View Full Version : Bipolar boyfriend, and me with anxiety.

04-15-2013, 04:31 PM
I can't even put it in words how much of a rollercoaster this is. Just need some advice or anything at this point. I'm basically his reason to live (healthy, i know...) and that's an enormous pressure for anyone but especially someone with anxiety like mine... but he has no one else and I care about him. Just feeling lost here and want to know if anyone has been in this position of wanting to help but wanting to run because its too much. Anything will help at this point. Don't be afraid to call me a dumbass for trying to deal with his swings and mine as well.. Side note: he's on the extreme side of bipolar and not just mild. If that helps.

04-15-2013, 04:36 PM
And yes, I do love him and want to be with him, I just want both issues to go away lol. Which isn't likely.

04-15-2013, 05:47 PM
I can't even put it in words how much of a rollercoaster this is. Just need some advice or anything at this point. I'm basically his reason to live (healthy, i know...) and that's an enormous pressure for anyone but especially someone with anxiety like mine... but he has no one else and I care about him. Just feeling lost here and want to know if anyone has been in this position of wanting to help but wanting to run because its too much. Anything will help at this point. Don't be afraid to call me a dumbass for trying to deal with his swings and mine as well.. Side note: he's on the extreme side of bipolar and not just mild. If that helps.

Oddly enough I just recently found myself wanting to help some people but it was becoming too much pressure for the things people were asking of me. I became afraid to say the wrong things so I though it easier just to bail. I found my way after a few days and I hope your path becomes clear to you.

Nobody here will call you names. We are all dealing with something.

And sticking it out if you feel the cause is right can only be considered nobel.

04-15-2013, 06:18 PM
Yeah I don't want to bail it just gets tooooo much sometimes and I want to lose it completely and scream because he's hard to deal with when he's manic but when he's back down he's better so... I always hated rollercoasters... But he really loves me, as far as I know. Too much but that's better than what I've known in the last year or 2 when no one did.. Lol. I'm taking it day by day for now and reminding him as much as I can that I'm being infinitely patient and trying to put myself in his shoes (even though I really can't)

04-15-2013, 06:19 PM
Yah.. The walking on eggshells.. Oy.

04-15-2013, 06:27 PM
My Dad was bipolar and I was the one of the 3 boys to head up trying to intervene when he went off his meds or had a breakthrough. It's tough no doubt. Can be maddening and heartbreaking.
The most important part is for the patient to not be in denial about their condition as my Dad was. There can be no negotiation on meds and psych counseling. He must work with, not against, the docs as my Dad often did and he and my family paid the price. He must be compliant with doc rx's.
He will have relapses so learn about his meds and what to bump up(usually haldol or other anti-psychotic to calm the mania until restarting the dose of lithium or other mood stabilizer starts to work as you taper down on the anti-psychotic).
Getting to know/trust his doc is vital as well.
Allot is up to him. My Dad never learned but not all are that way. PM me any time. Alankay

04-15-2013, 07:49 PM
It sounds a lot if guard and difficult work to help someone with bipolar and even if you were well you would be struggling. I have been in hospital with people with bipolar and they definitely need to keep up their meds and find ones that work for them and also be able to work with their Dr and psychiatrist. You can only do your best to help and must look after yourself as well. Make sure you are getting all the help and support you need for yourself from your Dr or psychiatrist as well as some carer support to help you learn how to live with him and help him. Make sure you get respite time away from him now and again to help yourself.

04-15-2013, 09:56 PM
Yeah he's gonna have me go to his counseling or doc or whatever with him so I can kind of help explain things from a different perspective than his and hopefully they'll fix his meds up a bit. I'm dealing the best I can and want to do it together and he seems to be with me in that plan which is good.. He's not fighting the docs also which is good. But it's still really tough and hopefully I'll get the hang of it. Not the worst thing I've ever lived through so I think I'll make it lol :]

04-18-2013, 12:10 PM
Also forgot to mention he has Asperger's as well. A great combo.