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07-18-2007, 12:35 PM
Well, it was a short road to where I am at now..

I am a 26 year old male, currently in the US Air Force as an aircraft electrician, I will try to keep this short and simple! Last year I decided to start off the new year nice and fit, I was going to the gym 5 days a week working on my cardio and lifting weights. Around March of this year I decided to give creatine a try after reading alot of good things about it. Mid April I was having such great results I added another OTC supplement to my routine, it is called nitrix. Well, about the middle of April I began to itch somewhat bad. I went to the doctor and he took a few viles of blood, the next day the nurse called me and said the doctor is HIGHLY concerned with your liver. Come to find out my enzymes spiked very high. My ALT was at 1900 and my AST was at 700, plus my blood sugar went throught the roof. All other liver panel tests were of normal range (albumin, bilrubin, prothrombine, etc etc) . Since then my life spiraled down hill, I thought I was dying, I thought my liver was failing, etc. Within a week of stopping the supplements my itching went away and after about a month my enzymes returned to normal. I was still suffering from depression and severe anxiety attacks. Few weeks after that I started to get a pain on my right side on my ribs, I put two and two together and I thought my liver was failing and I have Cirhossis. I must have been to the doctor about 5 or 6 times all with normal blood results, Hep B and C negative. I still was not satisfied so I went to the ER. EKG, CBC, urine tests, Chest panel/xray, liver panel tests, the works. ER doctor said Cirhossis doesent take two months to set in seeing how I was not a alchohol abuser. So far I have lost about 10 lbs from being so worked up over this, crying all the time, worrying about leaving my wife and my family. Every time I look at somthing I baught or pictures I have took before all this happens makes me cry. I am seeing a physcologist and they finally set me up with an appointment for a trist. My sleep is messed up, I use to have bad night sweats.. thought it was cancer, I have dry mouth on occasion.. thought that was lymphoma, but its also related to liver deasease I heard. I dont want to take my meds.. atavan and klonopin because the mess with the liver. I feal like I am getting better, my appatite has come back to me with a vengance.. lol. But it seems like every time I am getting better I start worrying about somthing else. I have an earache now and I think I have throat cancer, my lower man units hurt but my wife is a tease.. -=X. So I think I have cancer.. Is this ever going to go away? Before all this happened I was the type of guy who did not worry about anything, If i was sick.. who cares let it go away.. etc etc. Now I google everything, worry about every single spot on my body.. for example my little tiny red pink pricks on my skin. Never saw them but probably ne :( ver cared to look. Come to find out my brother and my father have them...Looking to see if my palms are red, Everyone has red palms to an extent I guess. I was told stop sign red palms are what your looking for, I constantly look at my stool to see what color it is. I give up!!!!!!! Everytime I itch I think my liver is failing. I still think I have Cirhossis of the liver.. Even ppl with cirhossis can have normal blood tests. My wife is also getting fed up with it because I keep making her look at my pee to see if it is the rite color. roflfol

Thanks alot google!

Sorry not so short of a story!

nice meeting you all


07-18-2007, 05:58 PM
Definitely sounds like anxiety. Think of the anxiety state as being like a light switch in your brain. Under normal circumstances, it is off. But sometimes, something can happen that flips it on, ad it stays on for a while for no reason. In your case, it sounds like you got into trouble with side effects from dietary supplements. This caused you to feel symptoms 'out of the blue' for hat seemed like no good reason. Add to this the fact that there were some actual, real-life problems with your liver, and the switch got flipped on. Now, you need to turn it off. The problem you MUST remember here is that the switch tends to be easier to turn on than it is to turn off. Your worries about health problems are (1) a direct result of this anxiety state, and (2) help to keep you in this state, by continuing to give your brain a reason to stay there. Other symptoms you are expeiencing, like depression, ALSO are a result of this state, and help to keep you there.

With this said, the only way out of this is to try to worry less about it. You have been to the doctor MANY times about this, and have always gotten normal results since you had the REAL problem some months back. Keep this in mind. And think about it when you start to worry about your health. Also, keep in mind that all of these uncomfortable problems you now experience, such as odd aches and pains, dry mouth, and depression are symptomsof the anxiety state and NOT serious health problems. You might have your slip-ups where you start to worry. But we are all human

One more thing. As I said before, it is hard to turn the switch off. Even if you find you can immdiately get yoursef to worry less, the symptoms are not going to go away overnight. It will take a while - possibly several more months to a year or more. But don't consider the the worst-case time frame to be a certainty - this just causes more stress. The point here is NOT to make yourself worry because yo are not better in a week, or even a month. These things take time. Also, realize that there are going to be times duing recovery when things might sem to get worse for a while. This is normal. So rather than getting worried when it happens, expect it. Perhaps the most important thin to consider here is to be patient. It sounds like you are already making some progress here. So just hang in there.