View Full Version : Anxeity attack

04-14-2013, 06:34 PM
Today was a great day to start off with got myself a puppy and everything was fine. Went to my sisters to show my puppy off and her dog had flea medication on its back (the dog was in the back yard) as soon as I noticed I freaked out. I immediately went inside and washes my hands. My sister kept telling me to come out to the back and I wouldn't because of the dog so she had to come in. Then I go over to my bf and his dad put fertilizer on the grass and that's all it took to freak me out. I was almost in tears again. Tried calming down but just couldn't. It was stuck in my brain. I felt like I was going to go crazy. Thankfully I see my therapist tomorrow. Friday I go see me doctor about my antidepressant I think I need a higher dose because its not having an effect at all. I feel like I'm getting worse.

04-15-2013, 09:16 PM
That's like what happened with my old therapist, she gave me a half dose of Ativan (each pill was half the dose of one pill) and they didn't work at all :$ so I ended up taking two pills at once ( don't take THAT advice) and it still did not work. This had nothing to do with Ativan being addictive, I was very responsible about when I took it. I no longer take Ativan cause it did not work on me, I think it is more designed for panic attack related anxiety.

04-15-2013, 09:24 PM
I don't take an adult dose so I think that's why it's not working.