View Full Version : School

04-15-2013, 05:50 PM
I haven't been to school the past 2 1/2 weeks atleast. My intense fear of people judging me,what I look like,the way I'm walking, the way I sound when I talk and everything else just devastates me. I'm missing out on hours for my future career in cosmetology too. Funny thing is I can still manage to come to work, where I'm a HOSTESS! I don't know what I'm asking for by posting this..

04-15-2013, 06:45 PM
I haven't been to school for 20 years or so. You short time away doesn't seem so bad. : )

I am not sure why you would feel the way you do so intensely that you would avoid school

Doesn't seem to be a social anxiety issue since you function so well as a hostess

What stands out about the time I was in school and you currently is the onslaught of social media me electronic devices

If i was young, I would be nervous today as well No matter what you do or where you go, there is someone recording or filming you

Who can blame anyone for being apprehensive about that. One little mistake and you become a YouTube sensation, and not for the better.

I wouldn't beat yourself up too much about feeling that way. You will work out why you are so sensitive to school.

04-15-2013, 07:28 PM
I haven't been to school for 20 years or so. You short time away doesn't seem so bad. : )

I am not sure why you would feel the way you do so intensely that you would avoid school

Doesn't seem to be a social anxiety issue since you function so well as a hostess

What stands out about the time I was in school and you currently is the onslaught of social media me electronic devices

If i was young, I would be nervous today as well No matter what you do or where you go, there is someone recording or filming you

Who can blame anyone for being apprehensive about that. One little mistake and you become a YouTube sensation, and not for the better.

I wouldn't beat yourself up too much about feeling that way. You will work out why you are so sensitive to school.

Hahahah 20 years eh? You must have a closet full of truancy tickets! :) and you have a very valid point. Thanks for the positive vibes

04-15-2013, 07:35 PM
There must be something or someone at school which is undermining your confidence and perhaps while you are having a break from it you can be objective and work out what it is. It is really strange but I work full time and can act normal all day, concentrate and talk to people at work,but outside of work I have stopped socialising with friends and work colleagues. But at work I have become much more sensitive and paranoid that people don't like me, can't talk to me because I am ill or blame me when things go wrong because I have a head problem. Your Dr or psychiatrist should be able to help you, and advise you, but if you stay off school too long it makes it very difficult when you go back because you are more anxious after a long time off.

04-15-2013, 07:39 PM
There must be something or someone at school which is undermining your confidence and perhaps while you are having a break from it you can be objective and work out what it is. It is really strange but I work full time and can act normal all day, concentrate and talk to people at work,but outside of work I have stopped socialising with friends and work colleagues. But at work I have become much more sensitive and paranoid that people don't like me, can't talk to me because I am ill or blame me when things go wrong because I have a head problem. Your Dr or psychiatrist should be able to help you, and advise you, but if you stay off school too long it makes it very difficult when you go back because you are more anxious after a long time off.


I was the same way. I would worry that people were talking about me and didn't like me.

Then, just as I started getting clarity on what I was going through.

It hit me


The people I was worried about liking me? I didn't care because I thought they were a bunch of tools.

Fu@k em!!!!

Those bastards pump my gas now.

04-15-2013, 10:28 PM
I get it all the time, especially walking around school, I feel like people are looking at me and whatever, same thing happens when I'm walking down the street and cars pass me.

It's definitely a form of (social) anxiety. The most important thing to remember is that 95% of random people you pass don't give a shit about you, we're just paranoid they are.

04-15-2013, 10:43 PM
I have had so many days off school because of my anxiety.. I'm the same where as i think everyone is judging me.. The worst part is that all the work that is being missed because when you go back, teachers harass you and then you don't want to go to school again.. Its a big circle, i know how you feel..

04-15-2013, 11:16 PM
Samething for work.....:(

04-15-2013, 11:43 PM
There must be something or someone at school which is undermining your confidence and perhaps while you are having a break from it you can be objective and work out what it is. It is really strange but I work full time and can act normal all day, concentrate and talk to people at work,but outside of work I have stopped socialising with friends and work colleagues. But at work I have become much more sensitive and paranoid that people don't like me, can't talk to me because I am ill or blame me when things go wrong because I have a head problem. Your Dr or psychiatrist should be able to help you, and advise you, but if you stay off school too long it makes it very difficult when you go back because you are more anxious after a long time off.

That's the exact same situation I'm in. And I could think of quite a few things undermining my confidence there

04-15-2013, 11:44 PM
I get it all the time, especially walking around school, I feel like people are looking at me and whatever, same thing happens when I'm walking down the street and cars pass me.

It's definitely a form of (social) anxiety. The most important thing to remember is that 95% of random people you pass don't give a shit about you, we're just paranoid they are.

If only I could I keep that in mind when I'm going through it