View Full Version : Need some advice!

04-15-2013, 10:50 AM
Stumbled across this site and have been reading a few threads, sounds like you guys are really educated on anxiety and give some comforting advice. I recently had a panic attack that put me in the ER because I've never experienced anything like this and thought the worst. Turns out I was fine and went to see a doctor the next day. He told me it was from my unhealthy life style, lack of sleep, exercise, unhealthy eating, partying too much and sent me for a bunch of tests. I've had an ECG done, 2 chest x-rays, blood tests, urine tests, everything you could think of. He told me I was healthy and there was nothing wrong with me, no asthma no thyroid, I was in good shape for a 24 year old. I've developed this shortness of breath and constant yawning after my first attack that is driving me crazy, I just can't seem to get a satisfying breath of air. I went back to the doc and told him about my problem and he sent me to get a pulmonary lung function test done. The results came back and he saw a pattern of hyperventilation in my breathing even when I'm not feeling anxious. He told me it was anxiety and gave me Cipralex and diazepam. Cipralex gave me such bad side effects I stopped taking them the very first day. The diazepam just sedates me and makes me feel like a zombie. Yes it makes me feel good but I'm still constantly yawing on it and taking deep breaths. Is this really anxiety or could I have maybe adapted to a bad breathing pattern and that's what is causing me to have these symptoms 24/7. I tried going to the gym to see if that would help me and I felt like passing out after every set, gasping for air even after a light workout. I've never considered my self to be an anxious person and really having a hard time accepting this is anxiety. Some other symptoms I get is constant migraines and headaches, pins and needle sensations and always feeling tired, prone to sickness. I've been doing some research on this and Chronic hyperventilation Syndrome seems be to coming up the most but my Doctor tells me its anxiety and just keeps throwing more meds at me. Has anyone ever experienced this or have any knowledge. Your thoughts and comments are very much appreciated. Thank you. =)

04-15-2013, 10:56 AM
Sounds to me you need a second opinion! Medications are finiky your body isnt going to adapt to them the first day, try giving them a chance and if the problem persists ask to be changed to something else.

04-15-2013, 01:26 PM
Can't hurt to get a 2nd opinion but it could be anxiety...sure. Alankay

04-15-2013, 04:24 PM
I would assume anxiety because I have ALL the aaas things going on as you! I'm always taking deep breaths or trying to and yawning alllll the time! I have had anxiety for 2 years and been to ER and doctor and cardiologist and I'm deemed healthy also.

04-15-2013, 05:39 PM
I would assume anxiety because I have ALL the aaas things going on as you! I'm always taking deep breaths or trying to and yawning alllll the time! I have had anxiety for 2 years and been to ER and doctor and cardiologist and I'm deemed healthy also.

FYI. If you tend to yawn a lot, it's the body's natural way of taking a deep breath when it needs it. Anxious people tend to breathe shallow through their chest. Shallow breathing causes yawns, tight chest and heart palpitations.

04-15-2013, 08:00 PM
I have hyperventilated because I was having a panic attack through anxiety. You need to learn to slow your breathing down and breath from your tummy not your chest. You won't realise while it is happening but you will be breathing too quickly and shallow from your chest. They used to suggest putting a paper bag over your mouth and nose and breath but you can do the same by putting your hands together over your nose and mouth and this will help slow you down and breath deeper. Sounds like anxiety and you could get tablets for it or try something like meditation or mindfulness which really help you with your breathing.

04-16-2013, 02:51 PM
I don't get any heart palpitations or chest pains, just constant yawning and having to take deep breaths every minute. What bothers me is when I go for that deep breath and I feel like I don't get the oxygen. I am not a chest breather or a mouth breather so this really stumps me. Thanks for the replies.

04-16-2013, 02:54 PM
I don't get any heart palpitations or chest pains, just constant yawning and having to take deep breaths every minute. What bothers me is when I go for that deep breath and I feel like I don't get the oxygen. I am not a chest breather or a mouth breather so this really stumps me. Thanks for the replies.

