View Full Version : Fear

04-14-2013, 09:10 PM
Does anyone have any ideas or tips for letting go of fear or things you can't control? I really need to let go of a fear that is taking hold of my life, but I don't know where to begin. I tried acceptance, it worked for a few days, but overall I just can't shake it. I feel like a lost soul. And please, I don't need any mean or smart ass comments about how I'm looking for pity. Just looking for some advice.

04-14-2013, 09:32 PM
Melly hi hon, i thought of u when i logged in yesterday.

The only thing that is helping me now, is just not talking much about my fears. I don't say them out loud anymore. I just see them pass by in my mind.

04-14-2013, 09:36 PM
It depends on what type of anxiety you have. I have GAD and it is constant, while some others have mild anxiety or just social anxiety. I personally have fear that it is my heart that is acting up as my dad has cardiovascular disease and when my anxiety acts up I believe that it could be related although I know it is not as I have had about four EKGs in the past several years and I take after my mothers side, but it still seems to stress me out even more when my dad talks about his issues, I know it is hard to reassure yourself, as I was in the er two nights ago with chest pains. It is something you may just have to cope with, perhaps medication and therapy and It can be a long road I am only 27 and at times i feel like i thirty years older. So feel better melly as there are plenty of us out there with you :)

04-15-2013, 05:21 AM
Can you use exposure therapy to face your fear? I'm not sure what your fear is exactly so I'm not sure this would help. I'm one that likes control to so uncertainty is hard for me but I tell myself if I can't change things or know the future it's not worth my stress. Takes time. Do you do breathing exercises?

04-15-2013, 08:52 AM
Hey Mel. I just told my therapist about this same thing. I'm tired of dealing with the symptoms of anxiety and OCD. He told me that I need to do exposure therapy.

My fear is similar to many on here. Death. I always think I have something wrong with me. At first it was my heart. Then it was skin cancer (still kind obsess about this one) and now just cancer in general.

My first task is this. No googling. Second, if I think I have symptoms of some illness, I cannot go to the doctor. I have to sit in the symptoms. Allow them to pass. This technique allows me to realize I am healthy as everyone's been saying. Third, I cannot talk about my anxiety with others besides my husband and therapist. It's only been two weeks, so not really long enough as my anxiety hasn't been super high lately.

Anyway. I'm not sure if exposure therapy would pertain to you, but I really think its a great way to get rid of anxiety.

I remember when I had anxiety and no health insurance. I forced myself to do exposure therapy (didn't know that's what it was called) because I couldn't afford to see a doctor. I sat in my symptoms. Recognized them, and let them
pass. I wouldn't dwell on them, or obsess about them. I couldn't! Now that I have health insurance, its become too easy to go get checked out.

Alright. Enough rambling. I hope this helps. Good luck Mel.

04-15-2013, 10:58 AM
Hey Mel. I just told my therapist about this same thing. I'm tired of dealing with the symptoms of anxiety and OCD. He told me that I need to do exposure therapy.

My fear is similar to many on here. Death. I always think I have something wrong with me. At first it was my heart. Then it was skin cancer (still kind obsess about this one) and now just cancer in general.

My first task is this. No googling. Second, if I think I have symptoms of some illness, I cannot go to the doctor. I have to sit in the symptoms. Allow them to pass. This technique allows me to realize I am healthy as everyone's been saying. Third, I cannot talk about my anxiety with others besides my husband and therapist. It's only been two weeks, so not really long enough as my anxiety hasn't been super high lately.

Anyway. I'm not sure if exposure therapy would pertain to you, but I really think its a great way to get rid of anxiety.

I remember when I had anxiety and no health insurance. I forced myself to do exposure therapy (didn't know that's what it was called) because I couldn't afford to see a doctor. I sat in my symptoms. Recognized them, and let them
pass. I wouldn't dwell on them, or obsess about them. I couldn't! Now that I have health insurance, its become too easy to go get checked out.

Alright. Enough rambling. I hope this helps. Good luck Mel.

If anyone knows any of my past posts they know my fear is schizophrenia. I obsess so bad over it that it's literally taking over my way of thinking. I do have some of the broad symptoms, my doc says though that they are psychotic features due to trauma. It makes sense and I understand this, but the fear of it being early schizophrenia or developing it later are scaring me. I just don't know how to get over this fear. Anything my doc says doesn't make me feel better. It has to be me that let's go the fear but I just don't know how.

04-15-2013, 12:22 PM
I think its honestly a really tough question, Mel. I try the whole "positive thinking" and when I do start to get those worrisome thoughts, I try literally talking to myself to convince myself that its just anxiety, or find some way to distract myself....whether it be reading a book on my kindle, watching a silly show with the kids, forcing myself out of the house to run errands, vigorous housework,etc.....anything to distract myself until the feelings pass. It's not easy, at least for me, and its a daily thing.

04-15-2013, 01:17 PM
Dear Mellymel
Sorry to hear you worry so much about schizophrenia. It is so difficult once you have something in your head, even when you are told you haven't got it. Sounds like this exposure therapy might work if so many people been told to use it, but since not tried it don't know, but perhaps you could give it a try. Personally, I have tried everything except CET which has been recommended to me, so bought so many books etc, you won't believe it!
I hope you do manage to overcome your fear, as you are so young and lovely it is a shame not to be able to enjoy your life.

04-15-2013, 01:21 PM
If anyone knows any of my past posts they know my fear is schizophrenia. I obsess so bad over it that it's literally taking over my way of thinking. I do have some of the broad symptoms, my doc says though that they are psychotic features due to trauma. It makes sense and I understand this, but the fear of it being early schizophrenia or developing it later are scaring me. I just don't know how to get over this fear. Anything my doc says doesn't make me feel better. It has to be me that let's go the fear but I just don't know how.

Hi... Uve read a lot ov yr posts and really feel 4u but honesty dnt knw what to advice , must be very scary 4u , but think with the right pple around u and ones whom u kan trust , confide in and be yrself etc I think it will hello....