View Full Version : New :)

04-14-2013, 03:51 PM
I've finally got round to making an account so that I can actually post threads on here. I've been viewing posts on this forum for a while now and I mainly used it whilst having a panic attack in order to seek advice and calm myself down.

I'm in my teens and i've always been an anxious person. I believe my anxiety properly started to develop around a year ago as since then i've lost most of the little confidence I already had, I over-think every tiny detail in life and i've just generally started to feel the effects of anxiety.

Just thought i'd introduce myself and thank everybody that posts on here for their support :)

Kaspar Põlluäär
04-14-2013, 03:52 PM
Welcome. I aswell just joined hours ago and for the same reason as you did. It made me feel better at least :D

04-14-2013, 04:40 PM
Welcome to you both! This place has been extremely helpful for me! Good people dealing with the same stuff.. Really helped me knowing I'm not alone with anxiety! It's definitely a struggle so it's good you're finding the support I've found here. Most other people outside if here don't understand.. You don't get it til you get it I say! Welcome again!

04-15-2013, 03:59 PM
I only joined few weeks go and already made some lovely friends and received lots of good support. Like you say, so good to talk to other people who actually understand.