Yeah I have the same breathing thing too.

04-16-2013, 04:25 PM
You are breathing too much!
"Doctor tells me its anxiety"- After 50 more doctors tell you this you still won't be satisfied.
"he saw a pattern of hyperventilation in my breathing even when I'm not feeling anxious"- A doctor to notice this means you must really be overbreathing.

My guess is you have hyperventilation syndrome. You are blowing out too much CO2 causing you to get dizzy, and had nothing to do with oxygen, since you have had a full blood work up and everything came out ok, right? This is my guess because I had this too. I read this book, listened to the Mp3 and practiced it and in 5 days I was 50% better. I continued to practice it and I Still do today. It was one of the greatest contributors to stopping my anxiety. Not the only thing, but it got me to stop overbreathing and understand why. Buy this book by Patrick McKeown and read it and practice it. Anxiety Free: Stop Worrying and Quieten Your Mind - Featuring the Buteyko Breathing Method and Mindfulness http://www.patrickmckeown.net/books.php Scroll down to: 3) Anxiety Free book and CD set (immediate download of ebook & CD upon payment)

I do not get paid for this. Patrick doesn't even know I talk about his book.

Make sure you get the MP3 Buteyko breathing meditation and practice it daily. Probably 80% of the people on this forum need this book. But most people here would not be willing to do the exercises. They would rather just come on this forum and talk about their misery with other miserable people.

Most people here don't realize how connected their overbreathing is to anxiety. Breathe less, calmer, and through your nose. Learn Buteyko breathing and the philosophy behind it.

04-16-2013, 05:02 PM
I've never had a panic attack before and wasn't educated about them at all so my first one was the scariest thing I've ever experienced. I was hyperventilating for 90 or so minutes. Honestly thought I was going to die until I took an ativan. Ever since that attack my breathing has been so out of whack. I haven't had another attack, just these shitty symptoms that are really driving me crazy. My doctor was really quick at throwing me all these meds but I truly believe proper breathing exercises will fix my problem. I tried looking for a buteyko practitioner last week but couldn't find one around here so that link is perfect. Every time I talked to my doctor about it possibly being an unhealthy breathing pattern he just brushes it off and says anxiety. TAKE THESE MEDS!!!. Anyways thanks for the feedback PanicCured.

04-16-2013, 05:15 PM
Doctors do meds and surgery for the most part. There just isn't much else they can do.

If I were you, I would read that book, and then do a Skype session with Patrick McKeown. I paid him $50 for about an hour session once and he showed me how to do the exercises properly. I also listened to that Mp3 about 2 times a day. All this about deep breaths and breathe breathe breathe, it's not right. Carbon Dioxide is not a waste gas but crucial fro the Oxygen molecules to be delivered from your red blood cells to your brain and organs. That's why you feel weird from lack of CO2. Yawning is all part of this. And that need to breathe deeper and deeper, its all part of this. Try to resist that urge though and breathe less! The Buteyko breathing resets the respiratory center in your brain to a more normal rhythm. I think it takes about a solid 12 minutes of the reduced breathing exercises to affect this. But there is a point were it feels blissful and peaceful.

So read the book, listen to the MP3, and contact Patrick. It will change your life!

04-16-2013, 07:28 PM
Sked, Try this because you are breathing incorrectly and it is most probably anxiety. Breathe in through your nose 4 seconds...1000, 2000 , 3000 4000 or even use a Stop watch and then slowly release through your mouth also at the count of 4 seconds... This regulates your breathing, allowing your oxygen and carbon dioxide to be level. Hyperventilation is the number one symptom of anxiety and EVERYONE regardless of anxiety speeds up their respiration rate and pulse rate when nervous, along with VERY shallow breathing. I personally not only hyperventilate but I tend to hold my breath. The problem is that we don't know we are doing this until we have created the hyperventilation situation ( aka Anxiety/ Panic Attack)

04-16-2013, 07:30 PM
PanicCured, I will say you and I are usually on the same page when it comes to the disorder. It's very tough for many to accept that thought process and not a disease process is at work.

