View Full Version : Cant eat

04-14-2013, 01:40 AM
I got sick 7 months ago. I was eating a slim jim and the last part I ate I felt like it got stuck in my throat. I went to the doctor and they told me I had tonsil stones. After that went away I still had the feeling of something being stuck in my throat so they tested me for mono and it came back negative twice but they told me I still had mono. Then I could eat but not like normal. After waiting a month to get over mono I still wasn't better. I started getting worse. I had to quit my job in December because it got so bad. I stopped eating all together. I was only have ensure, tomato soup, ice cream and water. Now I eat mashes potatoes but I have to put extra milk in it to make it creamer and I eat pudding, ice cream and ensure still. Everyone wants me to try and eat something like spaghetti but I freak out because I'm afraid of it getting stuck or having the feeling that its stuck. I have had all kinds of tests done. Even had a scope down my throat and they can't find anything.

04-17-2013, 08:26 PM
Do you have a loss of appetite at all or is it just the fear of something getting stuck in your throat?

04-17-2013, 08:35 PM
It's just the fear

04-17-2013, 09:49 PM
It sounds as if you now need to get help with your anxiety and fear which is stopping you eat. Not eating properly will cause you lots of problems in itself and you need to make sure your body is getting all the right nutrients so that you have energy and can function properly. You should consult your Dr who knows your medical history on the best eat of getting treated, and do it before you lose too much weight.

04-17-2013, 10:04 PM
My dr never told me what to do and I am seeing a therapist for my anxiety and getting help with it. I'm also taking Paxil for my anxiety.