View Full Version : Are Video Games Good for Anxiety

04-13-2013, 12:41 PM
There are actually quite a few studies that show that CASUAL gaming can reduce stress and anxiety. Here is what I found... I'm just going to copy and paste:

A new clinical study has shown that casual gaming can help reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression, it was revealed this week.

The study was commissioned by PopCap - makers of so-called 'casual' games such as Peggle and Bejeweled - but interestingly the company has sought to take a fairly rigorous scientific approach to proving that its video games are good for you.

Carried out at East Carolina University's Psychophysiology Lab and Biofeedback Clinic, the year-long controlled clinical study measured the effects of casual, family-friendly video games on subjects suffering from clinical depression. Nearly 60 subjects, half of whom served as a control group, were subjected to a range of psychophysiological, biochemical and psychological tests, which showed an average reduction in depression symptoms of 57% amongst the video game players vs the control.

“The results of this study clearly demonstrate the intrinsic value of certain casual games in terms of significant, positive effects on the moods and anxiety levels of people suffering from any level of depression,” stated Dr. Carmen Russoniello, Director of the Psychophysiology Lab and Biofeedback Clinic at ECU and the professor who oversaw the study.

So it's official - computer games are good for you. The people behind the study say that the research - the first of its kind - supports the possibility of using games like Bejeweled in conjunction with or even as a replacement for other methods of treating depression and anxiety. Arguing for the medical benefits of Halo 3, on the other hand, is unlikely to get you very far.

From: http://www.broadbandgenie.co.uk/blog/20110217-casual-video-gaming-can-reduce-depression-anxiety-study-shows

04-13-2013, 12:55 PM
Video games to me always seem like meditation. Meditation is like being extremely focused on something, and extremely in the present moment. I think video games provide both of those things. When you're in a game, you're so focused on something, and so alert to whats happening, I can understand why they have the same stress busting affect that meditation does.

They also provide distraction too! When I used to get panic attacks, I'd switch on Madden, and win the superbowl. Was a good way of taking my mind away from stuff. I also used to play bejewelled on my phone before job interviews.

I guess the problems come, like you said, when you're playing games making you stay inside with the curtains drawn, and you dont change your clothes for 2 days (Ok yeah, I did that once) :D

04-13-2013, 02:53 PM
I started playing bejewelled to reduce anxiety and distract me, but I think you can become immune to casual games like that.... I'm looking for one that holds my attention better... Open to suggestions!! Particularly iPhone ones!

04-13-2013, 02:55 PM
Plants vs zombies, collap and world mosaics are two good ones.

04-13-2013, 02:56 PM
Plants vs zombies, collap and world mosaics are two good ones.

Ignore the 'collap' lol don't know what that was. Anyway I also like good old fashioned crossword puzzles.

04-17-2013, 08:30 PM
I would agree with Forwells, , if it's something that is basic and casual and is a distraction than great, otherwise if it is a race against the clock and something that gets your nerves going, , i'd give it a pass.

04-17-2013, 10:59 PM
I like good old fashioned jigsaw puzzles. I am hooked on Wasjig puzzles where you have no picture to follow but have to guess what someone in the picture on the box isseeing. You can watch TV at the same time. Really takes over your mind with concentration

04-17-2013, 11:46 PM
When I play video games like put all my attention to them when I get off them I get really bad derealization its weird....have no idea why but it sucks because for the time being it works but not for long :/

04-18-2013, 01:24 AM
I think it depends if your good at the video game lol. I play call of duty which can be an intense game but im good at it so I enjoy it. It does something to those pleasure sensors in your brain. I could see where that type of game could be stressful and anxiety provoking for some. But I think as long as you find the right video game that you enjoy it would help your anxiety. Just my 2 cents.

Random Noir
04-18-2013, 02:00 AM
I would say minecraft. Even though the graphics are bad, creative mode is really relaxing and it's fun to build stuff.

04-18-2013, 02:42 AM
Depends on the game, online versus type games often give you many an adrenaline rush and if you're still at the point in your anxiety where the slightest stimulant starts making you fret and worry then it'd be best to stick to the slower paced games.


04-18-2013, 06:00 AM
It helps me to play a computer game or games on my fone as my concentration goes on that instead