04-16-2013, 07:46 PM
This is how my anxiety attacks started about ten years ago. I was in a restaurant and all of a sudden I felt like i couldn't breathe. it would not have been obvious to people around me but it lasted for hours and it felt terrible. I was a hotel and had to pace up and down the hallways. From here, it happened often and I was terrified. I too went to the Dr and they gave me meds. Zoloft eventually worked for me but it is always a very rough start at the beginning. I actually get more anxious before I get better. I suffered for months with this before I went though. I was always so conscious of my breathing then and i always felt like I needed a deep breathe. I wanted one when I wanted one, but really when you are not focused on your breathing, you really don't take deep breathes like you are probably trying to get. I used to yawn too. This was always worse when I was in a situation I was worried I couldn't get out of, like a meeting. A plane ride was torture for me. To this day, bc this first happened in a restaurant, I still get that feeling back a little when I am in one. This is how deep rooted anxiety it. I am now going thru another set of different panic attacks and have once again started on meds. the funny thing is, is that my symptoms are totally different this time. I am obsessed with how i walk!!! Most people never even think go how they walk or how they breathe. When we focus on things like this, even if you don't think you are, amazing things happen. However, like you, what I am going thru now seems very much like a disease and I have convinced myself of many things that i can and think I most likely have. But, since I can look back on the breathing things, bc its not my current thing, I can tell you there was nothing wrong w me. It was anxiety. I wake up thinking of how I am feeling now and immediately start to panic. i just started taking klonopin on occasion which has helped me greatly. Even though i never wanted to go that route. Clearly i need to function. After a bit, the tiredness will go away. Good luck!

04-16-2013, 08:08 PM
Sked, get the book and follow it. You already are looking for Buteyko breathing stuff so you know what I am saying. Do not breathe out your mouth like Judie said. You will release too much CO2. There is no reason to use your mouth for breathing unless you are exercising at so high a level you need to. Breathe in and out your nose always. The Buteyko techniques involve having sessions of 12-30 minutes of reducing breathing by calming yourself not by strain breathing less and less, but its a little more complicated than that and I think you have to learn it to get it right. I gave you all the info on how to get access to it.

PanicCured, I will say you and I are usually on the same page when it comes to the disorder. It's very tough for many to accept that thought process and not a disease process is at work.

Most people think like this, "Oh I have anxiety and this is my life now. So I will arrange my life according to this life long permanent illness called anxiety for now on. I will look for support from other sufferers and together we can comfort each other by being miserable together. I am anxious and that is just who I am."

04-16-2013, 09:44 PM
I agree that we all look for support from each other bc that can be comforting to know that you are not alone in your 'current' (and hopefully not permanent) situation, yet I disagree w the miserable part. I think most people reach out bc it so exhausting and scary to actually be miserable, but it is nice to know that people understand what you are going through. I, at least reach out because it can make me feel like, oh ok, maybe that is just anxiety and not this terrible disease I think I have. The actual panic attacks are not what concerns me anymore, it's the fear of there being something more than anxiety going on. The fear my children will grow up without me. I was panic free for many years, while not one meds, and then recently it came back with a vengeance. Certain stressful things happened in my life and then physical symptoms started, and a bad test result, and BAM. I am in limbo. I really do hope it is anxiety and am trying to undue this now with meds, therapy, countless self help books, breathing...etc. My hope is that when I get this part under control, that the physical symptoms will go away. But they are very real at this time regardless. I never thought I would be in this position again as I took many steps to free myself of that. I'm a relator. So, it helps me to know that at times I am not alone and that there is an end in sight. Trust me, why would I want to live through this torture? When I used to have panic attacks and I knew that's what they were and that there was nothing physical behind them, i was able to work them out. When now I really do worry that there is something physical and that is causing the anxiety symptoms, i.e. muscle twitches, that's another story. So, if you have any advice for that piece, I will gladly take it. That's being sincere too.

