View Full Version : Dont look on the net if you have other health problems

07-20-2007, 07:54 AM
About 1 month ago I started getting tingling in arms and generally feeling weak. From this point on I decided that there was something wrong with my health. So I went on a diet of having the same foods everyday for about 2 -3 weeks and excersing. I also flipped my lid at work and walked out twice because of the stress of it all.

I have also been riddled with a Urinary Tract Infection for the last 2 years that never seems to go.

Last week I plucked up the courage to go to the doctors. I hate doctors but since this day my mind has spiralled downwards very very quickly. I have got in to a state thinking the worst. Thinking that I was going to die.

On saturday I started to come over all lightheaded and thought I was having a heart attack.

Same on Monday, Tuesday and for the rest of the week. I am becoming self obessesed about my health

Then I started looking on the net at Urinary Tract Infections and I am convinced I have all the symptoms of kideny infections. I am not peeing any blood nor am I getting back aches, but becuase I am so distant one the symptoms of Unirary Tract Infection is feeling tired, which I do. I keep having bad thoughts of being rushed to A&E.

I just cant put my finger on it. As well as all of this, I cut out smoking and coffee all the same time, which of course makes you feel spaced out. So I decided to have a smoke and coffee and do what I used to do to break the cycle. Mentally I am feeling better, so is this anxiety?

A lot of anxiety stems from guilt of not going to the doctors, and building everything up. As well as this my tongue has gone all white. Again this shouts out kidney infections.

Im so scared.

Im going to the doctors at at 5:10pm and I am going to explain everything.

07-20-2007, 01:30 PM
On saturday I started to come over all lightheaded and thought I was having a heart attack.

Same on Monday, Tuesday and for the rest of the week. I am becoming self obessesed about my health.

Does your heart feel "fluttery" or anything like that? ...beat harder?

Because that quote right there, has me almost convinced it's anxiety, those are the most common symptoms... and from how you describe it, it sounds like you had panic attacks. The only time I thought I was having a heart attack and thought I was dying, I was having a panic attack. My arms when numb, I was light headed, and all spaced out while it was going on, like I was high or something.

If that's how you feel, it's definitely anxiety... and if it is, you're in the right place :)