View Full Version : Starting to obsess

04-13-2013, 08:27 PM
I think my anxiety is manifesting into random obsessions. I'm constantly worried that my blood sugar is low. I think it's because hypoglycemia has some of the same symptoms like panic attacks. Therefore I think I'm obsessed with constantly making sure I'm good so I don't experience those symptoms. I also am constantly checking my pulse and my capillary refill(when u push on your fingernail and it blanches white then immediately goes back to pink....if its less than 3 seconds then your oxygen level is good).....I'm also always so scared about passing out. I'm a nurse so that doesn't help either.....any thoughts on all this? I know it's insane and I need to tell myself to stop & that I'm totally fine. I just try to do anything and everything to prevent having a panic attack because they truly are terrifying. I hate the pounding heart and feeling like your going to pass out :/

04-13-2013, 08:41 PM
I sometimes do things like that. Hold my chest to feel my heart, check my pulse etc. I think this actual fuels the panic more. Now i try to ignore the feeling of a racing heart etc. Tell myself its happened plenty of times before & nothing happened.
But my anxiety is still always around.

04-13-2013, 08:58 PM
Maybe you have OCD too? When my anxiety odd up my OCDs often manifest themself more. Some OCDs I've quit with much work to rid them
... Some have stayed. I have stopped some OCDs by telling myself I don't need it, or need to do it.. Over and over. Way more easy to ignore compulsive thoughts when anxiety is zero or minimal.