04-16-2013, 10:00 PM
Yeah Gracejack, I understand that obviously. People with anxiety need support and comfort. But many people do not do anything other than this. Just go to the index and look at most of the posts here and how often does someone simply ask, how can I get better or what can I do about this? Not too often. Look what the titles of the threads mostly are and look at the content within them.
"Am, I dying?"
"No you are not dying."
"Anxiety sucks."
"I know."
This would be fine but my problem is I don't see much else other than this.
And some people will even go so far as to get angry if you tell them they can get past it. 2 people here the other day told me Anxiety is incurable and I am simply just lucky. To me, that is crazy! I could never think like this.
I just can't relate to not just focusing on getting better. For me, the horrible feelings was enough to motivate me. I wanted comfort, but I also spent every waking hour trying to overcome it and put it behind me.

"When now I really do worry that there is something physical and that is causing the anxiety symptoms, i.e. muscle twitches, that's another story. So, if you have any advice for that piece, I will gladly take it. That's being sincere too."

I would just get it all checked out by the doctor and once it is ruled anxiety and no physical illness, then you got your free ticket. Then you heal on a deeper level then medical tests can reach by doing the different stuff I discussed in the stickies above.

04-17-2013, 12:07 AM
Hi everyone, I have been to a support group tonight... What are your toughts about that.. They where great, explaining breahting exercises and sharing tips and support

04-17-2013, 08:29 AM
I think that anything that works for you is a step in the right direction

Congrats on finding something effective.

04-18-2013, 09:50 AM
Ordered the book and cd, also signed up for some yoga classes. I'll let you know how well it works for me. Thanks.

04-18-2013, 06:10 PM
gracejack, It is Panic, mine tends to be almost cyclic, in its occurrence ( as is depression) ebbs and flows just like life. I know it's horrible and very deceptive in how it surfaces. My Panic Disorder will try to " trick" me with new symptoms and I really struggle at times to believe it's NOT physical. BUT here's the thing it is PHYSICAL just NOT DANGEROUS. The muscle twitches are also a symptom, muscles immediately tense when under anxiety. Often times my entire shoulders, chest and even biceps knot. Today I was saying how much I ached all over. Fibromyalgia goes hand and hand with Anxiety Disorder. The. Muscle twitches ( which happen in my eye) are usually one of my early signs that I am under too much stress and Panic Attackscare on there way. Like with any symptom, the key is relaxation of those muscles. I use a muscle rub ( Icy Hot etc..) Also make sure you take a calcium supplement ( calcium relaxes muscles and they will twitch if you don't have enough) Even though I understand Anxiety I still struggle that it is not a disease, heart attack, stroke etc. BUT trust me it is psychosomatic ( originating in the mind) and the way to control it lies in your ability to be nonreactive and master those Negative thoughts that we ALL have in the midst of an attack.The resurfacing of Panic Attacks after they have been quieted for a period of time often and understandably trigger depression which in turn will make you very tired and terrified that it is in fact a disease process at work. At one point my Panic Attacks surfaced and I was understandably depressed. In addition I was going in for a lump removed from my breast to be biopsied. I said to my DR. " I think it's Cancer because I am just sooooo tired". I will never forget her reply she said " I am not going to tell you that you don't have Cancer BUT depression/ anxiety are the number one cause of extreme fatigue ! I DID NOT have Breast Cancer and I did have Panic/ Depression. I have learned a lot about anxiety over the years, so please work on your thought process, ease stress in your life etc... I mentioned on another forum I can't emphasize using 1000-2000 mg of Omega 3 Fish Oil. This is your brain function and is amazing at treating anxiety and especially the depression that accompanies it. Please try it, give it some time and private message me. Good Luck ! hang in there !