View Full Version : anxiety jokes...

04-14-2013, 12:49 PM
anyone got some good ones?

04-14-2013, 12:51 PM
I have to give a speech on the link between anxiety and insomnia next week. I've been up all night worrying about it.:D

04-14-2013, 12:58 PM
HAHA! Good luck bro ;) Insomia is a bitch. By the way I am doing alot better! Back to where I was almost before last week ;)

04-14-2013, 01:32 PM
The definition of stress:

A wife, a mistress and a mortgage.

All one month late…… :D

Thats great news Mglover!! When things like supplements and stuff make you all hyped, it can shake you up so badly for a while. It's great it's settled for you man! Keep doing what you were doing to soothe yourself!

04-14-2013, 02:36 PM
U guys are funny