View Full Version : Newbie here

04-15-2013, 06:04 PM
Hello everyone! I am 17 with intense anxiety,depression,and bipolar disorder. I am currently on medications for these but still am having lots of trouble. Am hoping this will give me courage and a newfound hope. It seems I'm the only person around my town with the issues I have. I know this cant be true but that's how it feels, since everyone acts as if its something to be ashamed of. Looking forward to connecting with those struggling with the same issues. Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day everyone!

04-15-2013, 06:30 PM
First off please tell me your name refers to the most coolest of songs by one of the coolest of bands

I'm sorry you had to come here looking for help but be assured this is the best therapy you can find as you travel your path through this.

If its any reassurance, I consider myself "healed" from anxiety and depression. I will never be who I was prior to these things. This is my new normal

What's really cool is my new normal is so much better than it was before this nonsense came into my life

You are at the right place to find your answers.

04-15-2013, 06:37 PM
Blueeyes, be sure to work closely and honestly with your doc. It's the best way to stay as well as you can. I hope the future brings even better meds for you. PM me any time. Alankay

04-15-2013, 06:54 PM
So sorry to hear you have been feeling so lonely with your illness and i hope you find a lot of support from this forum where people are so kind and try to help through their own experiences. Have you been in contact with your local Mental Health Forum, if you have on in your area, because they would be able to tell you if there are any peer support groups where you live so you can go and chat to other people with illnesses which helps. Also you might be able to get on some NHS courses where you meet others with lots different illnesses but give you support as a group as well as what you learn on the course helping. Your doctor or psychiatric nurse should be able to find these groups and courses for you.

04-15-2013, 07:24 PM
First off please tell me your name refers to the most coolest of songs by one of the coolest of bands

I'm sorry you had to come here looking for help but be assured this is the best therapy you can find as you travel your path through this.

If its any reassurance, I consider myself "healed" from anxiety and depression. I will never be who I was prior to these things. This is my new normal

What's really cool is my new normal is so much better than it was before this nonsense came into my life

You are at the right place to find your answers.

NixonRulz, yes indeed it is lol. You give me hope !

04-15-2013, 07:25 PM
Blueeyes, be sure to work closely and honestly with your doc. It's the best way to stay as well as you can. I hope the future brings even better meds for you. PM me any time. Alankay

That's my number one rule , is telling the truth about the way I feel and not sugarcoating anything. Thanks I'm sure I will!

04-15-2013, 07:25 PM
So sorry to hear you have been feeling so lonely with your illness and i hope you find a lot of support from this forum where people are so kind and try to help through their own experiences. Have you been in contact with your local Mental Health Forum, if you have on in your area, because they would be able to tell you if there are any peer support groups where you live so you can go and chat to other people with illnesses which helps. Also you might be able to get on some NHS courses where you meet others with lots different illnesses but give you support as a group as well as what you learn on the course helping. Your doctor or psychiatric nurse should be able to find these groups and courses for you.

Thanks! And thanks for the helpful ideas ill be sure to look into it.

shane bevan
04-15-2013, 07:48 PM
You are now among those that know exactlu how you feel. I thought i was alone before i joined this site. I hope it works for you too. Let me know if i can help. Take care

04-15-2013, 08:36 PM
You are now among those that know exactlu how you feel. I thought i was alone before i joined this site. I hope it works for you too. Let me know if i can help. Take care

Thanks man will do