View Full Version : I am really worried?

07-18-2007, 03:39 AM
Last week I lost the plot at work due to overwork. I sat outside for 20 minutes because I was so stressed out. I have been pressured more and more over the last 6 months. At one point my boss called me at 12:50 in the morning because the website went down.

Over the last 2 years I have also suffered from Urinary Tract Infection on and off.

About a month ago I had twitching in my arms, followed by numbness in both my arms. This made me very worried.

I then decided to follow a diet of porridge in the morning, followed by toast at lunch, followed by Salad with olive oil and vinegar and tuna in the evening as I thought this might help the above as well as exercising hard. This eating habit went on for about 3 weeks.

On top of this I finally decided to pluck up the courage to make an appointment with the doctor for Unary Tract Infection that I had lived with for 2 years. I did go two years ago for a blood test and the nurse really hurt me, I nearly fainted and no blood was taken from my arms and she kept plunging the needle in so hard.

Last Tuesday I went and the DOC told me I had slight high blood pressure and told me to have another blood test. I think I had slightly high blood pressure becuase I was anxious.

Starting from last Wednesday, in the day at work, I would suddenly come over all feeling all dizzy and not feeling as though I am not on this planet. This has been going on everyday since. Its bloody strange and every time it has happend it worries the hell out of me. I also feel really fatigued as well.

On top of this I have been looking on the internet at ulcers on the lip, which I had last week and has now cleared. I was convinced I had lip cancer.
Now my focus has switched, to UTI which can lead to kidney problems. Becuase I have laying down so much, the bottom of my back is stiff and I think its my kidneys. I am so screwed up worrying.

Yesretday I went for another blood test and they finnally got blood from me.

This morning when I woke up I felt really tired and I mean really tired, hot and cold flushes, and my tongue has gone all white. Of course this raised my anxiety levels again this morning, and I nearly called the Doctor.

On top of this I quit smoking 3 days ago, so I am probably having side effects from not smoking as well.

I personally think I have got so run down, that my body has no more energy due to worrying, lack of proper mixed food, lack of vitamins, and this is why I have had a funny five minutes every day of feeling really fatigued.

I cant make out if I have anxiety or I am genuinly ill. I have forced myself to get busy and I am feeling more positive. I feel as though I have a dark cloud over my head its horrible.

07-18-2007, 03:07 PM
My muscules sometime twitch. One went numb the other week, well not numb but it didn't feel as if it was really there. I suffer from Depersonalisation/Derealisation as well so 24/7 for the past 5 months I've been feeling really spaced out and disconnected from reality and my emotions / personality - its absolute hell! As for the kidneys about 18 months ago I had a weird sensaation from my kidneys, they felt stiff and when they did if I stretched then they would kind of grumble like your stomach if your hungary but this went away. Drink lots of fresh water - preferably 4 pints a day. My toungue went really white when I was havingf panic attacks so try not to worry about it too much - keep on with the diet and exercise too.

07-19-2007, 08:43 AM
Thank you very much for your advice. Anxiety is so strange. If I start thinking about things to much, I start to feel light headed its bloody weird.

07-26-2007, 07:53 PM
Oh no! Definitely sounds like anxiety :(

Try to limit your internet medical research. It will only make you more anxious and have more symptoms.

Go to the doctor and get the suspected UTI/Kidney cleared up.

Looking on the internet will do nothing. It will confirm nothing, it will not get you treatment. Forget about it, see your doctor, and close the subject. Not looking on the internet will make you feel anxious, but try to just endure it, because you will be less anxious later.

I'm so sorry you have the black cloud feeling over your head :( That's the worst. Try to get enough sleep, exercise, eat right, which you are doing. Take care of yourself. Good luck, I hope you feel better.