View Full Version : Is CBT the only real cure?

04-13-2013, 03:53 PM
I'm finding that CBT isn't really working for me, the aim of the game is to raise my anxiety and then embrace it at its worst, but mines quite low level, and quite constant, rather than up and down. I'm finding it really difficult to raise it purposely.

Would love to hear success stories without using CBT or medication! ...if its possible

04-13-2013, 04:01 PM
I feel you marie. CBT became insufficient enough to cure my anxiety. I realized after 2 years, I just had a hyped up nervous system, rather than a fear or phobia, or negative thinking. Everybodies anxiety will respond to different things. CBT will usually help the majority, but perhaps you are like me. Even anti-depressants didnt help me in the end. It all took me up to a certain point, but not further. It got much more difficult then, trying to find out what was keeping this nervous hyper activity going, when there was surely no chemical imbalance/thinking error.

Tell us a little about your anxiety Miss Panda :)... What kind are you suffering from, what was the cause of it, are there any triggers/fears that you have?

04-13-2013, 04:20 PM
I'm really not sure, I'm so confused about it, I think it's when I feel unwell that I get anxious, which makes me feel more unwell. I'm very hypersensitive to any physical symptoms. I get indigestion a lot, I think from feeling tense when I'm eating.

Sometimes I don't even know, I just start feeling anxious, and nauseous. There's never any conscious thought process, it seems like it comes from nowhere. I'm not sure what the catastrophe is, I think that's why CBT isn't working.

It's every single day. I'm exhausted!

04-13-2013, 06:15 PM
Marie, you will find your own path. For some CBT is great, others no. I recommend trying plain psychotherapy first.
After that we all have to try other things and follow what improves our anxiety(what yield results). Each should try, based on your individual case, psychotherapy, meds, lifestyle/diet changes, prayer, supplements, exercise, progressive relaxation, education on anxiety(common course/other patients experiences), exposure therapy, proper breathing, joining groups, etc, etc.
Give CBT a fair and sincere try and if it doesn't help, you need to try other things.
There is NO "one way" with the best track record of success. Having said that it's best to have a guide in all this, a experienced doc or counselor. If your CBT professional says CBT always works and IS the answer, run, don't walk to another therapist/doc.:)
Sounds like GAD so a trail of an AD might help or even buspar. Limit caffeine as well. Alankay

04-13-2013, 08:53 PM
I cured my anxiety disorder and I do not even know what CBT is. Can you explain briefly what it is exactly?

04-13-2013, 09:03 PM
I cured my anxiety disorder and I do not even know what CBT is. Can you explain briefly what it is exactly?

Therapy that changes your beliefs/thinking habits.

04-13-2013, 09:10 PM
Isn't that just therapy? What makes something CBT rather than just therapy?

When I was deep in anxiety everything seemed so complicated and confusing, like I was drowning in this deep hellish maze. Now in hindsight, it just all seems so simple to me.

04-13-2013, 09:13 PM
Yep, it's pretty much just therapy. Cognitive behavioural therapy. Changing the way you think. It works if you have thinking errors. Won't necessarily take you the whole way though,Marie. My nervous system was wrecked, and I need to do TONNES of stuff to correct it. Many pieces to the puzzle really.