View Full Version : Do benzos reduce quality of sleep?

04-15-2013, 03:09 AM
When I get up after taking a dose of Klonopin/Clonazepam at night it feels that I have not slept one wink. Am I the only one, or is this side effect specific to this benzo only?

04-15-2013, 05:52 AM
At medium and higher dose a benzo can reduce time in REM sleep.... but you get more REM cycles so not so much. Could be a temp side effect. How long have you been on it? Alankay

04-15-2013, 06:25 AM
I only take benzos when my anxiety levels are high i.e. occasionally

04-15-2013, 08:27 AM
I haven't experienced that but it also could be anxiety in genral