View Full Version : Anxiety

04-14-2013, 04:26 PM
Has anyone got any tips on how they cope with anxiety/ panic attacks

04-14-2013, 04:35 PM
I would recommend reading some of the threads here, as they have great information. I cope using medication, exercise, and postive thoughts. If you feel comfortable talking about your panic, it could help some people with giving advice. Some things to ask yourself can be:

How long has this been going on?
Is there any noticable triggers?
Is it getting worse?

In my mind, anxiety and panic is a huge mountain that we have to climb. Theres going to be some very hard times, we will have to put in a great amount of effort to see results, but as we are nearing the top things will start to calm down and be more enjoyable. I dont mention getting to the top, because I dont know if my panic will ever go away completely, and I dont expect it to. Someone might have a different experience.

04-14-2013, 04:56 PM
I had panic disorder when I was 19 till 21 n it was a horrible time. Last year it came back after 5 years after seeing my ex collapse and have a fit n also my friend n I thought I was getting over it but past few days I've been on the edge but managed to control it. I just feel scared as I'm trying my hardest to get over it

04-14-2013, 05:05 PM
I don't feel depressed just anxious and scared

04-14-2013, 05:16 PM
I deffinatly know what the scared feeling is like. I worry about having an attack and then all the sudden im having an attack. I would talk with your doctor if you can. My therapist has helped me a lot with coping and getting through attacks. I think the biggest thing for me is to see the bright spots, and know that there are people out there that care, and are willing to help. That last part was the toughest for me to find, because many of my friends/family worried, but didnt know what I needed. Thats why I believe this forum is so great. Not only is it full of great information, but it is full of people dealing with the same stuff as us.

I mentioned this in a previous thread but I have taught myself a technique that works great for me. My biggest problem is during an attack, I was unable to look ahead and feel comforted by the relief that I woudl soon feel. All I thought was this is gonna last forever. So after trying some relaxation techniques that didnt work for me, I realized that "practice makes perfect". Well I dont need perfect, but the message was there. If I wanna get through a big attack without medication, I need to practice a technique when Im not having an attack. Just as a professional athlete trains for a game. They would get the experience in practice like they would in a game, but just having a feeling of what needs to happen is enough to get them through the game. So I worked on pushing out negative thoughts, and to focus on the positives. What I do (and it can easily be trained to fit anyones need, I believe) is to listen to a series of sad, depressing songs. Then I listen to a few happy, fast beat songs. I go through the sad songs with a depressed feeling, but I can tell myself "hey this isnt fun, but when its over I will experience some happiness". Nickelback and Rascal Flats have been the go to bands for me.

It may not work for you, but it might be worth a try. Theres got to be some sort of relaxation for every person, and we just need to find something that works for us. The best way to do that is to try different things.

I never felt depressed until a few months ago, and what I have noticed is a lot of techniques to help with depression, help with panic.