View Full Version : Doctors are so quick to throw the depression word around and try to sell me pills

04-15-2013, 11:33 AM
This may piss some folks off but I really need to vent right now. I swear to god every emotional symptom u have that is looked upon as sad the Doctors are so quick to label u as depressed. Doesn't matter if there is anything else causing it. They look so quick to try and make u buy there fucki g pills that they give out to people like candy. Taking pills is not going to help me and I wish people would understand that. I don't want to have to be on medication for the rest of my life. And I don't even think I'm depressed. The only problems I am having right now is low motivation and my emotions torward anything seem to be turned down a knotch. Almost apathy. I'm trying to find a doctor who may know something about this on the physical level but every doctor is just trying to sell me shit. It's amazing that I get way more help on here than I do at the doctors! Folks here should replace the doctors out there. I get way more help from here than from these people who supposly "specialize" is this kind of thing.

This is the end of my rant. Just very upset but will pull through because I will stay strong as hell .