, chest xray and found nothing so they put me on protonix for acid reflux.

Another wk goes by and I start feeling worse, all day, nausea, dry heaves sometimes gagging up a little bit of clear fluid or sometimes it was foamy, and rapid heart beat when I would have the heaving fits, so i went to the ER. More bloodwork done, stomach xrays, urine, ekg, found nothing wrong but they referred me to a GI doc. Before going to see him I went to an accupunvtirist and from that day forward the dry heave urges stopped. Went to GI and had an upper endoscopy done and he found nothing. Also had a CT scan of my abdomen with iv contrast and found nothing.

This has been over a month and I've lost 12lbs, still have trouble eating anything. GI doc put me on Zoloft 50mg but it made me feel so wired! I couldn't take it. I've also been on xanax .5mg for the last 3 wks bit the last 3 times I used it I had panic attacks, which is weird considering its supposed to help with that. Can't sleep either, at all. sometimes its 1 hour a night.

I'm going to see a counselor today hoping he can help, or put me on dif meds because I feel like I just can not deal. Anyone else having these symptoms? Sorry about the long rant, its been a tough month and I'm causing stress to everyone around me, which stresses me out even more. Needed to vent.

04-17-2013, 11:34 AM
I really feel for you and do know what your going through, I'm suffering from terrible nausea and I'm barely eating, been going on for weeks now, I'm seeing a psychiatrist and my meds have been changed again!! he's convinced it's not the meds mostly causing the nausea but the severe anxiety and depression? I can honesty tell you I'm really struggling, I have 3 beautiful children one is only 2 years old and it's breaking my heart being like this, I just keep hoping things will improve, as I do for you too, feel free to chat to me as I know how lonely I feel with all this:( tc x

04-17-2013, 01:46 PM
A lot of what you're experiencing is probably being caused from anxiety or stress. Have you tried going on long hikes, runs, or bike rides? Maybe try some yoga and meditation. Exercising also helps stimulate appetite and relieve stress.

04-17-2013, 02:11 PM
Feel with you guys. For me meditation works.
Especially through the technique called Vipassana. Dhamma.org.
Very sincere. The webpage however, is not that interesting. try find personal videos on youtube about this, it might give u a more diverse idea of the concept.
I have been on this course three times over the last couple of years. And going there again for sure! :)
Relaxing my body and helping my brain to shut up :) has meant the world of a difference to me still today. My anxiety has gone down tremendously, and a stomachproblem I've always had, has gone away. Totally! It's really amazing.
Maybe it's work for you too?
Wish u all the best.

04-17-2013, 02:29 PM
Thank you it's just hard to relax when you feel so anxious and sick isn't it? I wish there were courses round here for things like yoga and meditation, it's pretty useless here, is there a pacific link I need to find? it's horrible this, do you agree that it's most likely to be the anxiety making the nausea worse or meds as well? sorry I'm just so anxious:( x

04-17-2013, 05:15 PM
If you go on the internet there is lots of free meditation exercises or yoga you can download. The meditations range considerably what you can get free but you might find something to help. If not, just practise sitting still and quiet for a few minutes and concentrate on your breath or one word. Then you can gradually build up how much time you do each day. It is really good for you to find yourself some peaceful time and space each day.

04-18-2013, 06:21 AM
Thank you all for your input. It is just very difficult for me to accept that its all just anxiety. In the past ny anxiety was just rapid heart rate out of the blue, no digestive issues. Now its like my digestive system is out of control. Some days I tell myself they ran all the tests, they can't find anything. Then other days I'm convinced I belong in the hospital. My husband has been very good to me through this but he is starting to lose patience as this is stating to stress him out too. And that's not helping my stress. Just wish I could wake up and feel normal.

04-18-2013, 06:23 AM
I did go for a walk the other day, my aunt picked me up and said she wasnt taking no for an answer. I did okay, but was anxious the whole time and felt nauseous. I try breathing techniques but find it too difficult to relax, doesnt really help me.

04-19-2013, 06:59 AM
hi everyone :) i can so relate to this, im not so good with anxiety at the min i come home from college yesterday lasted an hour there :( im terrible when i go into shops feel worse. ive been left anxiety since i had postnatal depression 4 year ago, although im not depressed at the min sometimes i do feel low because of the anxiety. but i know its just the anxiety. the docs put me on 10mg citalopram 4 year ago when i started them my anxiety got worse so bad i was at the docs everyday telling them something wasnt right i felt like i was dying :( they then gave me 2mg diazepam/valium which took the edge off it a little not much then they put me on 20mg. i couldnt leave the house for around 3 month, and i ended up getting ocd for a short while constant hoovering i couldnt unplug my hoover madness i know. i searched n searched the internet for help, and came accross paitent uk which had a link to embarrasing bodies. they were doing a show on depression/anxiety so i applied they had to come to me as i couldnt leave the house. then they got me cbt and i found after b4 sessions it helped me to actually travel all the way to birmingham :) although i was still a little axious i was happy i was able to leave my home. i came off my tablets after 2 n half year of taking them and felt great still but a year n half on im soooooooo anxious again its unreal. i tried fluxetine 20mg about 2 week ago lasted 4 days the side effects i couldnt hack hightened axiety and couldnt eat at all lost 6lb in 4 days, they made all the anxiety symptoms ive got 10 times worse, so the doc told me to stop and that i wouldnt be able to take any meds as they will all make me feel worse with anxiety. ive been referred to talking changes cbt il give it a go. ive been given trazadone 50mg to start tonight see how i cope with these. are you on any meds and are you taking diazepam (anyone)?

