View Full Version : Night time anxiety and right arm and leg shaking

04-12-2013, 05:35 PM
Hi everyone! First time poster here.

I have a history of severe anxiety and depression but experienced a 100% recovery thanks to a combination of Cognitive Therapy and Lexapro. Everything has been going great except about two weeks ago, I started feeling a wave of anxiety and sadness that would come over me around 7-8 PM. This would continue and get worse the closer I got to falling asleep. I told my doc about it and he gave me Clonazepam to take at night, but it hasn't really been helping. I also continue to take Lexapro.

The weird part is, once I fall asleep, I sleep like a baby, and in the morning I wake up feeling great. The whole day I feel great. It's only at night time that the anxiety starts. Another thing that happens is my right arm and leg start shaking, especially when I lie down to go to sleep.

I'm really confused about this as there is no particular thing that I am worried or anxious about. It's just like the feeling comes for no reason at all, which makes me think it is a chemical imbalance of some sort.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it.


04-12-2013, 07:36 PM
Strange but going to bed can really worry me at times and i have no real reason. Sometimes I think it is because i worry not going to sleep so going to be a long night but other times no real reason just anxiety and depression.

04-12-2013, 07:47 PM
I had a girlfriend that would shake upon going into a deep sleep. She drank tons of diet soda. Do you drink diet soda or eat things with Nutrasweet (aspartame)? If so, cut it out.

04-13-2013, 01:50 AM
I find caffeine agitatates my anxiety ... Good to minimize or cut that out. But it sounds more like panic not anxiety. The main difference with two is panic has no known cause. Panic attacks can happen out of the blue with no reason. Anxiety has a cause....sometimes known, sometimes subconscious... And needs delving to find. Myself, my anxiety has always been higher at night... It's when I think I have more time to go over things that cause me to worry or stress.... And more than often over think things.

04-13-2013, 05:52 AM
I had a girlfriend that would shake upon going into a deep sleep. She drank tons of diet soda. Do you drink diet soda or eat things with Nutrasweet (aspartame)? If so, cut it out.

Nope. I hate diet soda. I always drink regular Coke. And the shaking happens before I fall asleep while I am awake. Once I'm asleep I sleep normally.

04-13-2013, 05:56 AM
I find caffeine agitatates my anxiety ... Good to minimize or cut that out. But it sounds more like panic not anxiety. The main difference with two is panic has no known cause. Panic attacks can happen out of the blue with no reason. Anxiety has a cause....sometimes known, sometimes subconscious... And needs delving to find. Myself, my anxiety has always been higher at night... It's when I think I have more time to go over things that cause me to worry or stress.... And more than often over think things.

Yes, I'm a coffee/soda drinker, but I always have been and have been fine until a couple of weeks ago. What you said about panic makes a lot of sense because there is absolutely no reason for me to feel nervous, sad or worried. In fact, I'm really happy with my life and I'm a really confident/outgoing person. So...any ideas to stop panic? :-)