View Full Version : What did I do?

04-12-2013, 06:27 PM
March 28th I just up and quit my job that I had for nine months. I worked in a call center for verizon wireless and did my job quite well. But its like sitting in the cubicle and dealing with rude customers started to really get to me. Everytime I walked in the place I was depressed and would stare at my computer clock all day. I think it contributed to some depression but I really can't make out why I up and quit my job. I am depressed alot because I went to college and graduated as a Medical Assistant and had a externship for experience but noone will hire me. I guess due to lack of experience i'm not sure. And could I afford to quit my job? NO!! I have a wonderful fiance and I lied to him and I think he knows I quit but I told him I got fired. I know this is so wrong but he does not understand my depression and anxiety. That is probaly the longest I have worked at a job! I mean we have bills to pay and I understand that! I'm now looking to try and find something in the medical field again, but i'm just not sure if I will because I need to get another job and it definitely will not be a call center job. In ways now I feel even more depressed because i'm just sitting at home and making no money. I told my psy the other day I did this! I feel like this is something a bipolar person would do. I don't know! And to the women out here on the boards..Is your anxiety affected even more by periods? I mean by PMS every month is through the roof and that does not help at all. Well thanks for listening and any helpful responses appreciated.

04-12-2013, 06:45 PM
I've also quit many good jobs spontaneously. I would always mope around work feeling like I really didn't want to be there. Sometimes I would have severe anxiety attacks while in a meeting or while helping a customer. If you're looking to make some money but don't really feel like having a job, maybe you should look for a way to make some good side money. You can go to auctions, garage sales or thrift stores and sell on ebay and at swap meets, write articles for money, take surveys, pretty much any way you can make money with out having a job. I've managed to make some pretty good income selling online and at local flea markets. Maybe you can too.. Just a suggestion. Good luck..

04-12-2013, 07:19 PM
I definitely think that your monthly cycles will not be helping you. My depression is because of hormone imbalance because of my age, and I have had post natal depression many times in the last 28 years because of hormone imbalance after having a baby, miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy. I don't get depression between those times only when hormones go wrong. Last time in 1995 i ended up in hospital for 3 weeks and this time in 2011 was in hospital for 7 weeks. Each time i have had it my suicidal thoughts have got worse and this time is lasting much longer than ever had before so harder than ever this time.
You have to put your old job behind you now and find something you enjoy doing. Perhaps if you were honest to your fiance you would feel better. Good luck with looking for good new job and try to think it was fate and you were not meant to stay in old job any longer, it will help to stop you worrying and make it easier to find a new one. Good luck.