04-19-2013, 08:22 AM
Went to counseling on tuesday but didn't feel like it helped. He taught me relaxation breathing, which i've been trying anyway.. I have another appointment with him next week which I plan on going to, but I may stop seeing him after that. On wednesday I woke up with severe anxiety, then I made the mistake of stepping on the scale and I dropped a few more pounds which FREAKED me out! I'm down 15lbs now in 5 weeks. So i called my mother in law in tears, panicking, and she came to get me so I wouldnt be alone. I ate pretty well that day, called up my doctor and she prescribed me .5mg Klonopin. I took one that night and actually got 5 hours of sleep.

Then yesterday woke up really nauseous but said to myself ENOUGH! i refused to give into my anxiety that morning and forced myself to get out of bed and clean the house. For 3 hours I cleaned the whole house and felt GREAT! Nausea went away slowly, I was able to eat a lot without forcing myself, and my aunt picked me up and we ran some errands together. Yesterday was definitely a turning point for me. I still feel a little anxious but the nausea and overall feeling of sickness has disappeared. I was so happy I cried lol. All it took was facing my fears of getting out of bed, taking a shower, and forcing myself to keep moving even though I was afraid and kept telling myself "KEEP GOING".. I was afraid for weeks that if i moved around too much I might pass out so i said "SO WHAT! Keep going until you pass out! You have your phone on you and can call for help! You're nauseous, not dying!" and now I am doing great! So thankful! Still going to take the klonopin until I am totally out of the woods but I went from literally feeling like I was going to die, to feeling close to being on top of the world. there is hope! if i can do it, so can you! Force yourself to do things that you are afraid of and you will see that nothing bad is going to happen.

04-19-2013, 04:02 PM
I've had severe anxiety all day today. Now at 11pm (Dublin Ireland) I feel exhausted but in a wired not tired way.
Trying to control it is futile and I can't be arsed belly breathing just to get through the day . It's to much or not enough- whatever way you want to look at it.
When I meet a cynical medic regarding my anxiety these days I kind freak and ask them if they would like to try and breathe their way through everything from morning till night just to get through the day!? And also if they knew what it actually felt like text-books aside!!

05-01-2013, 01:09 PM
This nausea will not relent at all. Whatever I try to do to distract myself it's always with me, I'm so low today's been partially bad and I've cried most of the day, it's been hell I've been on these new tablets escitalopram for 16 nights now, but the anxiety is still really bad, and I'm so depressed, why isn't this nausea going? I don't know why but by the evening I'm not as anxious still got nausea tho and just wondered why this is the case that in the evening it's less but the nausea is still there do if it's anxiety causing it and I'm not as anxious in the early evening why doesn't it go too? the mornings are really bad and in general most of the day too, I feel so desperate and the mental health team don't take me seriously and have been pretty useless just offering the suggestion of yet more tablets to add to the mix! my life is crap and I don't think I will ever get through this:( I'm so lonely

05-01-2013, 01:28 PM
I'm having really bad days to and feel for you hang in there :) it's hard I know I try and pull my self through the day infact I'd describe it as dragging myself going to bed then waking up feeling anxious I tend to feel really bad 1 week before period and during the anxiety/ depression from feeling anxiety 24/7 gets to me so much I can barely function. I'm trying to find the right meds at the min tried fluoxetine 20mg had nearly every side effect to date well, dizzy lightheaded, felt sick, tired, spaced detached, hightened anxiety lost 6lb in 4 days on them could not eat at all :( so I stopped, then tried trazadone and mirtazeapine sleepers I don't like yak I don't hv problems sleeping so why they would prescribe them I was left sedated during the day to and I hv 3 kids so stopped taking these, yesterday I took a 2.5mg cipralex and read a side effect I've never seen before torsade de pointes hmmmm that was it I knew I'd not be able to relax taking these. So I'm at docs again 7th but I might get a telephone app sooner as its just under a week away. I take Valium for when I can't calm myself down panic attack or having been anxious all day. What meds are you on and hv you had any therapy?
Jo x

05-01-2013, 02:34 PM
ally - when my nausea started I didn't feel "anxious" either. Like, when I think of "anxiety" i think of being restless, rapid heartbeat, can't breathe... things like that. And I wasn't having any feelings like that at all, only felt nauseous. So I understand how you feel. It is so confusing. I really just feel "sick" overall, and run-down. Just don't feel good. So I find it hard to accept that what I have is anxiety, but all of my test results are 100% fine. I trust my doctors, and I trust the results, it's just still a little confusing for me.

I'm doing better now, eating without much of a problem, although I don't really get enjoyment out of eating a meal like I used to. I just eat because I know I have to, and I'm able to get the food down. Still feel slight nausea off and on all day but I'm able get through the day, but still feel that dragged down feeling, exhausted, and overall "blah". I just push myself to keep moving, and when I'm constantly busy doing things my mind isn't focusing on the nausea and it helps make it go away a little. It's happening slowly.

A few weeks ago I would not get out of bed, wouldn't take a shower or even brush my teeth because I felt so sick, like literally felt like I was dying. I am far from that now.. I got up today, showered and got myself ready, drove around and dropped off resumes to 15 different offices, and went to a friend's house for a visit... so that is a MAJOR improvement from where I was.

Look toward the positive. Block out the negative. Find something positive every day and you will slowly get better. You can't expect it to get better over night (even though I would love to wake up tomorrow and magically feel like my normal self again) It takes time, the more you get frustrated and agonize over your symptoms, the more anxiety you will add to it. Just let it roll off your shoulders, tell yourself nothing is wrong, and push forward.

05-01-2013, 03:04 PM
Great for nausea is a packet of plain crisps - no strong flavour, nothing to upset your stomach and also get some salt back in to help rehydrate.